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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. Riddle of the Spheres Author: Brett Bixler Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.12 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 25% (2/8) Average: 62% (5/8) Substandard: 12% (1/8) Poor: 0% Keywords: Combat Heavy, Town Only
  2. Northern Kingdom 0: Prologue Author: Kelandon Difficulty: Low Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 3.23 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 31% (4/13) Average: 62% (8/13) Substandard: 7% (1/13) Poor: 0% Keywords: Linear, Small Scenario
  3. Riddle of the Spheres Author: Brett Bixler Difficulty: Low Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 3.26 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 42% (8/19) Average: 42% (8/19) Substandard: 16% (3/19) Poor: 0% Keywords: Large Scenario
  4. That did the trick! Thanks. EDIT: New problem. So I deleted all the white areas, they are now transparent in Seashore. However, I need to copy the graphics file to ResFool to make the .meg file, and when I do that, I end up with a black background in the scenario editor. I have: 1. Deleted the white background with the wand tool. 2. Saved the document as a .gif, .jpg, etc. 3. Copied the document into ResFool (I have also tried pasting directly from Seashore) 4. Set ResFool to the appropriate settings (i.e. changed the '128' to '1') 5. Tried using the graphics in the scenario editor. I either end up with a white or black background.
  5. Thanks. I managed to create a graphics file where everything is aligned but I have another question. All the monsters have white backgrounds. I know that this is a problem with the file, as the background is at white, but I don't know how to get it transparent. Nothing seems to work. Thanks.
  6. Simple, but moving I didn't finish it entirely, because I got stuck and no one helped me. However, I was very close to the end of the scenario, so I've decided that in truth, I've got enough to rate it on. I was short by one special item or something, and I heard the ending isn't more than, what, one text box. (Warning: spoilers follow!) Anyway, this scenario had a very interesting premise. The graphics were good, although for me the monsters and items had white backgrounds. However, I won't penalize for this unless I hear other people complaining about this. I loved the asylum adventure, but the real highlight of the scenario was the changing of the land. Not only was it interesting to reexplore a land that you already have before to see different stuff, but it was also a horrific moment too. As I said, it seemed too easy to get stuck. I also can't say that I liked the spider cave. It just seemed obnoxious for no particular reason, as did the undead fort. This scenario seemed to be a bit buggy too. Been a few months since I played to give any examples, though. Good scenario overall, felt a bit amateurish at parts in terms of technicality, but it was mostly fun (except for obnoxious puzzles!), and the story was good and actually had some emotional impact. Didn't see how it ends, but I hear the ending is quite lame. I also got a kick out of the undead walk thing for no real reason. Good
  7. Changing Faces Author: Ryan Phelps Difficulty: Low Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.40 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 60% (3/5) Average: 20% (1/5) Substandard: 20% (1/5) Poor: 0% Keywords: Large Scenario
  8. I really enjoyed this scenario. It had lots of good tactical tricks, and a decent plot to tie it all together. Not perfect, but very enjoyable. Good
  9. An okay scenario. I enjoyed the community cameos, the plot was a bit on the weak side. Still, quite fun to play. Average
  10. A very good first scenario, and a good scenario overall. There are things I think could have been improved, and the dark atmosphere was ruined by humor, and I didn't like just waiting for something to happen, but these problems only keep it from being a masterpiece. Good
  11. 100 Evil Sliths Author: Bain-Ihrno Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: Not reviewed yet. Best: 0% Good: 67% (2/3) Average: 33% (1/3) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Humor Scenario, Short Scenario
  12. Earthward Road Author: Akhronath Difficulty: Low Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.69 / 5.00 Best: 7% (1/13) Good: 54% (7/13) Average: 38% (5/13) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Linear, Short Scenario
  13. The Isle of Boredom Author: The Creator Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.43 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 43% (3/7) Average: 57% (4/7) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Custom Graphics Overhaul, Large Scenario
  14. Bandits Author: Terror's Martyr Difficulty: Low Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 3.46 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 62% (8/13) Average: 23% (3/13) Substandard: 15% (2/13) Poor: 0% Keywords: Short Scenario
  15. Okay. Apparently, when I use Seashore, every time I paste something, it won't let me edit anything I have pasted previously. If I try to use the pencil over anything other than what I have most recently pasted, it doesn't work. Essentially, what I am trying to do is create a custom graphics file by downloading images from Pixle Profusion, and then pasting them into a Seashore file, and then moving the graphics to align them into the proper places. However, I am having difficulty doing that. For example: I paste a Moon Knight into the file. I can move it to the proper position after I paste it. Then I paste a Royal Guard. I can move the Royal Guard around. However, after I paste the Royal Guard, I can no longer move the Moon Knight. This is problematic because I need to be able to go back and move it in case I position it wrong. Would you know why this is? Thanks.
  16. Sorry about the confusion. I have some paint programs, such as Seashore, but can't figure out how to use them the way I want to. With Seashore, after I paste, I can't figure out how to edit previous graphics inserted. I also tried using Paintbrush, but there's a bug that cuts off some of the graphic.
  17. I am indeed starting a new scenario. I don't know why, or if anyone will be around to see it, but I am. When starting a new custom graphics file, what's the best way to go about this? What program(s) should I use. I'm trying to use the graphics off of Pixle Profusion, but can't find a way to organize them. I could do this on Windows, but can't seem to figure it out here. Any ideas?
  18. I wasn't a huge fan of this scenario, I thought it was rather dull and the town design was sloppy, which I don't like, even if intentional. But still a decent scenario. Average
  19. Doom Moon Author: Andres Gonzales Difficulty: Medium Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.67 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 67% (6/9) Average: 33% (3/9) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Combat Heavy
  20. A Gathering Storm Author: Janet Cone Difficulty: High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 3.56 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 56% (5/9) Average: 44% (4/9) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Large Scenario
  21. Lost Hope Author: Monsoma Difficulty: Medium Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.57 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 57% (4/7) Average: 43% (3/7) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords:
  22. The Duke of Rahaxy Author: Jearwolf Difficulty: Medium Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: Not reviewed yet. Best: 0% Good: 100% (4/4) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords:
  23. One of those scenarios that reminds me why I love Blades. Good
  24. Strange scenario I enjoyed it. Technically very good. The blindfold system was cool. However, there's (almost) no challenge involved whatsoever (there is some.) A fun little scenario to play through. Average
  25. I found it to be rather enjoyable. Nice graphics, challenging (for me) combat, beautiful graphics. This is actually one of my favorite scenarios. Best
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