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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. Eh, it's worth a shot. What were the secrets contained in the works of Cyrantheus?
  2. Nephil's Gambit is a good scenario with an interesting plot. Rather than a standard battle of good and evil, the characters are all presented in shades of gray. Unfortunately, it had many downsides, such as bugs, poor custom graphics (in my opinion), and it being too hard to find things. I doubt I ever would have beat it without the walkthrough. Still, a very good scenario with challenging fights and an interesting story. Good
  3. I liked Brotherhood of the Hand, thought it had an interesting plot, good puzzles, and challenging combat. I did think that it was a bit too short if you don't find the temple puzzle, and I would have liked to see some larger differences in the plot if you help the town with their Slith problem. That being said, a very good scenario. Good
  4. Nephil's Gambit Author: Tormod Stangeland Difficulty: Low Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 4.21 / 5.00 Best: 25% (6/24) Good: 71% (17/24) Average: 4% (1/24) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, Linear
  5. Brotherhood of the Hand Author: Drizzt Difficulty: High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.07 / 5.00 Best: 7% (1/15) Good: 93% (14/15) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, Second in Series
  6. Sorry I didn't say anything about this, but I wanted to leave the topic open in case others had the same question. In retrospect, I probably should have just posted the info to the forum. Alcritas - that's cool. Have you played any scenario post "Roots" or for that matter any scenario you haven't played before?
  7. Oh, hey Al. Thanks. You wouldn't have by any chance played BoE in a while, have you?
  8. This is the Scenario of Scenarios, the ultimate BoE epic. I have to say, it was a very good scenario. It encompasses the reality of war, and has lots of cool innovations, such as the NPC system, the reputation system, lots of new monsters to fight, artifacts, the RuneSword, and more. I wasn't a huge fan of the final mission (it was both too hard and dull), and there were lots of areas that could be improved (e.g. The NPCs could be better as characters), but it is still a very good scenario. Best
  9. Top rated scenario to include Warrior's Grove... It's true. I'll admit I cheated a little to get to the Black Amethysts - it seemed no matter what I did, I couldn't get Kassand to tell me/make the dungeon visible. So I went into the scenario editor to force him. Anyway, this was a very hard scenario - you can't rest or wait without dying. There's a fatique system - if you don't get back to your bed in time, you die. Combat was tough as well. This is very innotative. At some parts it bothered me, at other parts I thought it was a fun challenge. Animations here were awesome, especially the tower sequence. The scenario is very cleverly coded. Plot was pretty good too, although most of the stuff involving Kassand's past seemed a bit pointless. I didn't like the dream in the temple - it was annoying to have to hear repeated sounds of fireballs and clinging swords. I liked the gray graphics, but the land itself wasn't really that interesting to explore, and I hated having to walk through large swamps. Isn't 'Uganta' one letter off from being the name of a real country? I have to admit, that bothers me a bit. Skree fangs don't stack and they really should. Overall, good scenario. A bit too hard for my taste, but some parts were pretty fun. The story was good as well as its technical mastery. Good
  10. On replay the scenario was good, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I did previous playthroughs. A lot of the character names felt really silly, and there was too much to find and not enough time to use it. This wouldn't be as big a deal in a scenario where you use your own party, but for a prefab party scenario, it seems wasteful to have so much treasure to find/buy, but you never get to use it. The rune system was neat but again, there were too many to enjoy it all. That being said, it's still worth a playthrough and I liked the ending, even I couldn't completely figure everything out. Best
  11. Revenge Author: The Creator Difficulty: Very High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.25 / 5.00 Best: 25% (3/12) Good: 75% (9/12) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Combat Heavy, Custom Graphic Land
  12. Nebulous Times Hence Author: Terror's Martyr Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.19 / 5.00 Best: 19% (3/16) Good: 81% (13/16) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Don't Fix the Shark Contest, Linear, Outdoors Only, Pre-Fab Party
  13. On replay, I liked it much better than the first time. It had cool quests and fun games, like the casino and press your luck. While I feel that some of it was "AC1 Improved Edition", and that some missions were just thrown in to make the game longer, it was still an enjoyable play. I didn't know the first time it was possible to slay Lucivius. Highly recommended. Best
