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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. The Forsaken Author: Drizzt Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.00 / 5.00 Best: 14% (2/14) Good: 71% (10/14) Average: 14% (2/14) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, First in Series
  2. Areni Author: The Creator Difficulty: Very High Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 3.80 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 80% (12/15) Average: 20% (3/15) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Don't Fix the Shark Contest, Outdoors Only, Pre-Fab Party
  3. A very funny scenario, and also very well designed. It fit well into the Exile canon, and the undead dungeon was hilarious - "please clean up your own ichor trails. Remember, this is your crypt too!" The Khalizan tasks were pretty fun as well, especially the one with the adventure story. Good
  4. This was a very humorous scenario, where you have to undo your whole adventure (consisting of cliched adventuring tasks such as stealing rubies and killing the dragon). It has some good puzzles and combat. One problem though is that you need to charm a gremlin in order to proceed, and the Dryad can kill it. Good
  5. Truffle Days Author: Scott Evans Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 3.87 / 5.00 Best: 7% (1/15) Good: 73% (11/15) Average: 20% (3/15) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, Humor Scenario, Linear
  6. Back to Normal Author: Measle Difficulty: Low Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.00 / 5.00 Best: 0% Good: 100% (13/13) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Humor Scenario
  7. Mind-blowing ...I'm going to re-write my review. It doesn't seem like Shyguy is still around, but hey, maybe he'll still see it. Well... I've never had so much to say on one scenario before. I must love puzzles, because I really liked this scenario a LOT. I was able to get through it without the walkthrough AND beat it with a 5-PC party. I agree with Creator, though, that sometimes Shyguy has lots of firepower, but he shoots himself in the foot. But first, the many good aspects: For the most part, the puzzles themselves were fun. Loved the Chutes & Ladders, loved the Two Towers vault, loved the Elements vault, so on. I also think that the scene before the Vault of Horrors was rather well done. That scene (don't know why) freaked me out! The death scene of Brundig was also well done. It chilled me to see a character I knew well from AC1 and even AC2 die. Unfortunately, it can also be possible to "skip" this scene, and go right on (and Brundig is with you, assuming you killed Montague.) But watching Brundig die was really a well done, chilling scene. Repeating the Nephil Chief was fun. I liked the flying house. And even though there's generally no point in saying this now, the graphics just rule. Unfortunately, there's downsides to this scenario as well. I've had some problems with bugs in this scenario. I don't know why this happens, but sometimes Brundig won't disappear after completing the first 3 vaults. If you don't ask Elmer if the Pogo Stick is finished before it is, once it is finished, Elmer says, "I have no custom items for sale." Aside from the dangerous bugs that occur sometimes, my main complaint is that in general, the world is centered around your party. For example, in two vaults, you need to use your whole party. But what about the DOCTORS who go through those vaults? Perhaps they have a gumby squad that they take in? Other examples include having to use Magic Water Skis, Boulder horns, pogo sticks. How does everyone else get past all this? How did Brundig get past the Boulders and the River? How did the woman with the flowers get up the cliff? Though talking with the Nephil Chief was fun, there's a little Stupid Party Syndrome to start the scenario. Seriously, would you really tell the Nephil Chief that the resort would "create jobs for his people", considering that Brundig told you to tell them something else, that you have to ask him about "money" to trigger that, and it's just a dumb thing to say? Overall, great graphics, fun to play, and some illogic moments. Most importantly, the ending literally gave me chills. Best
  8. Okay, the love story didn't work out too well. But still, I thought the rest of the story was quite good. I also liked the idea of being in a gem, and then flipping back and forth from reality to the crystal. Nodeworking is good as well. Combat was challenging, but not overwhelming, which is good. My main problem is there seems to be to much headbanging (as others said), and sometimes it's too hard to figure out what to do next. Overall, a good scenario. Good
  9. Quintessence Author: Brett Bixler Difficulty: Low Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.00 / 5.00 Best: 29% (4/14) Good: 50% (7/14) Average: 14% (2/14) Substandard: 7% (1/14) Poor: 0% Keywords: Custom Graphic Overhaul, Mature Scenario, Pre-Fab Party
