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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. How about for waveblade/razordisk advantages, make an option for item trait "Vahnatai weapon" (similar to magical/cursed/always identified) meaning Vahnatai would have bonuses using them. I don't know, that may be a bit too far fetched.
  2. I may have forgotten about that, but Nobody's Heroes is up... EDIT: Unless he said Nobody's Heroes could be up but nothing else.. let me check EDIT 2: Looking back at this thread, he said he didn't want his scenarios on CSR, not that he didn't want them here.
  3. I assume I'm a mod here, as I can edit all posts in this forum... Anyway.. Ah, Bahssikava, winner of the Spiderweb BoA Contest (or you could say the 7th Contest, BoA Division). One of the favorites among the BOA community in the beginning (and maybe still, I don't know), and bashed by longtime BoE community members. It takes place in Avernum, where you open the doors in Lost Bahssikava, and you have to lead the Sliths to their homeland, basically meaning you have to clean out all the tunnels of monsters. The beginning felt a bit of a repeat of the dungeon in Avernum 1 in some ways (find the triangles). However, there were some more interesting puzzles along the way. The second part is better, where more of the backstory is revealed. One of the criticisms the scenario received is that it's all backstory and no actual story - to be honest, I don't really see a problem with this, it just seems to be a different style of design. Overall, while not outstanding, it definitely was good entertainment. I know I was pretty negative to this scenario at first, but when I played it again, I enjoyed it. EDIT: On second thought, it's not 'good' good, sometimes it did feel a little silly and got boring. [rating]Average[/rating]. Not great, but not the bad scenario that some of the longtime BoE crowd made it out to be.
  4. Bahssikava Mac/Windows Author: Kelandon Difficulty: 40-60 Version: 1.0.3 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkJhaHNzaWthdmEiLCJ0aWQiOiIxMzc4NCIsInRhZ3MiOlsiYXZlcm51bSB1bml2ZXJzZSIsImNvbnRlc3Qgd2lubmVyIiwibG9uZyJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1Ijo3LCI0IjoxNCwiMyI6MywiMiI6MSwiMSI6MH19] Composite Score: 4.1/5.0 Best: 28.00% (7/25) Good: 56.00% (14/25) Average: 12.00% (3/25) Substandard: 4.00% (1/25) Poor: 0.00% (0/25) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Contest Winner, Long, Town Only
  5. I didn't care for this scenario at all, to be honest. It was basically just a hackthrough in one cave. The ending was a nice touch, and seemed like a pretty good re-creation from Avernum 2. However, all the scenario had was a lot of hacking, little substance, and a pretty good fight at the end. In the end, however, not worth a whole lot. I rate this scenario [rating]Substandard[/rating]
  6. This scenario was pretty so-so. It had some cool tricks with the coding (such as monsters that can heal themselves) and such. I find the whole concept of time travel a bit.. overrated. It just seems like a cheap way to be different. Not to mention, the two plots had pretty much nothing to do with one another. It's been a while since I've played this, though, my memory could be fading, but I remember my criticisms from the first time I played.. I rate this scenario [rating]Average[/rating].
  7. As you may have noticed, CSR is now available here at Spiderweb for BoE. Since I've never really made an official announcement about it here on the BoE forums, I guess this is it. We're slowly adding scenarios, but if you'd like to see a specific scenario added now, just let us know. The rules are the same as the BoA CSR, check the forum itself for more details.
  8. As for the breakdown, not really, just trying to find something that would make coherent sense.
  9. This has always been one of my favorite BoE scenarios. While it may not be as technically advanced as some of Alcritas' later efforts, it still has a good storyline with the plot fork well worked in (by far the best 'plot fork' scenario in BoE in my opinion), and has lots of things to discover and do. I would definitely put it on the top ten, as with many of Alcritas' other scenarios. Out of all the BOE scenarios, this scenario has my favorite storyline. I rate this scenario Best. And soon I hope to release it for BoA (and maybe someday it will be a major motion picture.... Okay, wishful thinking....)
  10. Replayed it recently. While I thought the scenario was good, I thought it was one of the weaker installments in the Arc series. Honestly, I thought the combat was ridiculous. This is one of the scenarios I'm still unable to get through without a god party. I'm still trying to find a party which can play it so its a challenge but not ridiculous. On the other hand, it had a very good story, and was technically brilliant. The ending was great, both the conclusion and the movie, and I really enjoyed walking the ledges. The feeling of having rocks thrown at you while inches away from the abyss was extremely well done. Overall, very good, but could be better. But still good enough to earn Best
  11. Of Good and Evil Author: Alcritas Difficulty: High Rating: PG13 Version: 1.0.3 Composite Score: 4.15 / 5.00 Best: 20% (4/20) Good: 75% (15/20) Average: 5% (1/20) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Alcritas Scenario, Plot Fork, Second in Series
  12. Tomorrow Author: Alcritas Difficulty: Very High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.39 / 5.00 Best: 39% (7/18) Good: 61% (11/18) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Alcritas Scenario, Finale, Linear, Tenth in Series
