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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. Excellent work Fog was an excellent scenario. It had pretty good graphics, an interesting story, and was pretty fun to play, and was very dynamic. On the other hand, there isn't much to it on the technical side (compared to today's standards.) However, it had time limits, and a 'choice' point. My main complaint is that it's often unclear what to do next. That may be because I've never played a scenario like this - you always have to check back and see what's going on. Getting out of a certain cave, though, is really annoying. But overall, an excellent work, one definently worth a play or two. Good
  2. Oh, I don't have any scenarios left to rate, I don't think
  3. I know I've mentioned this before, but... I was thinking, what would you think of a ratings contest? I'd love to get some new voices in on scenarios. The rules would be that if you rate a scenario, you get a point. Every day, a point is taken, and if you don't have any to lose you, are eliminated. The winner is the last person standing, and maybe could get a prize like a custom title of their choice (the forum administration permitting of course ) If this would interest you, let me know. If there's enough interest, I'll go into greater detail about the rules and such.
  4. Echoes: Assault Author: Terror's Martyr Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.71 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 71% (10/14) Average: 29% (4/14) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Combat Heavy, Linear, Pre-Fab Party, Second in Series, Short Scenario
  5. Amazonian Saga Author: Haneda Yoshiyoki Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: Not reviewed yet. Best: 6% (1/18) Good: 61% (11/18) Average: 33% (6/18) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Based on Story
  6. The Hut of Baba Yaga Author: Brett Bixler Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.00 / 5.00 Best: 0% (0/9) Good: 89% (8/9) Average: 11% (1/9) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Based on Story, Open Ended, Short Scenario
  7. THE FOG Author: Ben Frank Difficulty: Low Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 3.82 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 82% (9/11) Average: 18% (2/11) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Based on Story, Short Scenario
  8. The only good goblin adventure around A fun short scenario. It is a fun, challenging scenario. The big fight in the Goblin fort was rather tough, as was the goblin wizard. I just replayed it with a level 1 party, and man, it was HARD. I had to think inventively on ways to defeat the goblins. It was a nice fun challenge, and I had a level 8 party coming out. However, there are some downsides. My only real complaint is that after the burning farmhouse, I couldn't go back to Reconah to identify/sell my items. I found that a bit annoying. All and all, a great challenge. The book and trophy features were nice too. I highly recommend playing it, and you should try it with an L1 party at least once. Despite my complaints, I still rate this scenario Best
  9. Sloppy, but interesting + Good storyline (Note that I have not read the story this scenario is based on.) + Good use of humor. (esp. "can't believe everything you read ) + Mostly fun to play. + Very creative, with nifty little things. + Good dialogue - Sloppy town design - Didn't like the setup, but that's personal taste. - It's possible to get stuck in the Grimwood castle - Riddles used Pretty good scenario. I preferred Truffle Days, but that is mostly a matter of taste. Average
  10. Deadly Goblins Author: The Creator Difficulty: Low Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.92 / 5.00 Best: 8% (1/12) Good: 75% (9/12) Average: 17% (2/12) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Combat Heavy, Short Scenario
  11. The Final Spire Author: Bain-Ihrno Difficulty: Very High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.00 / 5.00 Best: 14% (1/7) Good: 71% (5/7) Average: 14% (1/7) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Linear, Pre-Fab Party, Short Scenario, Town Only
  12. New Life Author: James Wyatt Difficulty: High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 3.89 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 89% (8/9) Average: 11% (1/9) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords:
  13. Nightfall Author: Scott Evans Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.82 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 82% (14/17) Average: 18% (3/17) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Based on Book, No Custom Graphics, Open Ended Scenario
  14. The Nature of Evil Author: Measle Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.00 / 5.00 Best: 10% (1/10) Good: 70% (7/10) Average: 20% (2/10) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Humor Scenario, Linear
  15. Farmhands Save The Day!! Author: Measle Difficulty: Low Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.09 / 5.00 Best: 18% (2/11) Good: 73% (8/11) Average: 9% (1/11) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Crossover, Exile Universe, Humor Scenario
  16. That says it all! The scenario is very innotative, and is very enjoyable. It had lots of good puzzles, such as the clock tower, crossing the chasm, etc. The combat was also pretty good, too, and I liked the effects with killing the spirits as well. Seeing some monsters as terrain types was cool as well. My main gripe with this scenario: The town layout of the Tower of Magi was just AWFUL, and is one of the worst ToM's I've seen to date. I'm sure glad none of the ToM's from the Exile Trilogy look like this! Also, I didn't like the amount of secret passage finding in this scenario. Other than that, it's a nice innotative scenario. Worth playing. Good
  17. I really enjoyed this scenario. It had an interesting plot, very good atmosphere, some good node sequences, things to discover, good custom graphics, and was very fun to play. The special spells and the strangeness of the land were a nice touch as well. This is also a good scenario for a beginning party to build their strength. One of my favorites. Best
  18. Requelle's Nightmare Author: Mike Hnatushko Difficulty: High Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 3.72 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 82% (9/11) Average: 9% (1/11) Substandard: 9% (1/11) Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, Short Scenario
  19. Masks Author: Brett Bixler Difficulty: Low Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.92 / 5.00 Best: 8% (1/12) Good: 75% (9/12) Average: 17% (2/12) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Contest Winner, Custom Graphic Overhaul, Exile Universe
  20. A very clever scenario indeed. I didn't think the plot was that bad, although it was on the simplistic side. However, the scenario was cleverly coded and very fun to play. The day/night cycle was used well. I also liked how the scenario featured almost every possible way to gain political points (blackmail, smears (very common in real life politics), etc.) and featured many different personalities. Good
  21. Hard to start out (or gain interest in), but once you do, it's a very enjoyable experience. Bit too much fighting near the end, though. Worth playing with an interesting plot. Good
  22. The Election Author: Nick Jones Difficulty: Low Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.95 / 5.00 Best: 10% (2/21) Good: 76% (16/21) Average: 14% (3/21) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Pre-Fab Party, Puzzle Scenario, Town Only
  23. Rubacus Author: Leon Lin Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.83 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 83% (10/12) Average: 17% (2/12) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Large Scenario
  24. I liked Areni but it is very easy to get stuck if you use your flight potions incorrectly, which I thought detracted from the experience because you can't really explore as much. On the other hand, unlimited flight would take away some of the challenge of this scenario, so I guess it all balances out. The fights were very challenging, recommended for the experienced BoE player. Good
  25. The idea occurred to me of putting on another rating contest, could encourage some new voices in the ratings.... maybe the winner could get a custom title of their choice at Spiderweb? What do you all think?
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