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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. I just use the stock cooling, although I did replace one of the fans about a year ago after it died on me. I have not had any warping issues, nor have I heard about this being a problem before just now. That said, I can see how that might happen on the older, pre-unibody models, but the modern MacBook Pros are hollowed out of solid aluminum.

  2. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
    not only older operating systems can't understand bigger harddrives but BIOSes can't either (on bootable devices) so UEFI will replace BIOS.
    Another area where Apple is ahead of the curve. They have been using EFI since 2006.

    Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
    Operating systems calc stroage space as 1024Mt=1Gb but sellers count 1000Mt=1Gb.
    Not every operating system. OS X has calculated it in base 10 since Snow Leopard.
  3. Originally Posted By: Sylae
    Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    Originally Posted By: Sylae
    80 GiB
    Microsoft (and the various Linux developers) should really take a cue from Apple and start listing sizes in GiB. It's really annoying that the confusion over the 1000-1024 thing still exists.
    Oh, it says GB, but I make sure everything isn't in that base-ten garbage, so I end up using gibibytes out of habit.

    I actually think the only Windows program I have set up to actually show the IEC prefixes is FileZilla...
    OS X uses base 10, which honestly makes more sense, because every hard drive manufacture has used base 10 since the beginning, and base 10 is much more intuitive to most people. I understand that at the very heart of everything, your computer is using base 2, but the end user doesn't care about that.
  4. Originally Posted By: Sylae
    80 GiB
    Microsoft (and the various Linux developers) should really take a cue from Apple and start listing sizes in GiB. It's really annoying that the confusion over the 1000-1024 thing still exists.
  5. Originally Posted By: Excalibur
    I think it might just be newer operating systems, ie. Windows 7.
    Not having a Windows box in front of me at the moment and not really feeling like firing up a VM right now to check, I really couldn't say. I do know that Control-Option-Command-8 has inverted the screen on OS X at least since Tiger.
  6. Originally Posted By: The (Armored) Ratt
    Hey Tyran, have you tried thunderbolt yet, and if you have, how was it?
    I have not. I'm still using a late 2008 MacBook Pro (first unibody) and probably won't be upgrading for a couple more years. After replacing the optical drive with an SSD and upgrading it to 6GB of RAM, it is still plenty powerful and fast for me. The drawback of course is that I don't have a Thunderbolt port, but since there are virtually no Thunderbolt devices out there, this really isn't that important to me. My desktop is a hackintosh, so there is definitely no Thunderbolt there.
  7. Originally Posted By: Excalibur
    For some reason both Mac and Windows have a shortcut to invert the color on the screen, though if you take a screenshot it won't save as inverted.

    Mac: Ctrl+alt+command+8 (not the keypad)
    Windows: Ctrl+alt+i

    That's for visually impaired people who see things better if they are inverted. Alternatively, it can be used to mess with people. tongue
  8. Melliput Mobsters



    Author: Celtic Minstrel


    Difficulty: 10-25

    Version: 1.0.7



    Composite Score: 3.3/5.0


    Best: 25.00% (1/4)

    Good: 0.00% (0/4)

    Average: 50.00% (2/4)

    Substandard: 25.00% (1/4)

    Poor: 0.00% (0/4)





    Keywords: Avernum Universe, Linear, Short

  9. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim
    I think this last war was more so to do with finger pointing and paranoia more than anything. After the first Gulf War, it looks like Saddam slowly got rid of his not-very-nice armaments. It really looks like that after the UN inspectors found nothing. We've had militairy presence there for nearly 10 years, and still found nothing. It may have happened before, but it doesn't look like anything recent.
    I think you're right about the actual presence of WMD's, but Saddam was doing his level best to make the world think he had them. I'm not saying that we made the right choice by invading Iraq in 2003, far from it, but nearly everyone was surprised when they couldn't find any WMD's.
  10. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    There's always a chance that he will be back. It's not like this is the first time that he's left.

    With his health problems he does have priorities like being alive to do something.
    When he left before, it was for a temporary leave of absence. He has never resigned before.

    Originally Posted By: Dantius
    I'm fairly sure GE has around three quarters of a trillion dollars in assets, so unless you define "money" as "cash reserves on hand", that's not true. Furthermore, there's a reason that most companies don't keep massive piles of cash on hand, namely that doing that does nothing to help with profit and every dollar you keep in a bank account is another dollar that the stockholders are angry at you for not a) giving to them in dividends, or B) investing back in the company.

    So it's not so much an instance of "Apple is awesome for having this much money", but "Apple needs to learn to not suck at managing the money they make".
    I was speaking about cash on hand. I highly doubt the shareholders are complaining since Apple is the most valuable publicly traded company in the world.
  11. It is the end of an era. Steve Jobs has been the CEO of Apple since 1997. At that time, the company was almost dead in the water. Now, it has more money than any other US company. He led Apple during the development of the iPod, the most popular brand of portable music player ever made and the iPhone, which completely revolutionized the smartphone scene.

  12. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    I think what happened is that the TI-83 name became common enough during the very late 90's that TI realized they had some branding power with it, and they started releasing new models and editions under the -83 name rather than increasing the number as they had done in the past.
    They made a minor update in the form of the TI-83 Plus, which has a small amount of flash memory and a flat screen instead of a slightly angled one. Those are the only differences, and that model, which I used in high school, is the one I still see for sale.

    Back on topic: It appears that the Washington Monument was cracked during the quake and has been closed indefinitely.
  13. Originally Posted By: Master1
    My centralized service is called a hard drive. Until Cloud takes over the world, it will work just fine. Of course, I only have one computer to use, so the convenience of Steam's online collection is offset by my ability to play offline.
    Steam allows you to play games offline.
  14. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    You're still using an 83? The 90's were over a decade ago, you know...

    When I was in high school in the early 2000's, the TI-83 Plus was the calculator of choice for math classes. In fact, some of our homework required a TI-83. I still see them in office supply stores, so I imagine they still are quite popular.
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