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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Originally Posted By: Master1
    Not to mention that we would then have to make sure every tax-paying citizen knew math up to maybe the pre-calc level. That's a pretty steep step for some people, unfortunately.
    How many people actually do their taxes by hand and do the math themselves anymore? Most people I know either do it on the computer with a program like TurboTax or have a professional do it.
  2. When talking to a merchant, there will be a dialogue option that says "I have something I'd like to sell" or something to that effect. Once you select that option, you simply click the items you would like to sell. When you are done, click the green button with a checkmark in the the lower right.

  3. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    If you're paying $40K a year for college, I can understand wanting to get the pain over with as fast as possible. But in many places it's still possible to put yourself through college with earnings from your summer job. I'm pretty sure you can still do that in Canada, at least if you can get a decent summer job. I wonder whether there aren't American state universities where you can do that, if you're a state resident. I'm not sure what the situation is in the UK or Australia, but in Germany university is practically (or even completely) free. (Germany is serious about the 'knowledge economy' thing.)
    One of my sisters went to a private university in Canada. She paid less for that than my other sister paid for a state university here.
  4. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Looking at the CSR thread now, a good chunk of those posts are from long after Exodus's initial release, and it is certainly a more pleasant thread than I remember reading -- either there were other posts that have been shed at some point in the CSR's storied history, or I am mixing it up with invective seen elsewhere on the boards.
    I think dropped a few completely non-constructive reviews when I ported them from SV. I know I did that for some of the other scenarios. I personally never hated Exodus. I didn't love it, but, as I said in my review, it's worth playing at least once.
  5. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves
    To the original question:

    Capture Soul/Simulacrum
    Move Mountains

    Obviously the former wasn't available until A2; I hope it will be in the next remake. And I really miss being able to knock things down. Although it was never strictly necessary, it gave you more options. And it was fun.
    Actually, Move Mountains doesn't show up until A2 either. There is no plot-centric reason for this though, so it could easily be included in A:EftP
  6. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim
    I'm now very reluctant to eat anything from Mcdonalds. I never liked eating anything of theirs in the first place. But then the other day I realised why. We had to get our lunch from there the other day, and on reading the nutritional info afterwards, I was freaked out. I ate about 75 grams of fat, and thats without including the drink.
    If there was fat in your drink, I really don't want to know what you were drinking, unless it was milk.
  7. Originally Posted By: Jukai
    It's more than just "adding races for the heck of it." At this point, I'm paying $25+ for a game I've played twice before. It'll still be fun and all nostolgic, but you hope for as creative of changes as possible. Everyone's pretty happy about a new TOWN, so of course a new race, playable or not, would be pretty exciting if it can be intertwined with the story properly and wont seem, as you put it, "adding races for the heck of it."

    I mean, it's a gigantic cave filled with two humanoid, intelligent creatures from deeper caves... a third is not a stretch.
    A:EftP will cost $20, and, if you have purchased the previous games, you can get it for $10.
  8. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Click to reveal..
    One thing that surprised me was that Mat's doing the whole ancestral memory thing even here. I thought that, and the Old Tongue fluency, only appeared after the events of Book Four.
    That surprises me as well. I reread the series 2 years ago and didn't catch that one.
  9. Originally Posted By: Musical Malpractice
    —Alorael, who found this much more exciting for Romans than for Celts. Romans get the chance to pick up a druid. Celts just get their choice of fighters, and a fighter at the back of your lineup isn't quite as useful as one in the front.
    What always bothered me was that there was no way to respec the 5th character. They didn't even show up in the editor.
  10. Originally Posted By: Nikki.
    Originally Posted By: Skwish-E
    Sorry for the big rant, but this is one of the rare issues that I will actually get serious about. I am also involved with a couple of groups that are working to abolish slavery, human trafficking, and the sexual exploitation of minors. Yes, I put my money and time where my mouth is.


    You've gone up ten-fold in my estimation, sir.
  11. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    Hey, if you guys do minor MBP surgery, maybe you can answer me this. My trackpad is sick; sometimes it's fine for days, then suddenly it goes alternately unresponsive and berserk, with the cursor jittering around all on its own, yet not moving when I try to make it move.

    I sort of suspect there might just be some loose bit of grit caught in there, or something. How easy is it to fix this kind of thing?

    In principle the machine is still under warranty, but my daughter knocked it off a table a year or so ago, and crunched in one corner. The thing worked fine after that, but it has obviously suffered harm. I'm thinking this has probably voided my warranty somehow.
    The only time I have seen that behavior is when I have spilled something on the trackpad. As for the warranty, Apple is generally pretty good about covering things that are obviously not related to physical damage. I would recommend at least trying to get it fixed.
  12. How odd. I had an early 2006 model MacBook Pro, which had the same basic structural design as yours, and never had a problem with overheating. I have two friends with early 2008 models, the last of the old design, and they haven't had issues either. I would certainly imagine that I would have heard more about this if it were a widespread issue. To the best of my knowledge the only known defect on that model was a problem with the GPU.

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