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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. I'm busy now for quite some time on my scenario "Where the rivers meet." Its my first attempt, has (at the moment) 23 towns (of which all designed and ready, except I need to fill them with enemies and that sort a thing) and I think 8 outdoor sections. Intented for levels 25 - 35. Its finished for about 50 - 60%.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by The Ghost of Jewels:
    Didn't you say you were making a scenario, Thralni? The editor is what you use to make scenarios with.
    I am making a scenario, but that's for BoA.

    I just wanted to quickly reply on your problems you have. I had the same problems. I saw all these codes and got so confused I went away to one of my friends. I calmed down, sat at it again, and tried to understand.

    This is a golden tip that worked for me: start simple. i did it too. First try to understand the stuff done flags. then try to understand quests, then try to make a town script or something.

    I'm busy now for about two months. It goes quite well now. I have 23 towns and 8 outdoor sections, alomst all with working scripts, and look (for me at least) as things i couldn't even dream of when i started working on it. Just hang in there, and if you ahve a question, don't be shy to come here and ask it. I did it too and was helped in great ways.
  3. OK, thanks thuryl. I didn't test it yet, as I'm working really hard on the scenario, and I'm almost constantly changing things. It goes quite fast at the moment. Its also nice that my scripts (in my opinion) are groing better all the time, and they tend to work in the way I want it, in most cases already the first time I test them.


    However, There is something I can't find in the docs (or i didn't search to well) and i wanted to ask if one of you guys can help me. I'm looking for a complete character staus list. I couldn't find.

  4. But where exactly do I put the scripts to which the specobj terrainscript reffers to? In the scenario .txt file, or the town .txt file, where the particular specobj.txt terainscript sits (so do I put it in the town .txt file, coresponding to the town in which I placed the specobj terrain script?)

  5. Know I have a more urgent question.


    I made a script (it works fine, no problem with that), and I want to link it with a terrainscript. To do that, I use the specobj.txt terrainscript that was premade and came with the editor. Now where do I put the script itself? Do I put it in the scenario file or something, or in the town script the terrainscript sits in?

  6. I suppose there are good books about this, but how does that work (keep it simple, please)? There must be some sort of a script. this programming language must be written somewhere, or is it the thing with which you start the program (in windows the .exe file, the executable)?

  7. No, this time I don't have problems.


    inspired by an earlier topic about this, I would like to ask everybody if he/she would care to give a look ay my custom graphics. They aren'y very ugly (accept one), but I would just like to see what multiple people think of the graphics. In about a week or so I'll look who wants to see them, and I'll send you the graphics (that'll be on the 4th of september, i think).


    One thing though you'll have to consider before posting your email: These graphics are still in a phase where I'm wotking on them, and They WOULDN'T be released for the public until my scenario is finished, which'll be in about half a year or so. So please, if you would like to see them and I send them eventually to you, don't start using them or modifying them yourself. Instead, post a reply or send an email, and throw the graphics of your hard disk. (I'll eventually post them on the Louvre, don't worry).


    Thanks, anyway.

  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Chief Spider watching The Simpsons:
    Yay! Then I can have some helpers clear the thick webs at the NW of the spider cave (near my little hill) where we put the bodies of all the mean, nasty people who didn't want to be friends and all their silly stuff!

    I like the GIFTS, espaicially the things they say. Anybody else like them? (I know its the wrong topic).
  9. It had to do with the call set_town_visibility and the town hidden field in the town details window. After multiple checking in the editor docs, i finally day the culprit. It appeared I forgot that to hide the toen you set 1 in the town hidden field, and not 0 or -1 or whatever, and while using the call set_town_visibility its exactly the other way around: you use 1 to make it visible and 0 to make it unvisible. Its a very stupid mistake to make, and i made it once before. That's why I don't understand that i made it a second time.

  10. That wil still be in a long time from now, I'm afraid. It will ceratinlt take an other three months, because of school starting now. In eight weeks or so I've vacation and I might have time to do something about it, but as I still need to make about a quarter of the scenario scripts and still design some towns and complete the existing town with special nodes, I think you can count about four to five months untill it will really be ready - for testing. Becasue then there will also be a period of testing the scenario. So you can say it will take a looong time until its really finished, but I'm getting there, slowly by slowly. I'm thinking everything through, looking if it makes sense, and I'm trying to be a bit original. But that's hard.


    I hope this answeres your question. Now you can also make an estimate of when you could use the graphics: in about eight months (or longer).


    I'm glad, though, to see that somebody is interested in this laugh

  11. I'm not a star with these things, but as they don't even come up in the editor, I suspect you put it in the wrong file. These item, terrain etc. definitons, should go into the scenario data text file. For example: my scenario FILE is called: "rivers.txt". My scenario DATAFILE is called: "riversdata.txt" (so make a file which has the same name as the scenario text file, but put "data" behind it). Are you sure you made the last file and put the item definitions in it?


    if this doesn't work and you did create the file and everything's all right, the editor should give an error, saying what's wrong. I suggest first trying with the data file, and then see if you get errors.


    (By the way, are you usinbg a Mac or Windows (it doesn't matter, I'm just curious))

  12. Thanks! laugh Mister brown dude is my senarti mage. The other one I call "Dakrach's spirit"


    they play roles in my scenario.

    therefor i ask not to use any of them for yourselves, until my scenario is finshed and its up on the boards here.


    But I'm glad you like 'em. any tips or hints on how to improve them?

  13. I'm sorry to say I still have that problem I posted earlier, with the town that appears far to soon. i think there's probably some trouble with the if sentences. It doesn't solve itself with a new party entering the scenario, as it did with other things. i entered the scenario about five times now and the problem still is there. The game doesn't give an error, so I'll have to look deeper into what's happening here.

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