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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. I have been thinking about this for quite a while. This is what I would do:


    Make a custom terrain grapjic of rain. There's an option to have an animation (like the teleporter). You just have to define a sequence of animations in the scenario data script. Set the blockage to be 0, so the party can walk through it.


    Now you have this, you should let it appear from time to time. Maybe with the script you already made. To let appear, I think its best to use either set_terrain or swao_terrain. Same goes for snowing and wind: just make differnt looking terrain grahpics.


    I hope this solution will help you further.

  2. No. The first time you enter the town, the walls already are gone. I can only think about something that removes the walls when you enter, but I didn't put something like that in the script.


    The set_flag call in the INIT_STATE is also there to make sure that you can remove the wall when entering the town a second time. maybe I should just put an other lever somewhere in town, instead of this special node.

  3. Code:
    // townscript for town 11: Senarti fort.begintownscript;variables;int choice;body;beginstate INIT_STATE;	if (get_flag(11,3) == 1)			set_flag(11,3,0);		break;beginstate EXIT_STATE;break;beginstate START_STATE;break;beginstate 10;if (get_flag(11,0) == 1)		end();	if (get_flag(1,6) == 1)	{		add_dialog_str(0,"message",0);		add_dialog_choice(0,"don't touch it.");		add_dialog_choice(1,"Take it.");		choice = run_dialog(1);		if (choice == 2) {				set_flag(11,0,1);								set_flag(11,1,1);				change_spec_item(2,1);				set_terrain(36,19,218);				activate_hidden_group(1);				}		}break;beginstate 11;if (get_flag(11,1) == 1)		end();	message_dialog("message","");	set_flag(11,1,1);break;beginstate 12;if (get_flag(11,3) == 0) {	if (species_in_party(2) == 1) {		reset_dialog();		add_dialog_str(0,"message",0);		add_dialog_str(1,"message",0);		add_dialog_choice(0,"Okay");		choice = run_dialog(1);		set_terrain(14,13,0);		set_terrain(13,13,0);		}	}break;beginstate 13;	reset_dialog();	add_dialog_str(0,"message",0);	add_dialog_str(1,"message",0);	add_dialog_choice(0,"Enter it");	add_dialog_choice(1,"Leave it");	choice = run_dialog(0);	if (choice == 1) {		message_dialog("message","");		change_outdoor_location(4,1,6,40);		move_to_new_town(19,3,19);		}break;	
    This is the entire town script. the node removing the walls is 12. And I did put the walls there in the first place.

    The script has no errors for as far I know. The game doesn't complain. Only the walls are missing in the town.
  4. So I got everything to work, accept one thing. Its in the same cave that lever stands with which the problem was.


    *** WARING: potential spoiler ***


    its not that bad this spoiler, because by the time this scenario is finished it will be already forgotten. Still, you where warned.


    In that same cave, there is a wall that dissappears. On one side there is the lever, on the other side a special node. When you step on the special node and have a nephil in your party, the wall slides open, revealing the other side. The strange thing is, that the wall is aleady open when entering the cave. How can this be? A special node is activated when you step on the special rectangle, yes? I've put nothing in the INIT or START states.

  5. Is it possible to enter a town in an outdoor section and to leave a town in an other outdoor section?


    By the way, I was making a terrainscript, by which if you pull a lever, a cave wall will dissappear. the game says something about a bad term in expression in line 64. Does somebody know what's wrong?


     beginstate STEP_INTO_SPOT_STATE;	reset_dialog();	add_dialog_str(0,"This lever stands here next to the tunnel entrance. You really don't see something it could open or something. Try anyway?",0);	add_dialog_choice(0,"Leave it");	add_dialog_choice(1,"Pull and see what happens");	choice = run_dialog(0);	if (choice == 1)		end();		flip_terrain(my_loc_x(),my_loc_y());	play_sound(106);	play_sound(99);	print_str_color("You hear the sounds of chains and grinding gears.",2);	if ((get_memory_cell(0) > 0) || (get_memory_cell(1) > 0 || (get_memory_cell(2) > 0)) 		set_terrain(get_memory_cell(0),get_memory_cell(1),get_memory_cell(2));	if ((get_memory_cell(3) > 0) || (get_memory_cell(4) > 0) || (get_memory_cell(5) > 0)) 		set_terrain(get_memory_cell(3),get_memory_cell(4),get_memory_cell(5));	if ((get_memory_cell(6) > 0) || (get_memory_cell(7) > 0)) {		if (get_flag(get_memory_cell(6),get_memory_cell(7)) == 0)			set_flag(get_memory_cell(6),get_memory_cell(7),1);			else set_flag(get_memory_cell(6),get_memory_cell(7),0);		}break; 
    (Line 64 is at the first set_terrain call) I really hope you're not going to tell me that doing this is impossible.
  6. So what you mean is, that i shouldn't use the call force_view_center, because that ONLY displays what's in their field of view at THAT moment? So the other call would do the trick I understand.


    the strange thing was, though, that although I added almost everywhere tye calls print_num, and nowhere numbers where sisplayed. or didn't I understand it correctly?



