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Retlaw May

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Everything posted by Retlaw May

  1. This is a revision of seeing if there is any correlation between what side you sympathise with in Geneforge and what political party you most associate yourself with in the real world.
  2. Edit: oh yeah forgot that. I think I will make a new one then, thank you for pointing that out.
  3. I was just wondering if there was any correlation between people's party preference and the side they simpathise with in the Geneforge series.
  4. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: Geneforge had many different inspirations, some real world and political, some fictional. Two that stand out among many are the awesome David Cronenberg movie eXistenZ and Eden books by Harry Harrison. - Jeff Vogel Heh, someone who has actually heard of eXistenZ, wow. So many people I know have never heard of it. It was the first dvd that my family owned (think that it came with the thing).
  5. Hah, the Rebels wish that they were as in control as the Shapers. At heart they are just the Shapers out of power who are willing to initiate further extremes.
  6. 1. My favorite Shaper character is Miranda. 2. My favorite Rebel character is Shotwell. 3. I agree most with the Shapers, especially more moderate ones like Alwan and Miranda. 4. My favorite spell is speed. 5. My favorite creation are wingbolts, because they are legal. 6. I would rate this game a 7.5. I think it lost a bit of the first two's touch but was better than the 3rd.
  7. Ah, I guess I should have read the list before posting, but I felt that a list that rated G3 over G1 would not be worth it.
  8. How can G3 and G4 be there and not have G1 there? G1 was by far the best of the four.
  9. Just as it is appropriate to compare the Nazi's and the Rebellion side. Does "master race" ring a bell?
  10. I'm just tired of the same people always making relations to Nazis that could just as easily be applied to the side they are on... I haven't been on too much in the last few months, but you still say the exact same thing. ET is gone (I don't know any specifics cuz, as I said, I haven't been on much), but like it or not you two were birthed in the same abyssmal plane.
  11. Always with the reference to Nazi's.... Someone is definately going to mention that one "law"... Why am I the only one who voted for the Obeyers up to date... Long live the Obeyers!
  12. I suggested the ability to shape charged creations during combat (therefore actually making them usefull) a long time ago. I guess Jeff could be able to justify not being able to do it while others do (even Miranda who is an agent) by saying something like you "lack experience" (just like how a shaper in G3 explains that you can't send forth your creations far away like other (weaker) people because you lack experience and formal training. Maybe Jeff thinks that shaped creations durring combat would be too powerful?
  13. Why is it that so many of the newer posters always have to spam the little faces?
  14. I thought playing a hack and slash loner Guardian in G1 on torment was fun though.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: "First off, which ending do you think will be chosen?" Well, that will be up to the player, won't it? - Jeff Vogel Does that mean we actually get to choose from the begining this time? This is what I like, Loyal to the Shapers all game!
  16. WARNING SPOILERS OF THE FIRST 3 GENEFORGES AHEAD: / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Well, the first Geneforge you get most your stats raised considerably and the ending is pretty awesome in which you actually get the true benefit of the Geneforge. The next two Geneforges are Drakon Geneforges that just kill you to use.
  17. Give it a flower, I think taht all Rotghroths need are more friends .
  18. I learned not to invade Russia during their winter... Of course I already learned that from Napoleon. Interesting note though, its not a coincidence that Hitler invaded Russia the same time as Napoleon. Hitler wanted to show his superiority to do that what Napoleon failed. Hitler was obsessed with history, just think about Raiders of the Lost Ark .
  19. It all makes sense now... Serviles aren't altered humans, they are altered, enslaved hobbits!
  20. I also heard from my AP Euro teacher last year that he was on speed and various other medications that caused him to flatuate continuously. Also, that he liked the "golden shower". But how much of this is real, and how much of it was to slander him and his image (as if it needed to be altered to make him look bad)? This is what people do, you can't judge someone by asking their enemy's opinions or what they are like.
  21. Of course you will get a flood of people saying the following: "I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
  22. Waylander, you missed the point. I'm talking about the past. The Shapers aren't expanding any more. So they are therefore equatable to any nation today. It is the rebels who seem to want to conquer lands that contain people who wish to be left alone. So you condemn the Shapers for doing it in the past, but support the Rebels doing it in the present? Have morals become progressively worse as opposed to things no longer being acceptable like you said? And also, there is still discrimination by the Australian government against natives. Plenty of this has happened in the last 20 years, so don't just pin it on the British, Australians have plenty of blame to take. Also, those who are oppressed are often the worst oppressors. (ie: Irish immigrants and decendants of immigrants against African Americans from the beggining of America up to at least the 60's or 70's.)
  23. Sorry for two posts, but this is a different responce and I also know how bad long posts are (which they seem to happen quite often in the last week). Brainwashed rebel: The Rebellion is just! We only want what is best for all intellegent creatures! Small child: Then why did you destroy my farm and family with your scary monsters? And why is that Drakon bathing in the blood of innocents?
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