  13. Have you by any chance played "Emulations"? In the second half, you (sort of) play as a ghost.
  14. Since no reviews have been posted for BoE thusfar (other than my own), I'd like to port some reviews over. I'm thinking : 10 - 8.8 Best 8.7 - 7.5 Good 7.4 - 5.0 Average 4.9 - 3.0 Substandard 2.9 - 1 Poor I'm open to modifications to this scale
  15. Spears is a good scenario, but I have found this one somewhat less fun than other scenarios. It has many special features such as special spells, NPCs, counterspells (I liked this especially), and other things. The plot is that Sliths and Undine are at war, and in order to settle some territory, you must choose a side. What is interesting is that playing one side does not mean you fight the other blindly, i.e. if you play the Sliths there are Slith enemies and vice versa. The dialogue is very well written and it has good custom graphics. I found that the scenario seemed very confusing and I could never figure it out without the walkthrough. That being said, still very worth playing I rate this scenario Good.
  16. Spears Author: Stareye Difficulty: Very High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.23 / 5.00 Best: 23% (3/13) Good: 77% (10/13) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Epic, Plot Fork, Second in Series
  17. As I said before, make it possible to use the arrow keys.
  18. On replay, this scenario was much much better than I gave it credit for the first time. I loved the unique setup and atmosphere, which gives it a very different feel from other scenarios. It had an excellent (and very scary) plot, it was fun, and there were lots of unique sequences and such. It's really cool how so much can happen out in the middle of almost nowhere. Play it at night to get the full effect. Definitely one of the five best. I rate this scenario Best.
  19. Just replayed it, and it was much better than I rated it before. The plot was excellent, and very dark. The setup was excellent, it's all a storybook! Nice to see the SAGE gremlins again. There are a series of interesting scenes and things for you to do. The gremlins were fun, as was doing the chores for Alcritas. I also liked the executions in the town square, and the moment where the narrator gets the story wrong. The combat and graphics are also great as well. Overall, probably my second favorite scenario. I rate this scenario Best.
  20. Falling Stars Author: Alcritas Difficulty: High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.58 / 5.00 Best: 58% (11/19) Good: 42% (8/19) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Alcritas Scenario, Contest Winner, Epic, Eighth in Series, Open Ended
  21. An Apology Author: Alcritas Difficulty: Low Rating: R Version: 1.0.3 Composite Score: 4.59 / 5.00 Best: 68% (15/22) Good: 23% (5/22) Average: 9% (2/22) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Alcritas Scenario, Linear, Mature Scenario, Sixth in Series, Town Only
  22. Redemption Author: Alcritas Difficulty: Very High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.67 / 5.00 Best: 67% (18/27) Good: 33% (9/27) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Alcritas Scenario, Contest Winner, Fifth in Series, Mature Scenario
  23. It was on my list of favorites before, and is still a great scenario, but some flaws keep it from being a masterpiece. But before that, I'll give it the praise it well deserves: First off, the graphics add a truly unique feel. The Gumby town was fun, and many of the missions were fun and challenging. You start as some weak people who call themselves "The Adventurer's Club", hence the name. You gain skills along the way. The combat is challenging. I attempted to fight the Slith villages with a level 7 party, who knew level 1-3 spells only. Hard, but I did it. At the end of the scenario, I had a level 30 or so party, with level 6-7 spells. Gold is pretty scarce as well, until you become an Expert Alchemist. Town design is amazing. Independence City had so much to see, and the other towns are pretty cool as well. The final fight with Mother was interesting as well. The one-on-one fight was pretty cool, too. However, there are some holes in the scenario... - The final quest is ridiculously hard, and the ending really isn't worth it. And if Brundig thinks you are a hero, wouldn't he reward you as well? - The Ripper Beasts in the Catsclaw Mountains are plain annoying. - The outdoor sections past the stockade (the gap past the Nephil lands and the Rakshasi lair) seem extremely bare. It only has grass, flowers, hills, and one obselisk. - Some mountains aren't aligned properly, and there's a goblin cave facing the wrong way. The Hill Giant fort's name is 'Stockade.' Lancaster Simms can appear twice after you get him drunk. Ice Puddings have the ability "Paralysis Ray." The stairs from level 3 to level of the Mages' Guild says "Do you want to go down?" - There only seems to be one place where you can get reagents for your Alchemist missions. Seriously, where does everyone else get them? (I could be wrong, but this is worth noting) Overall, a great scenario, the "much better" Exile III. It took me about as long as Exile III, but this is much better. While this does have some amateurish design flaws, it has better graphics, better story, and is more fun to play. It was once one of my favorites, but not anymore. Still... I rate this scenario Best.
  24. The first Adventurer's Club scenario is ready to be rated. I still have a day left of classes, after that I'll put more scenarios up.
  25. The Adventurers Club 1: The Presence Author: Shyguy Difficulty: Very High Version: 1.0.3 Composite Score: 3.75 / 5.00 Best: 13% (2/16) Good: 56% (9/16) Average: 25% (4/16) Substandard: 6% (1/16) Poor: 0% Keywords: Epic, First Scenario, First in Series, Open Ended
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