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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. Originally Posted By: WHAT MADNESS! Originally Posted By: Handyman Why do you have contests? Don't y'all have ongoing comprehensive scenario reviews? feel free to contribute to those threads by posting a review or two then. Yeah, part of why I wanted to have a contest was to increase feedback to scenarios. I thought about proposing a ratings contest too, but I've proposed it before and it's gone nowhere.
  2. It's on now, don't know how I forgot that one. EDIT: If this seems like a go, I could start it now actually, and set the deadline for the end of the year in case anyone does actually want to make a scenario.
  3. The Sorcerer's Apprentice Mac/Windows Author: Niemand Difficulty: Rating: Version: 1.1.0 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlRoZSBTb3JjZXJlcidzIEFwcHJlbnRpY2UiLCJ0aWQiOiIxNTYyMCIsInRhZ3MiOltdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjowLCI0IjoyLCIzIjoxLCIyIjoxLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.3/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/4) Good: 50.00% (2/4) Average: 25.00% (1/4) Substandard: 25.00% (1/4) Poor: 0.00% (0/4) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords:
  4. Basically I'm trying to dig up everything released since the 9th Contest (which was August-September 2008).
  5. It seems like a number of scenarios have been released since the 9th Contest, and I was thinking of having a general contest basically to run the scenarios against each other. Many of them have been made for short contests, but some haven't, and since we do have quite a bit of new scenarios that have built up, I'd like to see how they do against each other. The prospective scenarios: Threnody (Lazarus) Waterweb (Handyman) The Crusaders (Bain) (BOE Scenario) Black Crown: Part I (Duck) Strange Gildra (BJ Earles) The Cradle (BJ Earles) Warp (Ephesos) The Seige of Copperpeak (Ephesos) Out of Sight (Nikki) The Staff (Slack) Nobody's Heroes (Kelandon) Sorcerer's Apprentice (Niemand) The Eternal (Nikki) The Triple Valley (Iffy) Quarhag Pass (Smoo ) The Ritual of Registration (Nemesis) Incorruptible (Tridash) Turn That Frown Upside-Down (Duck) HIM: Wolf at the Door (Thralni) Turn the Frown Upside Down II (Duck) Enemy at the Gates (Metatron) Gluckcluck (Enraged Slith) Always on Your Day Off! (Nicothodes) To Hell in a Handbasket (Nemesis) Oops (Dintiradan) Pilgrimage to Thakos (Sylae Correll) (BOE Scenario) Okay, that should be all of them more as they come. I'd probably wait until after Duck's contest to start this, if people are interested.
  6. I think I've already expressed in judging, but I haven't given you my address, so I'll PM it.
  7. So what did you think of the final installment of the Harry Potter films, for those of you who have seen it? WARNING: SPOILERS BEYOND!!!! While there was a lot of magic fights, it didn't seem like an action film. It's more a story driven film taking place in a battle. This isn't necessarily good or bad, it's just an observation. Comparing it to the book, I thought it was actually an improvement, because it seemed like it actually took effort to defeat him personally in the movie. That being said, since the final book came out, I never cared for the ending. The series got darker as the stories progressed, and it just seemed like it flipped back to the lightness of the first one after Voldemort was defeated. When Harry looks through Snape's memories, Dumbledore tells Snape what happened to Harry on the night he was attacked. Snape says, "So the boy must die?" Dumbledore says, "Yes. He must die." I will openly admit that this part had me sobbing in the theater. I didn't even find it that emotional in the book, but the movie just did it so well it was very powerful, with the soundtrack and acting. This was probably the best part of the movie, maybe even the best part of any of these films. So why am I let down? After the limbo, there's even a good part where Neville Longbottom inspires everyone not to give up hope just because Harry is dead. Then they see Harry back in action, and after that, it's pretty much just Harry and Voldemort chasing each other throughout the school, until Harry defeats Voldemort. Then there's the scene "19 Years Later" (if you haven't noticed, that would be the year 2017) which I thought was unnecessary in both the book and the film. The film could have just cut it off and it still would have been the same film pretty much. They could have just moved stuff like Harry accepting Snape was a good man to right after Voldemort was defeated, with him just talking to Ron and Hermione. Basically, after the limbo, while I thought the action was pretty good, it still seemed like the standard "Good vs. Evil" battle, and the cliched happy ending. The thing is this: I felt the happy ending really ruined the mood of the dark turn the films took, and the climatic scene of Harry realizing his destiny. I'm probably making lots of Potter fans mad by saying this, but I really do think that Harry should have died and not come back to life. It would have been a perfect emotional ending to a progressively darker series. Oh, and by the way, why did all that stupid wand stuff have to be mentioned in the film? That was one of the worst things about the book, and it very easily could have been removed from the film. The acting for the most part was very good, although I didn't think Ralph Fiennes did a great job with Voldemort. It may sound like I didn't like the film from reading this. Not true. I did enjoy it, would definitely recommend it, but I just left feeling disappointed. I knew what the outcome was going to be, since I've read the book, but the movie still left me disappointed. It may just be that the movie was made so well up until the limbo scene (which was good too, but that's when it started heading downhill.) So I guess that was kind of a rant. It was a good movie, but it could have been great. What are your thoughts on the final HP film? Probably different from mine, I would expect.
