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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. Everyone's scores are in except... mine. As soon as I play the scenarios, I'll post the final results. Thank you everyone for being patient and thanks to JMP, Dintiradan, BJ Earles, and Tyranicus for judging.
  2. Which scenario is this in?
  3. Dintiradan has just submitted scores. I still need to play some of the scenarios. I'm also looking for scores from BJ Earles and JMP. If you'd like to judge theses scenarios, it's not too late.
  4. The following scenarios will advance to Best Scenario: Winner of Best Small Scenario: The Eternal by Nikki AND The Siege of Copperpeak by Ephesos! Winner of Best Newcomer Scenario: Incorruptible by Tridash! The Cradle by B.J. Earles The Crusaders by Bain-Ihrno The Eternal by Nikki Gluckcluck by Enraged Slith Incorruptible by Tridash Melliput Mobsters by Celtic Minstrel Quarhag Pass by Smoo Siege of Copperpeak by Ephesos Strange Gildra by B.J. Earles The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Niemnd Warp By Ephesos Waterweb by Handyman The next phase of judging will be to rank these scenarios from best to worst. If you want to sign up or drop out, let me know. I'm not going to reveal the scores until the contest is over. Congrats to everyone! Judges for Best Scenario as it stands: B.J. Earles, Bain-Ihrno, Tyranicus, Dintiradan, JMP. If you're wondering, if you have a scenario in the finals, the scores will be calculated in such a way that your scenario will not be affected.
  5. Received scores from Dintiradan. BJ Earles told me that he had the graphics for The Crusaders up and once he sends his scores in we'll be ready to continue. Thanks for your patience.
  6. How about this? If Dintiradan is willing to withdraw "Oops" (no one's forcing you), he can judge the newcomers and can judge the others if he wants, whereas BJ Earles can judge just the Best Small section. That way we'll have at least three for each category. I'm hoping then me, Tyran, Dintiradan, and BJ can judge best scenario. We'll keep the judging call open so we can get more "best scenario" judges who aren't in. (The results are calculated in such a way that you can judge even if you're in). I'm probably not the best to ask about how to judge my own scenario, because I don't want to skew the results . I'll say though that the combat is intended to be difficult. Sylae also suggested that if you know anyone who plays BoE or BoA, inviting them to judge as well. I don't expect that this will happen, but I thought I'd mention it. If this is agreeable, the tentative deadline for this section will be March 15, 2012. Thanks, and sorry about the delay with this contest.
  7. I know this doesn't belong in the General forum, but I need a new judge and Dintiradan suggested I post here to get more people's attention. Lazarus doesn't look like he'll be submitting contest scores, so I need one (or more) to step up and take his place. Here's some more information about the contest: http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=258536#Post258536
  8. Slarty, Ash and Alcritas were here long before me, both age-wise and community-wise.
  9. Unfortunately no. I feel basing a whole contest on the word of two judges doesn't really feel right. I'm not trying to skew the results or anything, as I have no idea who will say what. I'm feeling a little unsure what to do at this point.
  10. I still don't have scores from Lazarus. He's still welcome to submit, but I'm wondering if anyone else would like to step up and judge.
  11. Quote: Right now the Republicans are blocking a plan to shrink the government by combining 6 government agencies into one for business loans What, the party of small government? How could it BE? I can see what you're saying. I'm not enthusiastic about any candidate in my area, but I live in a conservative-leaning area, which will likely elect a Tea Party Republican to Congress in November. That being said, there's quite a few candidates I like, but none who I can vote for as I don't live in the area/state. While I plan to support Obama in November, he is unlikely to win my state. Looking at the Senate map, if things are in favor for Democrats, the only states I can see them picking up are MA, NV, and maybe AZ (the likely candidate is actually an independent who is running as a Democrat). Mostly it's going to be holding their ground in the seats they have now. (A very different story come 2016, where far right Tea Party Republicans will have to hold their ground).
  12. So I've been tracking the 2012 Election, which I've been following the Republican primaries for. The next one is in South Carolina, with Romney expected to win. Any thoughts on the current crop of Republican candidates? How do you think it will go? Who do you think will win this year? Additionally, it looks like Gov. Walker of Wisconsin is headed for a recall election, which could go either way. If you want to make election predictions, here's 270 to Win.com. The 2012 Senate races are included as well.
  13. Received scores from Tyranicus, we're just waiting on Lazarus now.
  14. Yes, Alcritas' scenarios are one of the reasons that BoE was so successful in its primetime. I myself still don't feel I truly understand the whole meaning of the scenarios, and I would have liked more, but I think you and Tonweya are right. Of Good and Evil is probably the simplest story out of the Arc, in my opinion, but that's by no means saying that it is not a complex story. I think OG&E would translate well into a movie (which would be on the 'refuse' side of the plot) as it would give the audience lots of moral questions to answer and still be easy to follow. I think it would be a welcome addition into the 'fantasy' genre, as too many fantasy genre movies/books are not well written.
