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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Ephesos, in regards to your review: I think I know the box you're talking about. You're supposed to find a key first, and not just try and ram it open. Also, I suspect part of the reason for the absurdly powerful items is because this scenario can be played by anyone from a L1 to a L100. The difficulty is dynamic, adjusting itself based on the level of the party that entered.
  2. THE ETERNAL (Version 1.0) SUMMARY - A 24hr scenario based on a Doctor Who episode. It is a short story scenario and, to its detriment, little else. It is effectively a cinematic like one of Nikki's previous offerings, Twilight Valley. Unlike Twilight Valley, however, there's even less to do. There's no combat, no real gameplay, very little dialogue... On the plus side, it looks nice, and is designed competently. If you want a decent little story, play this scenario. If you don't, you might as well play it anyway, because it won't eat up too much of your time. NOTABLE POINTS * No combat * Extremely short * Looks nice * Railroad plot Click to reveal.. (Detailed Analysis - Possible Spoilers) FINAL VERDICT ---[rating]AVERAGE[/rating]---
  3. Originally Posted By: Smoo Edit: Actually, I might be remembering it wrong, but do later versions of the scenario still take away and destroy your equipment? Yes. On that note, I'm still planning on re-releasing the scenario at some point with a warning in-game that this happens (along with maybe a few tweaks and polish). But that'd come after I release at least one other scenario. Also, one thing I'd like to add, since it seems to keep cropping up. I actually did drop hints regarding how the big bad pulled off reappearing (look at how she died, plus her favorite companions to summon), but in hindsight, the hints were so subtle and minuscule that people probably wouldn't make the connection. Click to reveal.. (The reason she could come back was...) But yeah, that could be a whole lot clearer.
  4. Or it could be just from sulfur exposure. Exposure to sulfur compounds have been known to temporarily turn a human's blood green, and if the orcs live in a wasteland, it's not too implausible that there might be high concentrations of sulfur where they live. It'd also turn their skin green as well. Heck, if they've lived there long enough, a genetic mutation might have even made it so that orc blood is permanently green. Though that'd take a millennium or two, at the very least. And genetics isn't really something I know a lot about, so on this one, I may just be talking out of a certain orifice. But that's what artistic license is for.
  5. Originally Posted By: Excalibur I've always wondered what would have happened to freshwater marine life. They'd have suddenly been in saltwater for forty days. Maybe the ark had an onboard swimming pool for such critters.
  6. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Nioca That said, I don't think you're supposed to be able to kill the same character five different times in the span of one scenario. I'd just like to say, for the record... WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!?!?! Well, you see, there's a reason you always include a few actual bugs in the scenario. Otherwise, the beta testers get bored and start doing weird stuff like that. But seriously, giving an NPC 15 coins and a healing potion to drop is a temptation in and of itself. Enabling the player to kill that NPC five times, thus reaping what amounts to a living treasury and alchemist's shop? That's just asking for trouble. Also, that spell increase problem. It appears in the message pane, so a player that doesn't check that regularly might not notice. And yes, I do have the latest version of Blades. Anyway, just inserting the following code right after the spell increases in the achden.txt creature script resets the pane to blank, showing only the "Now Entering:" thing. Code: clear = 0; while (clear < 63) { print_str(" "); clear = clear + 1; } EDIT: As an aside, it took me roughly five hours to make this post. Stupid distractions...
  7. Mine is sent. The only major things you need to pay attention to is the potential plot hole and the Readme. The rest was mainly me trying to break the scenario in any way possible. That said, I don't think you're supposed to be able to kill the same character five different times in the span of one scenario.
  8. Name: Nioca. Operating System: Windows XP E-Mail: shanewilson@iserv.net Favorite Species of Bird: Chickadee. It'll be nice to see a new scenario! (And I need to get working on mine, come to think of it...)
  9. Nioca