  14. Adventurer's Club 3: Retribution Author: Shyguy Difficulty: Very High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.44 / 5.00 Best: 44% (4/9) Good: 56% (5/9) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0%
  15. Upon replay, I didn't find this scenario to be as good as I did the first time. It starts off very exciting, with suspense, and the idea of sucking up people's power. I really enjoyed the idea of playing as a possessed character, trying to figure out what's going on. Great atmosphere, very exciting. My only main complaint with the first half is that I was basically told I wanted to go see Aavian's experiment... if I was really there, I wouldn't have actually wanted to. Then it goes into the second half, which is good, but not great. The idea of solving the scenario conflicts as a ghost was cool, but more could have been done with this idea. The main problem, though, is how the second half came after the first. I agree with previous posters that it slowed down, but to me, it also seemed as if the storyline was changed. The first part was about the obselisk and the posession, but once the character enters the ghost storyline, the story changes to Wrexus' evil plan to start a Slith war, which I found disappointing because the whole plot with the obselisk was unresolved and more interesting anyway. Overall a good scenario worth playing. Good
  16. At the Gallows Author: Stareye Difficulty: Very High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.35 / 5.00 Best: 41.1% (7/17) Good: 52.9% (9/17) Average: 5.8% (1/17) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Avernum Universe, Epic
  17. Emulations Author: Stareye Difficulty: Low Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.50 / 5.00 Best: 50% (8/16) Good: 50% (8/16) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Avernum Universe, Mature Scenario, Pre-Fab Party
  18. Shades of Gray is an interesting scenario, which takes place in a temple, where there are two paths you can play, although one does take a bit more effort to find. As per usual, it is very pretty to look at. The plot was pretty basic (clear a temple of ghosts). The fights were pretty fun. It was fun, with some interesting twists, but it still seemed like a short dungeon haul, albeit a very clever one. The end of the main path also need explanation. Yes, it's given in the other path, but if I'm not playing that path, it should still be explained. Note that it's been a while since I've played this scenario so I may be foggy on some details. I rate this scenario [rating]Average[/rating].
  19. Embers of Rebellion is a short but sweet scenario. It has a reasonably interesting plot, good fights, and beautiful graphics. There's nothing actively wrong with this scenario, but on the other hand, I wouldn't feel right saying that it is outstanding. It doesn't really do anything special. That being said, still worth playing. I rate this scenario [rating]Good[/rating]
  20. I'm on the fence about this scenario. On one hand, it was brilliant work, with a very well-written story, and challenging combat. On the other, there wasn't much time to do anything, as you had to rush through quickly in order to finish. I also wasn't a huge fan of the mazes. That being said, there were lots of fun fights, and I liked the spell books, and being forced to find new combat strategies to win the scenario. I also liked making choices throughout, and the different endings. I must admit I almost always choose to (SPOILER)pull the lever(/SPOILER)... may as well watch a cool SFX sequence at the end.. In retrospect, I'm going to rate this scenario Best. Very well made, some parts not to my taste, but a great challenge.
  21. I honestly have had to revisit this rating... I used to find the scenario outstanding, but the more I think about it.. The plot seems like a typical good/evil battle with little substance, some of the drama came off as fake, etc. Plus, I wasn't a huge fan of the town layouts. Still, it had lots of interesting innovations and some good battles. Good
  22. Roots Author: Thuryl Difficulty: Low Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.57 / 5.00 Best: 58% (11/19) Good: 42% (8/19) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Mature Scenario, Plot Fork, Pre-Fab Party
  23. <span style="font-weight: bold">Shadow of the Stranger</span> Author: Drizzt Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.43 / 5.00 Best: 44% (7/16) Good: 56% (9/16) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, Third in Series
  24. I know this is an old topic, just happened to run across it, but what are the five artifacts? I've been playing this again, and it seems there's still lots I haven't found.
  25. Thanks. Is there by any chance a master list of all the suggestions thusfar?
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