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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. Thanks kelandon, maybe you could send me an explanation of how the ability works? my email adress is:


    B.J.van.Soldt (AT) inter.nl.net


    As for the questions, I can tell you that there's no call or script or whatever for removing the party from ahorse. The bst thing you can do is ti try to make a custom graphic, which you eventually replace with the party.


    Maybe you can tell me a bit more about the custom graphics problem? Like how are you trying to copy the graphic from Photoshop to Resedit (I myself use Appleworks, BTW). And what do you mean by "super-pixilated"? (I son't really know all these computer terms).

  2. That thing with the sign is exactly my kind of humor. very pointless stupid comments. this reminds me... How about a chicken farm in my scenario? Where you can buy chicken meat or something?


    You also have (in at leat exile 3) this island south from... what was it again... Anyway, you have this island with a city on it, that was totally ruined by a storm. In the city, you have only one person left: some stupid priest who al the time creates undead, that eventually attack him and he gets killed. or nor. Then he killes the undead and just creates a new undead. smile

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Archmagus Micael:
    I changed the name of the file to G2514, and got rid of all that excess white. (I think the white was the main problem, but if the others work with white, maybe it was the file number.)

    I can't believe I managed to fix something no-one else could! (though they could have with the picture, I have to admit)
    And the game excepted that? I didn't know the program excepts graphic files that have more than three numbers (like G514), and can start with a 2 (like G2514).

    I didn't test it yet, but I'll do that soon.
  4. All the white really is there. i could have cut it. This however, doesn't cause the problem, because all other Windows graphiucs do work (this is the graphic i use with the editor. the mac graphic sits in a resource (.cmg) file, and that doesn't have the white).


    Thanks. How did you do that? is it the format of the file that makes the diffrence between appearing on the post or not?


    (BTW, this graphic is an animation, like the normal waterfall graphic. Here is the code from the datascript again)


     // Waterfall	begindefineterrain 474;	clear;	te_name = "Waterfall";	te_which_sheet = 514;	te_which_icon = 0;	te_second_icon = 4;	te_second_icon_offset_y = -55;	te_ed_which_sheet = 504;	te_ed_which_icon = 40;	te_move_block_n = 1;	te_move_block_w = 1;	te_move_block_s = 1;	te_move_block_e = 1;	te_anim_steps = 4; 
  5. Okay. It seems my former explanations weren't very good, so here's an other one:


    I make the scripts on the Mac, while making the scenario (.bas) file on the windows, using the 3Deditor. Then I copy the .bas file to the Mac, and put it in the scenario file.


    The graphics I make in Appleworks, then copying them into the resourcefork, which I make with Resedit. I play the scenario on the Mac.


    However, although this system i described above really looks silly and complicated, it works. All graphics I made work, except this one. In the 3Deditor the waterfall graphic did work. Therefor i don't know why the Mac is complaining.


    A last note about the topic: You don't have to read everything to fully understand it. Last post is or deals with the last question I asked.


    Anyway, i apreciate your help. sorry you couldn't help me. frown

  6. Okay, Michael, i sent you the graphic, Its in PNG format, so I wouldn't no why your computer can't open it, if it can't. Anyway, if it doesn't work, I'll send the graphic differently, but then I don't know if it will work when pasting it into the post.


    We'll just sit and wait I gues...

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Desert Pl@h:
    I'm in Chapter 3, in the Vanatiti lands, (haven't done the tests yet), and I can't find a trainer. Anyone know where one is?
    Its Vahnatai .

    There's indeed a trainer in Egl, but that was said already, so I'd better shut up.
  8. A few things:


    I use a Mac (meaning i use resedit to make the resource file) (BTW, i use a windows to make the .bas file, but that shouldn't make things different).


    I use the 3D editor (Why using the 2D when there's a 3D?)


    This paricular graphic is my 20th custom graphic. In the beginning I had a few problems, but it all went fine until this graphic error came up. therefor I think its strange.


    About posting the graphic: you don't know how many times I tried to do this. All i can offer is that you post your email adres and I just send you the graphics. But to be short: The grphic is a remake of the standard waterfall graphic that comes with the game. The only thing i changed, was that I turned it, hereby making it possible to make rivers that end up in waterfalls, flowing not only from the north (and then ending up in the waterfall) but by turning it the river flows from the west (and ends up in a waterfall). Can you picture what I mean?


    About this topic: What exactly do you have against so many posts, Omikron, and by that making a long thread?

  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Micawber:

    Changing the subject:
    Thralnai, it was a joke. The graemlin was a clue.
    Sorry, didn't want to start an intelligent sort of conversation. Sorry for that. (I myself actually don't really understand my response... Ah well, what do I care. confused )

    As for the CapiTalIzatIOn: Its proabbly just something that people do when writing fast.

    As for the coffins: that doesn't look to me like something a really advanced crystal coffin thing would have, but indeed. How else would they enter?

    As for the... This is getting boring

    TAKE 2

    About the "think eating": Did you think of that yourself? :p
  10. Quote:
    Originally written by Omikron:
    I read from the "scenario contest entries" that you needed help here, Thralni, so what help do you need exactly?

