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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. I want to have a scenario which offers everything that a normal, even bad scenario has. What I mean now, is the services, like healers. How the hell do I make a healer? I looked in the documantation, and didn't find anything that could help me with this. Does anybody know what to do?

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    I'm assuming you're talking about the end-combat bug, which places parties across special rectangles and therefore doesn't call them. If so, the way to prevent this is to use the call change_blocked.
    Isn't it easier to just make a certain place blocked in the editor?
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by chicho:
    so,anyone know how works the anatomy skill?
    is just for the absolutely useless first aid or it work for kill better some monsters too?
    First aid isn't useless at all! I for the first time used it now, while playing Bahs, and could easily fully heal my warriors who had 150 health pints to heal. Try to do that with a healing potion, without having the use all the potions first!
  4. To vague, eh?


    Well, I try to repeat it in a different way:


    I just read the thread, and in the beginning of it most people were complaining about the spells and abilities in Canopy being useless, some don't know how to use them, some think they are overdone. So what do you guys think will be good abilities or spells to have in a scenario?

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    Originally written by Poit:
    You can teleport them onto a space that is surrounded by special rectangles and use force_view_center to keep the party out of sight, though.
    That's an intersting suggestion. If it turns out begin_talk_mode(); prevents a move_to_new_town(); call from completing afterward I may redesign my town and use this method. By the way have you used this successfully before in any of your scenarios?
    Other than the force_view_center part, the first few cut scenes in Bahssikava all work according this principle.
    Now I finally manage to understand how you made it work with all these towns. I as a newbie (I hate that word) Regurly look back at other designer's towns. I saw multiple towns that atcually formed one story. After doing that, I played a bit of the scenario, and saw some things that actually were situated in different towns. Now i know how it works, thanks. Just one minor question: How big should that rectangle exactly be? Probably as larg as the party is?
  6. It was a long time since I had a question, but I came up with one, so now wrorries!


    Ugh :p I'll never say that again.


    When you make a space blocked, what does that mean for the party? I saw several times that you could just walk over blocked spaces. How can that be? Is it only a limitation for the AI monsters?

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Khoth:
    Originally written by Thralni, emperor of Riverrod:
    Now I did get as far as where it does run the program, but then I can't get it to check something.
    Precisely what goes wrong?
    I get the main menu of alint, but then I can't get it to check something. When I enter a commandline to check some file, it says the file doesn't exist.

    What I was thinking of, is some sort of a step by step guide of what to do, like you did earlier, but then really exactly what to do. Also what to press (like you said press enter after cmd, but what exactly do i do after that?).
  8. That's strange, I remember a swamp...


    So you are in a place, entered it via a cave entrance graphic, its west od Fort Dranlon and North of the Slith fortress (that's probably what I meant with the fort on the island)? I think the magic tomb is somewhere north, but I'm afraid my memory will be to foggy and you'll just end up killing yourself. I suppose I can't help you then any further, sorry.

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