    The Labyrinth RP

    Originally Posted By: Ephesos I'm fine with the wait... [...] it gives me plenty of time to prepare... On second thought, can we move it up to this Monday? Seriously, though, the second I read that, a shiver went down my spine. I'm afraid to find out just what Ephesos can do to the party with over a week to prepare for the session.
  10. Originally Posted By: Hypnotic Whats not expected is that an intellegent creation being loyal to the poeple who made it, even though they would kill it without a second thought if it came to it. Butting in here a minute: What's so unexpected about that? If the creature is as intelligent as a human, it's fairly reasonable to assume that they'd also have an emotional range as well. Even if the creation knew that their creator meant nothing but ill, that creation might still be loyal for any number of psychological reasons. Furthermore, the Geneforge games have it in canon that there's a bond between Creator and Creation, and that it's at least somewhat similar to the bond between parent and child. Therefore, it's not at all unreasonable that a new creation would be completely loyal, even if it's intelligent enough to know that the Creator meant nothing more than to harm it or let it die. One last note: you seem to be mistaking Loyalty for Obedience. A person can be completely loyal to another, and still do things that fly in the face of what the other person wanted or commanded. The Icaran Talonfire was like this: It was completely loyal to Antares, but when it came right down to it, Talonfire made its own decisions. Anyway, since I'm posting, I'd like to point out that Safey effectively lost any right to complain about someone else having overpowered stuff the second his Vlish blimp one-shotted Talonfire. Making a rough extrapolation, this means that a single tentacle slap from a vlish blimp does roughly 5000 damage (counting about 2500 in just HP, plus an additional 2500 to bypass resistances). Allow me to reiterate: A Vlish blimp is capable of one-hit-killing a creation that can take on an army of Unbound singlehandedly. Meh. Back to you, Ackrovan.
  11. Nioca

    The Labyrinth RP

    Ooh. Nice. Does it count if the attack in question burns multiple stamina? Either way, I suppose I have Nikki/Conall to thank for it. Anyway, now I've got excellent reason not to get my character killed. Perks don't just grow back... Eep, I need to be a bit more careful. Also, did Kaval and Etris eat the trout, or is that smelly thing still in my inventory? If it hasn't been eaten, I've got glorious plans for that little fishy... I fear what's coming up next. It seems each session gets a little harder, and everyone gets a bit closer to getting killed. Finally, I'm available for all of those days. Again, I'd prefer not to do it Tuesday, but if that's the day it falls, I'm flexible.
  12. Actually, it was w-dueck who did the deed. Also, mine's a SATA 3.0. It stores data.
  13. It depends on what you set the posts-per-page for. For me, it's only one page. This is because I set it to view either 80 or 99 posts at a time. I'd say you've got it set to 20 posts-per-page. This would be post 60.
  14. Yeah, I really want to come back now. Ackrovan: I did not 'wuss out'. To put it gently, I was becoming greatly dissatisfied with where the RP seemed to be going and what was happening in it. Rather then simply whine about it, I decided to resign. Pure and simple. Dantius: Do not. Get me. Started. Period.
  15. ... Alright, I think that about does it. It seems to me that it's becoming more a game of "get bigger guns and kill everyone else" then it is an actual RP. We've got Spddin creating a whole bunch of stuff, we've got Dantius getting an army of superweapons, my main person I'm conflicting with seems to have disappeared, everyone seems to be attacking each other for the hell of it, I'm so far behind the others it's not even funny... Yeah, I think I'm out. Safey, if you want to take control of my faction (the Enlightened Shaper Confederacy), go right ahead. Otherwise, the ESC is now officially an NPC faction.
  16. Sorry, I have to call shenanigans here. Dantius, you have yet again crossed the overpowered line. You don't get to have a whole army of superweapons (the titans) on top of your already stronger-than-normal soldiers who can now shape. Limit one superweapon per faction.
  17. Nioca

