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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. So if I understand it correctly, this is the order of appearence:


    1) a dialog box with picture of the pannel, wher you can see the choices;


    2) a text response box where you can choose the button;


    3) a description of what happened after you pushed the button.


    I think this will wotk quite well. Thanks, kelandon.


    just one thing about the last part of the script, where the checking of numbers takes place. Is it best to (after choosing a number) redirect the script to an other state, so if you, say, choose button 1, you eventually go from state 10 to state 15, for example? (i think it would be otherwise a very long complicated script).

  2. i also asked this question in the orb of Thralni topic, but as its VERY important for my scenario if I can do this or not, I decided to make a new topic.


    for my scenario, I'd like to make an interactive pannel, with buttons that you can really press, as you have in Avernum 3, the slime pit where the alien slime sits (Its that panel in the center of the cave, before you even decend through one of the closed gates. You use the panel to open the gates). i wondered if i can make this too. But as I can't look into the Avernum 3 scripts and the like, I thought that one of you could maybe help me out. Please, if you now something about it, or even now where i can find the scripts I need, please tell me about it.


    Thanks to everybody who knows something.

  3. i changed the party over the past week(s) about five times, and still it was the same, but I'll change the flag to 100,10, to be just on the safe side. i'll also use the print_string calls.


    But is it possible to have an interactive control panel as in avernum 3, the slime pit where the alien slime sits? You have this panel in the middle of the cave. if you come near it, you get this screen with five buttons which you can press. Can I do this also? or is it far out of my reach (if that is the reason, tell me anyway, cause if i can make, i will. No matter what.)

  4. i think its best if I explain why there are two almost the same special nodes here: 10 and 12.


    They are for different directions of enetering town. When you enetr from one side, flag 18,0 is kept 0, if on the other side entered, its 18,0 to 1.


    This way the cutscene doesn't move eventually to a place where your party doesn't stand (unfortunately, it doesn't work. there's an error, but that doesn't matter, since the cutscene itself works fine.


    Anyway, (an additional question) is it possible to amke a sort of interactive sort of control panel, like in Avernum 3 in the alien slime cave?

  5. No. This is the only place i use this flag. It doesn't matter if I go to that place in the outdoors (this script is an outdoor script!) in the very beginning or the very end of the game, I'll always end up in the town, even when its not over day 20.

  6. there were some things i probably didn't write well, causing some confusion on the way.


    The day is 20, not twelve. i don't know why i wrote twelf. probbaly because the words are similair.


    i made the town hidden by putting number 1 in the plcae where you can choose if the town is hidden or not, in the town details screen.



    Now I looked at the script myself for a while, i see a big problem i don't understand.


    if the day is over 20, it sets flag 100,2,1, right?


    for the town to appear, flag 100,2 should be 1. if the day is below 20, it shouldn't set the flag, but it still ets the flag, enabling the town to be seen. that's i think the problem here. maybe you know what's wrong here?

  7. The exact problem is, that when the number of days is higher then twelf, town 18 should appear, but it doesn't. Moreoverm its alway there, even if the day is maybe 5. i don't get error messages.


    This roblem is irritating, but it can wait a while. This is a more urgent problem.


    i made an other custom graphic. it all works fine, it looks nice in the game. BUT: its like apillar, and has two eicons on top of each other. the game diplays it as two icons that simply are on the same place, if you understand me. they arent forming a pillar, s it should be.


    in the data file i did put the te_second_icon thing, but it doesn't seem to put it on top of the other icon. so how do I do this? this question is rather urgent, so I'd rather see this question answered first and then the original i had before this second one.


    thanks in advance.

  8. I've encountered problems with the call what_day_of_scenario. I anybody could give a look at this script and tell me why it doesn't work?