    I feel so bloody stupid. I guess others also had such problems, and I'm not the only one. Kelandon, if you weren't here, I don't know if I would have finished this scenario. thanks very much. The cutscene looks good (or at least what I made untill now. Its certainly not yet finished).

  7. That didn't help me much. I noticed though, that everything that happens before the force_view_center, runs fine and as it should be (I made a small conversation between the party members to see what will happen). Everything after the force_view_center freezes. How do i know it freezes? it doesn't even print any nimber in the text area! i have to quit the program with command-option-shift-esc in order to get something going again. Last time my hole computer just got stuck. I really don't know what's happening. I think I'll leave the hole thing out if it isn't going to work soon.

  8. I'm doing this in a 64 x 64 town, and I chcked several times if the view indeed isn't in black space.


    What is that what TM and kelandon are using? i never heard of it. What you suggested may be a good thng to do, with the print string things. I'll see if I use it.


    this small piece I showed you, is only a very small piece. Only the talking which that bit a the beginning is about 3 times longer. then there comes another long part and.... I wouldn't tell you how long it is, simply because its very long.


    Do you have any idea what might be the problem? I indeed noticed that the force_vie_center call is the problem that makes everything black, but I don't understand why it does that. Do you?



    You remark about the pauses: Some are rather long indeed, but that's because creatures talk here. When walking the pauses are about 3 - 5.

  9. I've a problem with a curscene I juyst made. The moment the cutscene begins, the playing screen (not the hole screen, only the small field where you can see what happens) turns black, and the game freezes.

    i thought it maybe had to do with the first calls:


     force_view_center(45,34);		force_instant_terrain_redraw();		pause(10);		text_bubble_on_char(7,"Today...");		force_instant_terrain_redraw();		pause(15);				text_bubble_on_char(7,"");		text_bubble_on_char(7,"is the day...");		force_instant_terrain_redraw();		pause(20);				text_bubble_on_char(7,"");		text_bubble_on_char(7,"the Empire shall pay,");		force_instant_terrain_redraw();		pause(20);				text_bubble_on_char(7,"");		text_bubble_on_char(7,"for ruining Riverrod...");		force_instant_terrain_redraw();		pause(20);				text_bubble_on_char(7,"");		text_bubble_on_char(7,"and banning me.");		force_instant_terrain_redraw();		pause(20); 
    The cutscene is about ten times longer and still isn't finished. maybe somebody can figure out what's the problem? My othr cutscene i made does work, so this is not the first one.



    I discovered that the force_view_center is the call that makes the screen go black. i suppose that you can't do anything (the gamne freezes) becuase of a running cutscene, right? How he hell do i solve this! I'm getting VERY irritated!

  10. Okay. i agree this discussion is slowly becoming REALLY strange. Maybe indeed we shouldn't keep it serious anymore.


    (About that metal though, i really don't think its good. gold I read somewhere can actually guide electricity quite well. The only problem is, that if humans come to investigate them, their brains will be immeniatly taken out and melted down, and cheap rings will be made out of them)


    After saying this, I think we should now all go and have a meal and a drink, and let's look at Spongebob squarepants when doing that.

  11. He yes! You're right! Can Iget a sort of prize now?


    (Don't want to spoil the fun, but that is pacific time. I think it was about 11.40 in Holland. nevertheless, i didn't notice it).

  12. I can only really help with av 2. you learn the ritual of sanctification in a hidden library. To get there, leave on the west side of city (Don't get to the outdoors!) and walk along the wet side of the moat, on the outside of the city (So you're between the city wall and the moat). now walk all the way to the nort, untill you can't go any farther, because you bumped into a mountain of some sort. Anyway, you can't go any farther. Now search the city wall. Somewhere there you'lle find a secret door. Enter and search the book shelfs. There it is!


    As Drakefyre already said: Its not a spell, but an ability. So once you got it, look at the ability's , and it should be there (its that picture of a sort of altar).


    That tome you tried to read: leave it. You can't, doesn't matter how much arcane lore you have. You need Vahantai lore. Something you'lle only get once getting in the Vahnatai lands.



    Stupid me! I looked at Drakey's post and thought he only said something about av 1 (I didn't read the post as yet). Well, now you have two detailed descriptions...

  13. I'm sorry to say I myself have just proven not to have much imagination. Of course, an alien lifeform has probably something else than a brain to think with. Now I don't really believe that can be a metal or something. even we, humans, know that can't be. Not only can a metal usually rust, but with these sharp edges, it can rip your body appart (if the body isn't made of some metal too). To have a metal brain, the metal should be something like gold, silver or coper. Only those don't seem to guide electricity that well. i'll think about this and post tomorrow again.

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