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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. If I drink tequila, I regret it the next morning. I'm more of a whiskey man, either straight or mixed with soda. I'm partial to Jameson and Maker's Mark, but I also enjoy Jack Daniels, especially Gentleman Jack and Jim Beam. I also like good scotch, especially Glenlivet and Macallan.

  2. A few weeks ago, I was out with a group of 10 people, all of whom, like me, are in their mid to late twenties, and I was the only person at the table who was carded for my beer.

  3. One major problem is that the old inter-forum links will all be broken. However, I don't imagine it being too difficult to run a script that goes through the database and replaces all instances of spiderwebforums.com with spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com.
    It's more complicated than that. The topic numbers don't match up.
  4. They are molars that show up behind your existing molars, usually in your late teens early 20s. I had mine removed before they completely came in when I was 17 to avoid impaction.

  5. Actually, I wonder if there isn't some truth to that. CalRef chat is live and doesn't have to be family friendly, making it an even more fulfilling outlet for random intellectual discussion than General. For me, at least, it contributes to my decreased postcount in recent weeks (for the last month or so, there's always someone in there-which wasn't true when I joined). Not that I'm complaining.


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