  10. Adventurer's Club 2: Asylum Author: Shyguy Difficulty: Medium Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.29 / 5.00 Best: 29% (2/7) Good: 71% (5/7) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: No Combat, Puzzle Scenario, Second in Series
  11. I thought ASR was good, but I still felt the plot was very generic, and I did not feel emotionally aroused at all by playing this. The sewer dungeon was obnoxious as well. Still, it was cool to choose which path you follow. Good
  12. A Small Rebellion Author: Jeff Vogel Difficulty: Medium Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.09 / 5.00 Best: 9% (2/22) Good: 91% (20/22) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, Pre-Packaged Scenario
  13. Chains Author: Ryan Phelps Difficulty: Low Rating: R Version: Composite Score: 4.10 / 5.00 Best: 10% (1/10) Good: 90% (9/10) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, Pre-Fab Party, Puzzle Scenario, Second in Series
  14. QotS was a very creative scenario. Making a scenario themed around music, and having that atmosphere work when there is no actual music is truly an achievement. Some of the fights were a little dull, others were fun. I wasn't a huge fan of the custom graphics, either. That being said, it was still a good scenario. One thing does confuse me about the plot, according to the descriptions the D'Kar were driven out because they are evil, but honestly, it seems to me it is rightfully their realm. Correct me if I'm wrong. Good
  15. I enjoyed this scenario, but sometimes (well, more than sometimes) it was hard to take seriously. It features TM as the creator of the entire Empire as well as being the most powerful man alive. It features silly dialogue ("PREPARE TO FEEL THE WRATH OF COSMIC SIEGE!"),absurdly powerful items and monsters, and plenty of bad language (to think it's rated G...). That being said, the scenario was still very enjoyable. I liked looking for NPC's and other cool stuff, and there were some good fights (such as Elben-Ka). A very fun, if silly, experience. Good
  16. ZXQUEZ Whee! Best I loved it. Except for the combat. Stupid cat thingies... --Jonah Zahndi Zolohahni
  17. IMBAN Best TM's best scenario yet, with a relatively easy-to-follow plot (for me, at least) and a relatively good challenge for a level-4 party. I really, really liked it, and while I played a somewhat flawed beta, most if not all of the bugs I reported have been fixed since then.
  18. KHOTH Good An enjoyable scenario. The plot was rather confusing, since it draws on the same stuff as the Echoes series, which seemed like TM was making things up on the spot with no planning and then displaying it all in huge sequences of large dialog boxes with no chance to go back and read it again. I think Bandits I benefited from being more self-contained and not including TM as a god-like character. How about publishing a plot summary of the whole series for confused people like me? That aside, there was a lot of action, and a lot of impressive sequences. It was more open-ended than most of TM's stuff, with actual sidequests.
  19. Quests of the Spheres Author: Brett Bixler Difficulty: High Rating: PG Version: Composite Score: 4.00 / 5.00 Best: 11% (2/17) Good: 78% (13/17) Average: 11% (2/17) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Exile Universe, Puzzle Scenario, Second in Series
  20. Bandits II: Ballad of the Red Star Author: Terror's Martyr Difficulty: Very High Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 4.17 / 5.00 Best: 17% (3/18) Good: 83% (15/18) Average: 0% Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Combat Heavy, Epic, Fifth in Series, Exile Universe, Second in Series
  21. To be honest, I didn't enjoy this scenario as much as I could have. As Drakefyre said, the whole atmosphere felt very fake. The custom graphics were mostly cheesy, and the plot felt very silly. That being said, it had lots of cool techniques used, and was very, very hard. Sometimes it felt like the author wanted to find an interesting way to destroy the party However, this scenario is actually too easy with Thuryl's Demon Armor. I rate this scenario Average.
  22. Definitely one of my favorite scenarios. While the graphics could have been a bit better, I still thought they were interesting. The three stories in one idea was very clever, and it was a lot of fun to play. It is amazing how the same land sets can be used to create three different worlds, all with lots of detail. Overall, one of the best scenarios made in BoE. Best
  23. Tatterdemalion Author: Tarl Kudrick Difficulty: Very High Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 4.10 / 5.00 Best: 24% (5/21) Good: 62% (13/21) Average: 14% (3/21) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Contest Winner, Open Ended, Plot Fork
  24. Doom Moon II: Dragon's Revenge Author: Andres Gonzales Difficulty: Very High Rating: G Version: Composite Score: 4.00 / 5.00 Best: 7% (1/13) Good: 84% (11/13) Average: 7% (1/13) Substandard: 0% Poor: 0% Keywords: Combat Heavy, Epic, Puzzle Scenario
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