  8. Exodus Mac/Windows Author: Kelandon Recommended Levels: Content Rating: Mature Version number: 1.0.2 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IkV4b2R1cyIsInRpZCI6IjE1NTIxIiwidGFncyI6WyJjb21iYXQgaGVhdnkiLCJlcGljIiwibGluZWFyIiwidmVyeSBoYXJkIl0sImJnYXNwIjp7IjUiOjMsIjQiOjUsIjMiOjcsIjIiOjAsIjEiOjB9fQ==] Composite Score: 3.7/5.0 Best: 20.00% (3/15) Good: 33.33% (5/15) Average: 46.67% (7/15) Substandard: 0.00% (0/15) Poor: 0.00% (0/15) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Combat Heavy, Epic, Linear, Very Hard
  9. Thanks, Bruce! You've probably noticed I'm fading out of the community. Glad I was able to get out one last scenario for BoE.
  10. I'm unfortunately not skilled with converting graphics files, so if someone could make a .BMP file, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  11. The Crusaders Author: Bain-Ihrno Rating: R Difficulty: Very High Version: 1.0.0 Composite Score: Insufficient reviews. Best: 0% Good: 0% Average: 100% (1/1) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Combat Heavy, Custom Graphic Overhaul, Linear, Pre-Fab Party
  12. I have uploaded The Crusaders to the Blades Forge. Enjoy! Get it here! If you can detect any bugs, let me know and I will get them fixed.
  13. Ah, I forgot about the Blades Forge entirely. It will be up at the end of the day at the latest. Enjoy!
  14. As you may know, the Crusaders will likely be my last scenario for Blades. It was the last idea I had, I rarely play Blades anymore, and scenarios are in low demand now. That being said, I'm still glad I made one last scenario to finish. Unfortunately, I have no actual link. I no longer have a Blades website, and thus have nowhere to put the scenario now. If anyone would like to volunteer to host my scenario until it can get onto a database, let me know. In the meantime, if you want a copy, I'll email it straight to you. Note that the scenario is rated R and is very hard (my beta testers will attest to this!). I've truly enjoyed the years I've played BoE more passionately and will miss them. Thanks to Jeff, BoE, and the Community for all the fun that they provided.
  15. Watching MSNBC, it seems this is mostly over Planned Parenthood.
  16. The Cradle Mac/Windows Author: Benjamin Earles Difficulty: 15-18 Rating: Version: 1.0.1 [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlRoZSBDcmFkbGUiLCJ0aWQiOiIxNDkxMiIsInRhZ3MiOlsiYXZlcm51bSB1bml2ZXJzZSIsImxpbmVhciIsInNlcmlvdXMiLCJzaG9ydCJdLCJiZ2FzcCI6eyI1IjowLCI0IjoxLCIzIjoxLCIyIjowLCIxIjowfX0=] Composite Score: 3.5/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/2) Good: 50.00% (1/2) Average: 50.00% (1/2) Substandard: 0.00% (0/2) Poor: 0.00% (0/2) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords: Avernum Universe, Linear, Serious, Short
  17. I'm not completely done posting, but I'm thinking I'm going to stop permanently after I do a few more. I'm not sure it's really worth the effort (it takes more work to post these than you might think) to put all the bad scenarios reviews up. Especially when few new ratings are coming in. If anyone else would like to take over and put scenarios/reviews up, let me know. I can tell you, though, that the majority of BoE scenarios that are worth seeing are up now, though. Sorry everyone.
  18. The Za-Khazi Run Author: Jeff Vogel Rating: G Difficulty: High Version: Composite Score: Best: 0% Good: 0% Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Linear, Prepackaged Scenario
  19. Valley of Dying Things Author: Jeff Vogel Rating: G Difficulty: Low Version: Composite Score: Best: 0% Good: 0% Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Prepackaged Scenario
  20. So would people be interested in such a contest at all, regardless of how it's scored?
  21. Theoretically, it could, but past contests have shown this is not the case.
  22. I may be game for a playing contest. I also like the idea of a Warrior's Grove contest. If it's only BoA though, I just can't figure out the scripting, so I'd be out there (for a designing contest). Also, review contests have been done before. The rules were: 1. You'd get one point for reviewing a scenario. 2. If you move a scenario from unrated to rated (if you're the fifth person), you get two points. 3. One point is deducted each day. 4. If you have zero points, you're eliminated. 5. The winner is the last person standing. This would be fun too, I've actually suggested it before but it never went anywhere.
  23. Threnody Mac/Windows Author: Lazarus Rating: Difficulty: Version: [composite=eyJ0aXRsZSI6IlRocmVub2R5IiwidGlkIjoiMTQ1NjAiLCJ0YWdzIjpbXSwiYmdhc3AiOnsiNSI6MCwiNCI6MCwiMyI6MCwiMiI6MSwiMSI6MH19] Composite Score: 2.0/5.0 Best: 0.00% (0/1) Good: 0.00% (0/1) Average: 0.00% (0/1) Substandard: 100.00% (1/1) Poor: 0.00% (0/1) [encouragenecro] [/composite] Keywords:
  24. I guess I'll send you the scenario and see what you can do with it (after I finish alpha-testing). You may wish to cheat and play with a god party. The thing is, the scenario was designed similar to some of the later BoE scenarios, which the audience was experienced players who want something different from the standard Blades engine. I'm starting to think this scenario may have been a mistake, since those people are no longer around. If another 24 Hour contest emerges, I may make a simple scenario and enter that.
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