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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Depending upon how many vampiric touch items you are using, it gives a regenetation effect less than half the time equal to the total amount. It does work when you do non-damaging attacks like essence shackles, wrack, etc. Not really worth equipping if you have better items.
  2. The quests that need to be resolved, usually by reporting to someone that it's done are: 1) Escort/Betray Caravan 2) Repair/Kill Moseh 3) Kill/Defeat Monarch 4) Fulfill Drakon requirements in Quessa-Uss with a duel 5) Last battle in Inner Shaping Hall before using control panel
  3. I was amazed at the telepathic mental controller. It beats Windows speech recognition system for using the computer.
  4. You get one level in create fyora from using the Geneforge and you train for two levels in Upper Southforge Citadel from Jared.
  5. It seems to be more of a server problem judging from the number of double posts in the last few days.
  6. The Sunstone belt is better defensively while the Girdle of Succor gives better bonuses if you don't want to spend skill points in raising the spell types. Or you could just stick with the stat belt that best fits your playing style.
  7. Only mods or admins can delete topics and they just usually lock one since it's easier. There was a problem last spring with the UBB using the original topic starter's PDN when a topic is deleted and the next person starts one.
  8. Shaftoe can be attacked at a distance especially with poison or acid attacks. The problem with going into melee with him is remembering to runaway before his essence attack fries you. For Eliza only one of the pylons is difficulty 14. They range from 10 to 14 and you can avoid the highest one.
  9. Quote: Originally written by I Am Damo Suzuki: Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: I've accidentally done that before, only it was after poking around in the data file a bit. Changed all item graphics to bits of grass. It was kind of funny. I must confess to being a bit shocked: a self-reference in the the first person? Alorael's departure has unhinged this board more than I expected. Dikiyoba has done this before.
  10. I've used both and for damage a wingbolt is better for missle and the poison bonus in melee. A kyshakk is better for defense since it has higher health. If you are using it a shield against heavy damaging opponents then a kyshakk can just stand there and suck it up. Spine shield a kyshakk and then stand back and heal it from a distance. I always like the wingbolt graphics better and thought that was the coolest new one that Jeff added.
  11. It depends what you are using and when you do it. Eliza is easier to kill just after you finish her 2 quests, but then the other two go hostile. Eliza's health seem to be higher after repairing or killing Moseh. I guess he wasn't a distraction anymore. With lots of creations as a lifecrafter it's easier to keep attacking her and destroy her summoned creations. With Shaftoe you go after the servant minds while he does nothing and then you only have to concentrate on killing him and staying alive.
  12. Whatever you play you need to pump up mental magic to get all the spells. This is the one spell category that you need to deal with the big fights. It helps to have a creation in certain fights. With the right items you can delay until after chapter 3 making a creation like in Sandros Mines expert area on the way to the Forgotten One. With the changes in making creations between the early betas and the final version, making a powerful creation is easier for all the classes. This reduces the advantage that lifecrafters had and made shapers so powerful in the earlier games.
  13. The three barred/banned creations are drayk, drakon, and gazer plus their higher creation level versions cryodrayk, ur-drakon, and eyebeast. You can't buy training in them from the Shapers.
  14. There are plenty available in the game to find. You can buy them from several merchants in Shaper Camp Gamma, Poryphra Ruins, Derenton Freehold, and Khima-Uss if you already sold the ones that you found.
  15. If you made into the fens then slip past the fights to the Rebel Camp Aziraph in the northeast. You can recruit fighters to help you against the waves of creations. Jeff warns you to stay in fight mode for most of the time. There are a few more things you can do in chapter 2. The west part of Sandros Mine is meant to be done after chapter 3. Turabi Gate in the west of Illya is possible in several hit and run attacks to get to the corners for loot and experience. The far western edge in the center you can sneak into on haste and loot while taking some damage. To kill everyone there requires a more powerful character.
  16. Ghakdring is a master manipulator using the events to remove rivals without endangering himself with blood fueds. He also avoids any risks if the Unbound get out of control. I figure he retreats to the Ashen Isles to plot his revenge.
  17. With high enough leadership you can avoid Betraying Safehouse to Alwan and get an experience reward. The lock to the Rivergate Keep area is that hard to pick and the spells can be gotten in the Rebel Safehouse. The only drawback is the higher cost for creation training in chapter 2.
  18. You need to do two major endings as either Shaper or Rebel in the last fight. You can wait until the "disturbance" in Northforge Warrens and save just before responding to it. Then fight through to the end for each side and save before using the control panel for each side. This will give you the most opportunities to see the endings (3 for each). There is nothing to be done about canister usage since it would be a waste to play low/no canisters and then race around using them to see only one or two paragraphs cbange. I think there is another ending for using a different vat power setting that I never tried. It also changes depending upon who survives the battle.
  19. If you break free at the first opportunity then with the help of Khur or the serviles that are there you only get drained in 1 stat. Having very high leadership is even better, but most people don't come into this area with 10.
  20. Read the script and you'll see that it could be even worse. The drain only occurs for the pure Rebel who doesn't get the Repair Moseh quest. It's Jeff's nasty little way to get back at purists that don't try to get more options.
  21. Actually a more Nethergate style where each class starts off not being able to do something would increase differentiation. All the classes start out being able to fight quite effectively against most of the monsters in Chapter 1 without increasing starting abilities. It's just that the differences aren't as striking as in the earlier games. Since Jeff revised shaping skills so all the classes start off with greater abilities and it takes less shaping skill to get tier 4 and 5 level creations, it's now easier for everyone to make powerful creations. The early betas made lifecrafters and shock troopers powerful since they could get the powerful creations that the others couldn't get without sacrificing their own special abilities. With the right equipment you don't even really need to spend skill points to make the better creations. There needs to be a bit more rebalancing in the game so each class has something special. The AI still goes after the last creation or character that attacks before its move so being an attacker as a low health character is sometimes fatal.
  22. The best change for the story is that your reputation is based upon actions and not dialog choices. In the previous games you mouthed all the right words and then did the opposite. Leadership allows you to still avoid doing certain actions and avoid fights. The new combat system is great and I'd love seeing it in Avernum 5. It makes more sense and after getting rid of a few cheats it'll be better. The mines are no longer detonated by sending your creations through them for the most part (the Wrecked Lab is an exception), The game will still need to be balanced a bit more, but with all the changes it is expected that not everything would be perfect. It's a lot better than the revisions to Avernum 4 with a tacked on story.
  23. I haven't liked the disposable creations because the extra abilities and damage except for the vlish aren't worth the extra cost in essence. Having to be sure that an unstabled or charged creation is away from the rest of your party and especially you is annoying. I spent most of the last half of the game using that against my enemies since collateral damage could easily weaken and help destroy them. There was nothing more satisfying than seeing 4 or 5 burning kyshakks go up in a few well placed shots. Slarty - I have to check on initial stats since Jeff changed them near the end of testing. While they all have the same initial endurance the fighting classes should get more health per level than the shaping. I checked and a sevile starts with 50% health at base and has a better multiplier so it adds up quickly. It adds up since you need skill points for intelligence and shaping that a servile will use to get a 400+ health by chapter 4 with augmentation and essence armor.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Arancaytar: Although technically, I could edit this topic's title to "[CLOSED BY THE ARANCAYTAR]" and blank all my posts and then rant and whine until either it got locked or I got banned or possibly both. It's too soon to replace you as mod. I need more time before I can make my move. Finding inconsistencies in the texts is fun.
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