     //Outdoor Script for x = 2  y = 1beginoutdoorscript;variables;int choice;body;beginstate INIT_STATE;	if (what_day_of_scenario() > 20)			set_flag(100,2,1);break;beginstate START_STATE;break;beginstate 10;if (get_flag(100,2) == 1) {		set_town_visibility(18,1);		set_flag(18,0,0);		end();		}break;beginstate 11;	reset_dialog();		add_dialog_str(0,"message",0);		add_dialog_choice(0,"Not yet.");		add_dialog_choice(1,"I'd like to leave now.");		choice = run_dialog(1);			if (choice == 1) {					message_dialog("That is good news for Riverrod. Many people will thank you for this stay.","");					block_entry(1);					}				if (choice == 2) {						message_dialog("I guess there are people who are braver then you are...","");						end_scenario(1);					}break;beginstate 12;if (get_flag(100,2) == 1) {		set_town_visibility(18,1);		set_flag(18,0,1);		end();		} 
    the problem is mainly with state 10. (Note though, that first (beore I changed it) the call what_day_of_scenario, was in state 10, and not in the INITstate.
  9. That's exactly the problm I had when I for the first time tried to talk.


    It gives this error most of the time, (I guess) when something is wrong in the definitions. I had this script:


     begintalknode 1;state = 1;personality = 78;condition = 1;question = "question?";text 1 = "message"; 
    the fault was its not "text 1," but "text1." After I fixed that, I didn't get the error anymore. maybe you should post your script, so when give it a look. (But don't post the hole script, just a part.)


    other solutions might be the ones Kelandon gave, although the one with memory cell three can't be, because when talking to somebody who doesn't have a number (higher than 0) in memmory cell 3, the game will say "it doesn't respond."

  10. I now sent you only my favorite graphics. if you like them, i can send you more... (its bmp format).


    kingi, I have problems sending the graphics. the first problems where my fault, but then i got messeges from the hotmail thing saying delivery failed. Could you maybe give me an other adress?

  11. This is definetly a scenario question. please post these in the Blades of avernum forum.


    if I'm right you're talking about VoDT, ef already said almost all things necesarry, but here's more about it.


    You went to these Vahantai, right? They told you about some spiders (big friendly talking spiders). You should find the CHIEF spider. I think he is in some big sort of cave to the south of most GIFTS caves. he'll tell you about some insects to the north. they want you to get their aggs. get them the eggs and he'll tell you where to go for the crystal.


    (if you encounter some spider in a corrider that's guarding something and the spider lets you through, you're at the right place. if he doesn't let you trough, go back to the chief spider and keep asking untill he tells you a password.


    From what you told in the first post, I gather you killed some giant bug to the most southeastern parts of the level, am I right? that you should eventually also kill, but only farther in the game.


    I hope I said enough.

  12. All this you can find in the editor manual and appendices


    To make a shop, you should make in the dialogue node the shop starts the follwing sort of command:


     begintalknode ..;state = ..;personality = ..;nextstate = ..;condition = ..; //This is optionalquestion = "..";text1 = "..";code =      begin_shop_mode(name of the shop,description of the shop,num of the shop,prise adjust,sell adjust);break; 
    the calls for stocking the shop, you should put in the scenario script, in the INIT_STATE.


    You can read more about this in the chapter Creating dialog in the editor manual.

  13. i tried the scenario again. It worked all fine.


    What i did? enetered the scenario with a different, new party!


    i remembered having very strange problems with this scenario everytime i pt in something drastic and very new and different. Entering the scenario again, with a new party and not a saved game solved the problems I had, and this newer problem.


    Anyway, Thuryl, thanks very much for the help you offered.

  14. for buying stuff, go to Formello, and for training you have indeed this yanmitho. He is very close to the room you started. When you leave your room and go south, you eventually come to a hall with some pilars in it. You have three doors there I think: two which you just came out of (that big hallway that leads to your room) and a third on the left side of it. In that room you can find it.


    Just one thing: This is Exile 3. you should have posted this in the exile trilogy forum (or you mixed up the names of the forts, but I think that's higly unlikely.)

  15. Maybe, but i just wanted to ask if you, Zealot, would want to see them. (or if anubodt else would wan to see them its fine with me, just promise me the things I posted in the post before this one).


    So do you want to see them?

  16. Now I think of it, would you be interested in seeing my best self-made graphics? They are creature graphics for BoA. Just hive me your email adres, the format you want it in and a promise to not use it without asking me or putting my name in the acknowledgemens.

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