  15. BainIhrno

    Movies 2011

    Well, another year of film has passed us. This year I saw: Hanna - 5/10: A disappointing film. Lots of weird techno music, mediocre action sequences, and didn't look that good, in my opinion of course. Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - 7/10: Not necessarily that good of a film, but I had a good time watching it. I found the evangelical Christian character annoying. Good to see Johnny Depp's character interact with a new cast of characters. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 9/10: Very good. I've shared my thoughts on this film in a previous post here on Spiderweb. To sum up, lots of emotion, great acting, good final battle, but annoyed by the happy ending. Lots of memorable quotes, as well. Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension - 8/10: Yeah, I like Phineas and Ferb. The movie was actually quite good, a bit darker than the show, but playing a rock song during the big battle annoyed me. This is a TV movie, if you haven't heard of it, that's why. Hugo - 7/10: A good movie, felt slow, I didn't find it that much fun, but it was still interesting to see what happened next and a decent film. Besides, the acting was great. Monte Carlo - 4/10: Implausible, dumb, sexist, and hard to care about the characters. I could go into specifics about these complaints, but this film is hardly even worthy of discussion. Any thoughts on what you've seen? Also, some films that may be worth seeing next year: Dark Knight Rises - not terribly excited, but might be fun Hobbit: Unexpected Journey - should be pretty good, I like LOTR Killing Bin Laden - about the Navy SEAL mission, might be good drama. Kathryn Bigelow (directer of the Hurt Locker) is signed on to direct. But of course, the movie I really want to see is Of Good and Evil, based off the BoE scenario (the 'refuse orders' version). Yes, I know it will never happen, but hey, I can dream.
  16. Thanks. New question, I've started playing through my first town. Is there any way I can change the monsters summoned with spells? If Vampires can be summoned with Arcane Summon, they just keep summoning themselves.
  17. My favorites would be... An Apology Redemption Of Good and Evil Shadow of the Stranger Nebulous Times Hence Areni Roots Adventurer's Club 1: The Presence
  18. Kel, I took a look at specdeath in Bahssikava and I think that makes it easiest, is it okay if I just use your specdeath script, provided I give you credit in the readme?
  19. Thanks for your help everyone! I've got the first node in my BoA scenario working! I'm currently trying to figure out how to call a town state when a creature is killed. Is that possible in BoA?
  20. If you can try to get your scores in by Dec. 31st, great, but it's not an official deadline. EDIT: Received scores from JMP.
  21. Thanks everyone! I identified another problem using a demo of BBEdit. I'm not going to have it forever ($50 is pretty expensive!), but when I looked at the code of my script there, this is what I got: (Note this is a different town, I fixed the first one, I'm just showing what the problem is). Click to reveal.. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red38\green38\blue38;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \f0\fs26 \cf2 \ begintownscript;\ \ variables;\ \ body;\ \ beginstate INIT_STATE;\ set_name(1,"Lacey");\ set_name(2,"Chloe");\ set_name(3,"D'Khar");\ set_name(4,"Jeff");\ set_name(5,"Tim");\ set_name(6,"Luis");\ break;\ \ beginstate EXIT_STATE;\ break;\ \ beginstate START_STATE;\ break;} Obviously, there's gibberish in some of the script that doesn't show up in the text file. I'm not sure how it got there.
  22. Okay, new question. Here is my townscript for my first town. begintownscript; variables; body; beginstate INIT_STATE; set_name(1,"Captain Tillos"); break; beginstate EXIT_STATE; break; beginstate START_STATE; break; beginstate 10; if (get_flag(2,1) > 0); end(); else if (get_flag(2,0) > 0); activate_hidden_group(1); add_dialog_str(0,"As you exit the captain's office, you hear a spell. You look around and notice lots of new people in the fort. They have impressive looking armor and deadly weapons. They stand in silence for a few moments, and then one of the bladesmen yells, "ATTACK!",0); add_dialog_str(1, "You also hear a growl behind you. It is a large six-legged dog. You're not sure what it is, but it's about to kill the Captain.",1); add_dialog_str(2, "You thought you would be fighting Nephilim, but it looks like you will face a more deadly threat. Time to see what's going on.",2); end(); Here is the Alint report: Checking file 't2FortMcCone.txt': Error line 1: No script type header Error line 2: Syntax error [statement] Error line 3: Syntax error [statement] Error line 8: Syntax error [statement] Error line 10: Syntax error [statement] Error line 12: Syntax error [statement] Error line 14: Syntax error [statement] Error line 15: Syntax error [statement] Error line 16: Syntax error [statement] Error line 18: Syntax error [statement] Error line 19: Syntax error [statement] Error line 21: Syntax error [statement] Error line 22: Syntax error [statement] Error line 24: Syntax error [statement] Error line 25: Syntax error [statement] Error line 26: Syntax error [statement] Error line 27: Syntax error [statement] Error line 28: Syntax error [statement] Error line 29: String not terminated Error line 30: Syntax error [statement] Error line 31: Syntax error [statement] Error line 32: Syntax error [statement] The "No script type header" confuses me. Isn't that "begintownscript"?
  23. We wish you a merry Vlishmas! We wish you a merry Vlishmas! We wish you a merry Vlishmas! And a Happy New Year! (sorry, couldn't think of anything).
  24. Thanks, but I've fixed it now and still have that same error message. Here is my dialogue script (so far). begintalkscript; variables; begintalknode 1; state = 1; personality = 1; nextstate = 2; question = "Lacey"; text1 = "You see a mage pacing around the room. She looks up at you."; begintalknode 2; state = 1; personality = 1; nextstate = 3; question = "What do you do?"; text1 = "_I am the town sage and library keeper. I can teach you spells as well as identify your items._"; begintalknode 3; state = 1; personality = 1; nextstate = 4; question = "What do you know about the building on the island?" text1 = "_I have attempted to scry it, but someone inside blocked the spell. That is why we need you to investigate._"; begintalknode 4; state = 1 personality = 1 nextstate = -1 question = "Can you identify my items?" action = ID 10; begintalknode 5; state = 1; personality - 1; nextstate = 7; question = "Can I purchase some mage spells?"; begin_shop_mode("Lacey's Magicks", "There are many useful spells that Lacey can teach you but they aren't cheap.", 1, 3, -1);
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