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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Desert Pl@h:
    Tell me, how realistic is a colony that's 4 cities large, complete with mining, forestry, farming, and fishing going to fit in the middle of a forest?
    A clear area in the middle of a giant forest is simply less realistic than an island. Besides, they look nicer on maps :p .

    EDIT: And Thuryl, you're right about the sympathetic enemy, though I don't think they should be able to communicate with humans. I think it's best if I leave them as non talkers.
    You convinced me on that island point. I guess it fits in my scenario, but maybe not in yours, but I don't think they look nicer on maps :p .

    About the talking thing: Maybe its indeed not better to have them talking, but what about literature, religion? I think you get to know something about there religion in Avernum 1 or 2, but I'm not completely sure.

    EDIT: That reminds me, maybe its nice to link it to the Avernum aranea's?
  2. I decided I'd do something different. Maybe I'll use the stone block somewhere else, but I think I'll just leave it out. For the time being I think this is maybe to difficult for my level if designing. I also don't want scripts made by others, because I want it to be my own work.


    Wait, I'm just getting a good idea for stone blocks...


    EDIT: I was just thinking: what do you guys think is an inetresting puzzle? I'm constantly trying, but I don't seem to get something acceptable out of it. What do you guys think? And yes, I did look at other scenario's.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    You can, in theory, make a terrain that you can push around using the BLOCK_MOVE_STATE. It might not even be that hard to do. The graphic is still among BoA's defaults, even though it's not defined to do anything right now.
    Thanks! I'll try that, and if it really doesn't work, I'll try the crates. Thanks for the advice.
  4. Isn't that block really not there? frown I came up with something really nice for that.


    I think I could use a barrel or crate though...


    I think I'll try it with a crate. Isn't there actually a way to make this sort of thing by yourself? I suppose not.

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Desert Pl@h:
    Aranea are not dumb animals, what with the spells and the government and the labs. I think that's a given.

    Colonists come to an island not expecting to have to conquer a thousand and one beasts. They just aren't prepared for it. And the problem doesn't threaten the whole island (which is really rather weak, in terms of orthodox scenario design), so the "Empire" or ruling state doesn't care.

    An island because I need borders that don't just happen because your party can't go further in one direction.

    Most scenarios take place in one of 3 places: a valley, an island, or underground in caves. These provide simple reasons why the party can't go off the edge of the outdoor map. Other scenarios, such as Falling Stars, have mixed borders, between mountains, sea coasts, and thick forests.
    Ah! Aranea! Sorry, I probably missed that. Aranea indeed are rather smart, but I also suggest maybe addinf things to their culture not previously know before. Maybe, like thuryl said, if tehry are intelligent, make them sympathetic. Maybe even go further and make them pathetic characters. Let them say interesting things, like the GIFTS always say stupid and interesting things.

    About the island: Why an isalnd? Easy borders. I'm not convinced. What I'm doing in my own scenario, is simply thick forests around the province. There is own big mountain that also helps a bit, but it certainly isn't a vale. I also have hardly water. Only some rivers. Caves I only use for underground. I still don't really see the real reason for an island. I think, that if you would want to make your scenario more interesting, you should also think of the setting, and don't make it to standard.
  6. That's okay, Ash. I didn't really expect that you would send me something soon. However, I would like to ask what you think of the principle of what I wrote you, cause I would like to get on designing (that also counts for Drakefyre, by the way). I myself am also quite bussy with school, so there for I'm not in a hurry to get all your replies. But I would much appreciate it. smile Don't feel that I force you, though. Take your time. smile

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Desert Pl@h:
    tThralni: What? What's Avernum? I know not what you speak of. Perhaps you refer to the land of Exile? (I reject such heresies.) No, it's definately not E/A 3.
    What I meant was, that the story reminds me of Avernum 3/Exile 3. Its a plagued island, plagued by probably dumb animals. What I'm trying to do in my scenario, is creating an interesting monster society, with religion, interesting books, that sort a thing.

    However, the one thing I do like about your idea, is the fact that the spiders weren't created by something or somebody. There is just one thing I don't understand: if it was such a threat in the past, why didn't they just kill all the beasts when they came to the island to live there? And why an island?
  8. To me it sounds a bit like Avernum 3 in a way, but what do I know. I myself am making a scenario which may look a bit like Avernum 3, with one major difference: The monsters are very intelligent, and no hack'n slash slaves.


    Ash, I was wondering if you'd already read what I sent you? You can skip the first question. That is all I wanted to say.

  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Drakefyre:
    Sorry, I've been busy lately, but in the next few days I should have a bit more time.
    That is what I already thought. Don't worry, take your time. Send it when you're finished. I myself am also rather busy, so I also wouldn't have much time.
  10. This time I'm trying to make outdoor encounters with friendly guards. The point is that they don't attack you. Now how exactly do I do that? Its probably somethign that I missed in the docs, cause I really couldn't find it.



  11. So if I understand it correctly, your dad deleated all the game files, so your game doesn't work anymore? Okay, here's what to do:


    Email jeff that you want a new game. Explain him why and include your registration code and your name. Jeff will probably send you a new registration code. However, you should download a new copy of Avernum 3, and also email Jeff the new code suplied with the game.

  12. Quote:
    Originally written by Mr. Morph:
    NOOOOOOOO!!!!!DONT EAT THE CHICKEN!And yes I didnt use the edit button because i was trying to bump it
    I really don't know where that outcry came from, but I agree. ONLY eat it when the mighty chicken gods are asleep, so you don't risk getting scorched or something.
  13. Hello and welcome!


    The welcoming ritual is as follows:


    Leave your sanity at the door! (where the fluffy turtles can eat it).


    To answer your question: I really don't know had happened to it. I also find it a shame that its down.


    And now for some comercials (don't worry, its not for bying something):

    would you like to hear your future? Alway curious of what the mighty chicken gods have to say!? Then come to me! Olga's fortune teller kiosk is a new bussines that tells you your fortune and furure by asking the mighty chicken gods what they think of you. Just look at my signature, and post a reply at the topic "Olga's fortune teller kiosk" In the general forum! I'll see you there! (don't forget to read at least the first three posts of the thread, so you know what to write)

  14. Quote:
    Originally written by Chief Spider watching The Simpsons:
    The editor is one of those things...

    It borders on the line of good and evil. We can use it to do good, but in our stubborness, we often don't. We can use it to do evil, and when we do, we always find a way to assure ourselves that nothing scandalous has occured before the "save as" button is clicked. No one knows exactly why it was created.

    But we're too afraid to go in and deactivate it, like the guardians to Grah-Hoth's realm. It's best to set it aside, and only use it for healing when you have a break in a dungeon. Otherwise, don't tread too close. frown
    I have never actually used the editor. sometimes to get easy gold. But I let myself promise I wouldnb't do that anymore, but would just loot some poor mans hut.
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