    BTW, why is this discussion SOOOO long?! eek

    How old are you?
    Did i post a help request on the scenario contest thread? Hm. Probably somedy elso did then.

    My problem is described just three post above this one (i think, I'm not completely sure).

    Kelandon, I really use the same .bas file, the .cmg file is in the scenbario folder. Its all in the correct place (the other custom graphics do work).

    I'm 15, soon 16 years old.

    EDIT: BTW, the problem I described above (above three posts) are one problem. If you don't know an answer, you can always be of help by saying (on the custom graphics topic in this same BoA editor forum) you'd like to see my graphics in order to judge if they (and espacially how) I can improve them.

    EDIT 2: I saw i myself indeed requested help, but that was a long time ago. Back then I had an other problem. But its nice to see people actually react to this and look where i tell them to look.
  11. Actually, there are many life forms without bones. They get their body (Sorry, I couldn't find an appropriate word) from other things, like water (gelly fish). other (like snails) just stay on the ground without being very high, which enables them to not having bones.


    How do you actually know they don't have bones? because if I'm not very mistaken and I just don't rememebr it properly, then an undead Vahnatai (like Vahnavoi, i think) leaves bones when you slay it.

  12. I looked several times at the graphics - everything seems fine. I looked at the scenario data script - it looks fine to me. So what can be the problem? The exact error message is it can't find graphic: sheet 514, icon 0. the graphic really is there, so i don't understand what the stupid game is complaining about!! mad


    Note that the graphic DID work in the editor.

  13. can anybody explain me this? The game says it can't icon 4 in sheet 514, but its there all right. Can there be a problem with it having an animation? This is the code:


     begindefineterrain 474;	clear;	te_name = "Waterfall";	te_which_sheet = 514;	te_which_icon = 0;	te_second_icon = 4;	te_second_icon_offset_y = -55;	te_ed_which_sheet = 504;	te_ed_which_icon = 40;	te_move_block_n = 1;	te_move_block_w = 1;	te_move_block_s = 1;	te_move_block_e = 1;	te_light_radius = 2;	te_anim_steps = 4; 
    i don't know why the game says it can't find it, because its really there. maybe one of you guys knows what the problem is?
  14. Quote:
    Originally written by Benny Boy:
    Well, as soon as you get the hang of SDFs, you'll want to use them like heck, so it's a good idea to keep track of what SDF you used where, to avoid any confusion, and most of all, double uses of the same flag, which is the cause of many a hard-to find bug.
    I agree with that. I actually adopted a method of kelandon for this. Just make a list on your computer. you will (hopefully) always find it and can easily add things to it. i always tended to lose my notes I made with pencil and paper.
  15. it really depends on what you want to do. here are two outdoor encounters you can make, you choose what you want.


    1) Outdoor encounters with special nodes. these are just with the special node rectangles (the blue rectangles) and you refer to a script state.


    2) The other outdoor encounter with monsters (wandering, preset encounters etc.). This probably what you mean. First choose the encounter you want from the outdoors menu. Then you get a screen, where you choose the monsters and the like. i recommend first choosing a monster. Click on the button "choose." now select a monster and click on Okay. Now, set the number of that monster to appear in the field next to it (the field which says "0." Make this a number of 1 and higher). Now, I say choose the starting location. These are just X and Y coordinates. you can find these at the bottom of the editor screen, at the bottom right corner. See that "X = ..., Y = ..."? That's the coordinates of the center square. using this, choose a square, and fill it in the "starting location" boxes of the encounter dialog box. Now you should have a SDF to eliminate the encounter whne you've beaten the monsters. Choose something like 100,0 (I usually tend to use a SDF in which you can see the coordinates of the outdoor section. So outdoor section X = 2 and Y = 3 has SDF 123,0 and so on).


    Now you have a outdoor monster encounter. look up the space in which you placed the monsters, and you should see the monsters (only with outdoor special encounters you usually don't see the monsters. I think that's only with outdoor preset encounters).


    I hope I helped you with this. if not, reply to ask more. We'll always be here to help you.

  16. I'm trying to put in a custom wall set, but i don't quit understand how to do that. Do have to define every icon, or do I have to just put it in some cmg file? Its a comnpleted wall set I got from a website called The Blazing blade. There you can find Wall sets. So what do I have to do with it exactly? Do I put it in the BoA terraingraphics .cmg file, in the BoA files folder? Or do i put it somewhere else?

  17. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    The name in the question field does not matter at all. It's the set_name in the town script that actually sets the name.
    Oh yes? I didn't know that. Again something new learened. What actually is the name for? Only for easy recognition for the party, are does it have some deeper meaning.
  18. Quote:
    Originally written by Bandwagon Bandwagon Bandwagon:
    I'm not 100% sure if this is the cause, but did you check the "unique NPC" box?
    This shouldn't have any effect on the name. Are you sure you asigned the name in question field od dialogue? I'm not sure if the name shows up if you haven't put the name in the dialogue script.
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