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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. Winner of General A: Frostbite by Lazarus Winner of General B: Tales of the Tabard Inn by Lazarus Winner of Newcomer:In the Shadow of Dragons by Nemesis Finalists: Frostbite by Lazarus Tales of the Tabard Inn by Lazarus Adrift by Ephesos Shades of Grey by Ephesos In the Shadow of Dragons by Nemesis Witch Hunt by Nioca Kill them Dead by Enraged Slith I know many of you are probably disappointed that your scenario didn't go forward. Don't think that means we didn't like your scenario. We just had some excellent winners this year, and it was pretty hard to live up to them. I'll say this, looking through the highest scores given to each scenario, the lowest of these scores is a 6.
  2. I've received your scores! Thanks! I've received all scores for General A and B, so if you'd like, I can announce the finalists for those.
  3. FYI, I received Jewels' scores and I've finished all my scenarios.
  4. REMINDER! Scores are due a WEEK from TODAY! The only person I've received scores from is Nioca.
  5. That was the original plan, but I extended it to the 31st at the start due to a shortage of judges. See the thread "9th Contest - Here we go..."
  6. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Why so far away? I should have no problem with an August 30 deadline, much less September. Why drop out at all then? The deadline for prelims isn't till 8/31
  7. Uh, both the links for the Native Character Editor AND the "New Mac BoE" are broken. http://khoth.ath.cx/~khoth does not download BoE. http://hallsofchaos.forinti.com/BoE%20Char%20Editor/ does not download the editor
  8. I received your scores. I'm almost done with Cat A. The only scenario I have left is Kingdom Hall. Tyran - Sept. 15-30, depending on the finalists.
  9. Alright, have fun on vacation. Any chance you will be able to do Best Scenario?
  10. I went ahead and added El Presidente in (Category A), as per Nikki's request. I know I said no more entries, but since it is an old scenario, I'll make an exception just this once.
  11. I'll go ahead and enter it, since it isn't new and it isn't that far past the deadline.
  12. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus How is Blades of Rogue a Newcomer scenario. Wasn't Stairway in the 8th contest? No, Stairway was only in the 1/10 Contest.
  13. Either is fine, although I prefer email. bihrno@yahoo.com
  14. I just realized I forgot to credit my beta testers. They include w-dueck and Robsta. I'll fix this when I get home.
  15. Judging Deadline for Preliminary: August 31, 2008 Here are the entries into their categories: General Entries A (Judges: Bain-Ihrno, Excalibur, Nioca, Jewels) Adrift by Ephesos Aphobia by Terror's Martyr Avatar by Terror's Martyr Darkness by Ephesos El Presidente by Nikki and Thralni Frostbite by Lazarus HIM by Thralni IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO by Terror's Martyr Kingdom Hall by Nikki General Entries B (Judges: Nioca, Excalibur, Jewels) Bonus Army by Terror's Martyr Outpost Valley by Smoo Settlers by Terror's Martyr Shades of Grey by Ephesos Tales from the Tabard Inn by Lazarus Twilight Vale by Nikki War Preparations by Milu 100 Evil Sliths by Bain-Ihrno Newcomer (Judges: Bain-Ihrno, Excalibur, Lazarus, Jewels) Witch Hunt by Nioca In the Shadow of Dragons by Nemesis Blades of Rogue by Niemand Wilderness by Jemand Kill them Dead by Enraged Slith Bonus Army has been moved to category B to even it out. You may sign up to judge now if you would like to do so, just make sure you have a registered copy of BoA. To judge, send in a score from 1-10, 10 being the best. Comments are recommended but not required. The standards are up to you, but you may not favor BoE over BoA or vice versa. Welcome to the contest....
  16. Well, this is it. Prepare to begin.
  17. I need a link to the scenario, and the size. I assume it's a BoA scenario.
  18. Also, you don't have to be signed up by the end of the day today to judge. You may sign up after the contest is already underway. So if you can acquire BoA, you can sign up later. This does not go for scenarios.
  19. Originally Posted By: Lazarus. I can judge if needed. I'd prefer to have more people without entries, but we'll see. Yeah, we only have two judges who aren't participating. We're good on scenarios, but we're really short on judges.
  20. Last call for entries! Last call for entries!
  21. The full site is set up, but it does not appear on the scenario list yet. I'll put it on later. Checking out the link in my sig to see the updated site. Well, I'm on vacation now, I released the scenario just before leaving, that is why it was rushed. I'll be back next week (but I still have internet access).
  22. Yes, the deadline will be the 17th-20th, so you should have plenty of time.
  23. Also, we'll keep utilities in for now, but I don't guarantee they will actually be competing. Last time no one cared to judge the utilities. Also, TV is not a newcomer. You entered AGB into the 8th Contest.
  24. You can, but I can't guarantee that your beta testers will finish the job if you do.
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