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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by The Real Dragon King:
    Now if someone could write an scenario about the First Expedition.......

    Me?? Nope...too dumb too make one that complex! laugh

    I would love too, but I didn't play the hole of Avernum 1, just the demo part, so I don't know the details, and can't search for them in the game. That's a pity. frown
  2. You're mixing Avernum 1 and 3 up. I Avernum 3, a group of trained adventurers went to the surface., they didn't have the orb of Thralni, but the Xian items, made by a mage in the tower of Magi called X. I think you're probably mixing this up with something in Avernum 1.

  3. I was actually wandering what exactly the story was of Thralni who had the orb and came to Avernum with the first expedition. My Scenario coach said that either Arancaytar or Drakefyre knows how it all went. So, could one of you tell me how it went, please?


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    Specifically, you want to use VTE in the Scenario menu, and you want to set a particular flag to the difference between the town numbers (so if your first town was town number 5 and your replacement was town number 11, you want to set a flag to 6. Specify the coordinates of that flag (and the first town number) in the VTE in the Scen menu.
    What I understand from this, is that the flag counts the number 6 up, by number 5, as to get 11. Am I right?
  5. Its a long time ago I posted a problem. To make that period a little smaller, I'll post a problem now.


    I want to replace a town with an other town. Now how exactly should I do that? Now just whipe the town of the outdoors, so you can't enetr it any longer, but replace it. Is there a certain call I need to use?

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Micawber:
    No guarantees, but I vaguely remember there might be reasons to visit these places:

    Slime pit; Agate Tower; Ghikra (by boat); Gorvifal's Crypt(?); House on the Hill; Shayder; Tomb of Vahkohs.
    This Vakhos guy, tel me, he's also the vampire lord in Diplomacy with the dead. What exactly id the connection between the two games with this Vakhos? What was he in Avernum 3?
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Drakefyre:
    Commander Johnson? Are we perchance in Fort Duvno?
    No. We are in a fort called "Fort Filbert", somewhere in the Riverrod province. Its just that I'm very bad in Thinking of good names. I could however try to make it a grandson, of the the fort Duvno Johnson...
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    Put the text bubbles in the START_STATE, not the INIT_STATE.
    Its always the small things I tend to do wrong. Its the bigger more complicated things I tend to do rather well, I think. thanks, kelandon. This is something I woudn't do wrong ever again.
  9. I have some problems with the text bubbles that appear above characters in towns. For some reason they don't always appear. here's what I did:


     //Town script for town 12: fort filbertbegintownscript;variables;body;beginstate INIT_STATE;	set_crime_tolerance(3);	set_name(6,"Commander Johnson");	set_name(7,"Kellin");	set_name(8,"Lieutenant Furginson");	set_name(42,"Sergeant Peter");	set_name(56,"General Flamington");	if (get_ran(1,0,100) < 6)		text_bubble_on_char(6,"All these problems");	if (get_ran(1,0,100) < 6)		text_bubble_on_char(6,"What should I do?");	if (get_ran(1,0,100) < 6)		text_bubble_on_char(8,"Should find succesor");	if (get_ran(1,0,100) < 6)		text_bubble_on_char(8,"But where to look?");	if (get_ran(1,0,100) < 6)		text_bubble_on_char(42,"Slurp... Slurp");	if (get_ran(1,0,100) < 6)		text_bubble_on_char(41,"Zzzzzz");	if (get_ran(1,0,100) < 6)		text_bubble_on_char(56,"I can solve puzzles");	if (get_ran(1,0,100) < 6)		text_bubble_on_char(56,"Yawn");break;beginstate EXIT_STATE;break;beginstate START_STATE;break; 
    Does anybody have a clue of what's going on? The characters exist, that I can telkl you. It isn't like that I try to put text bubbles above characters that aren't there.
  10. I know that question was diected to kelandon, and I'm not kelandon, but what I did while making my outdoor fight cutscene, was indeed to just use graphpaper and a pencil. Averytime I made a new movement of the troops, i made a new drawing. This way you indeed have a lot of drawing to do, but its easy to keep track of things. And if you eventually don't know, or are afraid of loosing the order in drawings you made, I recommend numbering them.


    Does this make you feel any better?

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