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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Oh, and this reminds me. Am I the only one who's
    for the

    Pulp, glorious pulp.
    I have been excited about it since I first read about it a few years ago.
  2. Originally Posted By: Superba
    I noticed you all seem to soon left the idea to criticize the American candidate... is it a coincidence? As an European I do know much more about Churchill and Hitler rather than Roosevelt so, well, I expected Americans had more information about him, but I see it's not the case.
    Roosevelt had his problems, but he did a pretty decent job as president. He helped the US cope with its worst economic depression. He can't take full credit for the end of the depression. World War II did that, but he enacted many programs that helped people considerably.
  3. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    to be fair winston churchill was a terrible prime minister and the UK voted him out at the earliest possible opportunity after the war was over
    They did re-elect him later...
  4. Originally Posted By: Only the LN die at median age
    If you still have the email address, you can have the login name and password emailed to you.

    —Alorael, who doesn't think there's much you can do if you can't remember the email. It's good to keep even those throwaway spamcatchers from being thrown away.
    If we have a reasonable belief that someone is not trying to access another person's account, we as mods can change the email address. In this case, I find it highly unlikely that he is trying to do something malicious.
  5. Originally Posted By: Major General
    My member ID was in the 1800-1850 range if memory serves. Name was possibly Thanatos or other greek deity involved with that domain of work.

    I think I caused some minor chaos when I was here. I apologize for that in advance.
    I'm guessing this is you, since the email is cmdr.thanatos@gmail.com. If you want to use this account and can't remember the login name or password, I, or one of the other mods, can help you with that.
  6. Originally Posted By: Goldenking
    Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    I miss the good old days when hurricanes were only named after females.

    That would be problematic; I was named after the hurricane that blew through around (in terms of days) the time of my birth, so I'm glad that that was masculine.
    Based on age-related comments you've made in the back to school thread, I'm guessing Andrew?
  7. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    as far as gameplay goes, temple of elemental evil is clearly the best 3.5 game anyway

    at least once you install the huge fanpatch to fix the crippling bugs

    that's kind of a recurring theme with troika games
    I have that installed on my computer, but I have yet to play it. I probably should at some point.
  8. If you already bought the App Store version, you might want to try contacting support@spiderwebsoftware.com explaining that you want to be able to edit the game and attaching your email receipt from Apple. Jeff may be able to give you a copy of the regular version from Spiderweb's website.

  9. Originally Posted By: Necris Omega

    Adapted RPG? Neverwinter Nights
    There are a myriad of D&D adapted games out there, but of the (very few) ones I've played, NwN was the best. To me, it reminded me so much of Blades of Exile with how much custom content and how many player made modules it had. Add on a pair of expansions, and you've got a game I can still play off and on to this day.

    The sequel, however, by Obsidian? … *Shudder*
    I'm glad to see someone else who prefers the original to the sequel. Many people like the sequel better, but they are wrong.
  10. Originally Posted By: Space Between
    Finished all of the Black Company books, which were pretty decent. Definitely stretched on longer than it should have, though. Now reading The Windup Girl because I saw it on here somewhere.
    This is getting truly bizarre. I'm planning to read that series next.
  11. Originally Posted By: Master1
    Finally, after finished both Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray in about three days, I was able to start reading The Wise Man's Fear.

    So far, I'm really enjoying it. Rothfuss has done some great bits of humor, and I really enjoy his writing.
    Coincidentally, I'm reading that right now as well.
  12. Originally Posted By: Karoka
    Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile
    I saw once on a show some one running across cornstarch+H2O
    What show was that? I bet it wasn't as awesome as that Korean stunt show where people have to get past these crazy obstacles. I don't remember what that show was called, unfortunately.
    Sasuke. (known as Ninja Warrior in the US) It's Japanese, not Korean.
  13. Neverwinter Nights is almost certainly my favorite, but there are quite a few other games that compete for that category: Nethergate, Oblivion, Final Fantasy 9, Diablo 2, Avernum 2, Arcanum, and Baldur's Gate 2, to name a few.

  14. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    We fought a civil war over the issue with the greatest cost of life of any war fought before or since.
    This is a myth. More American soldiers died in combat during World War II than the Civil War.
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