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Everything posted by Earth

  1. Earth

    Howdy, I'm Rob!

    actually played all (besides blades).
  2. Earth

    Howdy, I'm Rob!

    wrong tactic fyi. we spiderwebbers are quite masochists and sadists.
  3. got a screenshot about what you see (menu wise) once game has started?
  4. I got Duke's location after I had found that secret door (and killed bunch of rebels) in that guy's house so it was easy to convince him to tell about Duke and to that pact officer I said I was mercenary. Move cursor arlound in Redbeard's chamber to find clickables and that way his hair.
  5. Earth

    Upcoming Titles

    you could join mailing list although even that might not give much info.
  6. Earth

    Upcoming Titles

    when its ready, maybe before summer or autumn/early winter.
  7. Earth

    Howdy, I'm Rob!

    friendly spiders: talk to you evil spiders: try to kill you
  8. no char editor yet and no item editor to any Avadon games. also you can't get more skillpoints than lvl 30 would give, http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/20082-avadon-2-character-editor/
  9. sadly same applies to many npcs with whom player needs to chat. apparently their drinking water/whatever has been spiked with adrenaline.
  10. Earth

    Howdy, I'm Rob!

    that's usual when wanders too far or puts own nose into wrong cave/dungeon/fortress.
  11. osx 10.3 says wikipedia. easiest thing might be installing demo and then requesting key from jeff vogel. unlikely that you reach end of shareware area before he sends key.
  12. When player talks to Redbeard and others and reads codexes player gets basic info about what happened before. Game intro also enlights players atleast a bit about history. I played Avadon 1 and 2 thru once (when they came out) so there was quite a big cap between games.
  13. goto top corridor and you run into him.
  14. or directly from spidweb: https://spiderwebsoftware.com/form.html gog has same bundle as steam has so if you don't have steam account then gog, gog doesn't sell 2nd trilogy games individually although.
  15. what Randomizer said but still you can play Avadon 2 w/o playing Avadon 1 first.
  16. bit gold and xp and nicish rewards so ...........
  17. upto you if you want to use drake skins for crafting or just sell those.
  18. if you have any sanity left after playing SW-games.
  19. again tinker would have rocked and shaman with drake.
  20. why can't you dl directly from sw's site?
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