    The Labyrinth RP

    Alternatively, Dikiyoba could introduce her character (since SD will also be away).
  18. Originally Posted By: Hypnotic Hypno led the meeting. “We have been consolidating the Storm plains for a week now. Most of the rouges are dead and our borders are secure. Kratoa-Kel has been taken and is now being fortified. It is in good condition as the Drakons made it a Golem producing facility. We are at peace with the Drypeak serviles so no army lies to the east. Lermans pass is trying to be collapsed but the ancient enchantments are holding strong. For now our troops are just holding there. With our lands secure and trade restored between Dera and the Plains we are ready for our next move. We have three choices: Um, the Enlightened Shaper Confederacy had already secured both Kratoa-Kel and Lerman's Pass. Unless you're stating that you killed the Shapers there, in which case: (A) you should have consulted me. ( you should expect a counter-attack shortly.
  19. *opens a bottle of Cherry Coca-Cola and sits down suspiciously close to Spddin* Mmmm... Tasty. Anyway, I have to watch myself when drinking cola. A particular favorite, as mentioned, is Cherry Cola, but regular cola works for me too. Problem is, once I start drinking it, I tend to lose track of how much I've had. Once burned through 3 2-liters of cherry cola because I wasn't paying attention. That said, I try to keep it down to a glass or two a day. A tall glass or two a day. My success... varies. On a related note, I've rediscovered Ginger Ale as well. Other then that, I tend to drink Iced Tea, Coffee, or water. AMEND: As for Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi, I prefer Coca-Cola. Pepsi is a bit too sweet.
  20. Nioca

    The Labyrinth RP

    So my character sheet should now look like this? Click to reveal.. Name: Etris Tanner Occupation: Battlemage Race: Human Alignment: Neutralish Strength: 3 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 5 Health: 13/13 (+3) Speed: 5 Stamina: 7/10 Magic (Force): 4 (+1) Magic (Light): 2 Magic (Divination): 1 Magic (Elemental Lore): 1 Martial (Shortswords): 3 (+1) Bluff: 2 Artifice: 2 ITEMS Shortsword Large Trout Yellow Soporific Spores (Saps stamina) Also, and it's something I just noticed: Why isn't there a Defense or Parry skill? It just occurs to me that there's no defensive skills, which fighters will probably start noticing as they face harder enemies. Or is it incorporated as part of their Martial skills?
  21. My pleasure. Just give me a few hours.
  22. Nioca

    The Labyrinth RP

    Originally Posted By: Ephesos or is willing to watch NCIS the next day online, I have dial-up. It'd take the better half of an entire day to just get the whole episode. That said, I do have a VCR, so if worst comes to worst, I can just record it (honestly, I was expecting there to be quite a few more available dates). If it is on Tuesday, I'll be there.
  23. Nioca

    The Labyrinth RP

    Or we could just do a process of elimination, and see what date crops up as most available. Personally, any time before 6:00 PM EDT (5:00 PM CDT) won't work for me. Tuesday is also out (NCIS premiere), but any other day will work. As for preferred dates: Saturday and Sunday would work the best for me. But any day that's not Tuesday will suffice.
  24. Nioca

    The Labyrinth RP

    You know you're in for fun when this is your intro: Click to reveal.. You've been wandering the labyrinth for days, and you haven't seen a soul. Your arrival was abrupt. One moment, you were charging a burrow full of goblins, the next, you were face-down on cold stone blocks. You're tired, and you're thirsty. Luckily, you spot a thunderstorm gathering above. You spot what appears to be the first few raindrops coming down, and you crane your neck up, holding out your tongue. You are utterly shocked when you spot what looks like a large trout falling straight towards you. It clocks you on the head and you pass out. Originally Posted By: Ephesos I dare say it went rather well. From a big-picture view, anyway... I'm fairly certain that John, Lindy, and Etris would strongly disagree. Also, see my new sig.
  25. Yes and no. There's still a faction there. It's just uncontrolled. I still say the Ashen Isles need to be stricken from the RP entirely. They're just too far out of the way.
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