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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. Nikki, I've said this ten million times before: 1/10 and 24 Hour scenarios ARE elgible for this contest. Have fun!
  2. 6-way contest at the least. I guarantee that my scenario is going to be in, I just don't have it released yet.
  3. Just a reminder, the 9th Contest deadline is a week from today. (August 1, 2008.) If you have a scenario you would like to enter, do so here. We have a total of 5 entries so far. Despite the low #, I don't plan to extend the deadline even if this is all we have. Considering that there are so many scenarios that could be in and aren't (and most of the designers ARE around), extending the deadline will change nothing. (By this, I mean that we go ahead with the contest no matter what.) If you'd like to judge, sign up here. I am also officially appointing Tyranicus to be the scenario host. Also, this is how the contest results are going to be determined: For the first round, you will score the from 1 to 10. The highest in the category wins. For the other scenarios to advance to Best Scenario Judging, they must be within 80% of the top score. Best Scenario Judging, well, most of you know the drill. All Best Scenario judges rank the scenarios from best to worst. If a judge has a scenario in Best Scenario, the results will be calculated carefully so that the judge's scenario is not affected. It worked for the 8th Contest, the 1/10 Contest, and the 24 Hr Contest, so it will work here. There will be no forums involved in this contest, everything will be anonymous. The judging criteria is up to the judge, except that favoring BoE over BoA or vice versa is not allowed. Have fun in the contest!
  4. If you'd like to be a judge in the Ninth Contest, please sign up here. I'm predicting most of the scenarios will be BoA, so you'll need to have BoA to judge. State whether you have both BoE and BoA, or just BoA. We only have five entries so far, but I'm guessing people will put their 1/10 and 24H entries into the contest. The non-newcomers will probably be split into categories based purely on available judges and 'luck-of-the-draw.' If this doesn't make sense, don't worry, it will all work out. Also, the internet on the computer I have access to Blades on is barely working. I'm going to need someone else to set up a download page for entrants and organize the rest of the contest. Let me know if your interested, you just need to have decent webspace. The only requirements to judge are: 1. Have access to a registered copy of BoA 2. Have enough time on your hands. You may sign up to judge even if you have a scenario entered, or eighty scenarios entered for that matter. I'll probably be judging myself, just so you know. Current Judges: Bain-Ihrno, Tyranicus, Nioca, Lazarus, Excalibur
  5. Come check it out here! Make the dumbest title you can think of! Making the dumbest title ever may be even harder and making a good one! Let's go!
  6. Could I get one or two more beta testers? Please?
  7. Yes. It's about 20 towns, probably less, since some are just used for sequences and stuff. Two outdoor sections, although one is just a small island.
  8. In desperate need of testers....
  9. It's an author who hasn't done an annual contest before..
  10. I'm not the official host of this contest, but since *i hasn't made any announcements about it recently, and the deadline is less than a month away. The deadline is August 1, 2008, but can be extended if there are insufficient entries. My scenario "100 Evil Sliths" will most likely be released before the contest. Assuming it makes it, my prediction is around 27 scenarios, so I think we have plenty. Instructions for submitting: 1. List scenario. State the following information: -BoE or BoA -Large or Small -Newcomer? 2. Post download link or send to be at bihrno@yahoo.com. If someone else takes over, I'll send the entries over to them. Categories will be decided based on what scenarios we receive. I'll hold off on other threads related to the contest until we're positive the contest will be happening next month. Entries: General Entries A Adrift by Ephesos Aphobia by Terror's Martyr Avatar by Terror's Martyr Bonus Army by Terror's Martyr Darkness by Ephesos Frostbite by Lazarus HIM by Thralni IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO by Terror's Martyr Kingdom Hall by Nikki General Entries B Outpost Valley by Smoo Settlers by Terror's Martyr Shades of Grey by Ephesos Tales from the Tabard Inn by Lazarus Twilight Vale by Nikki War Preparations by Milu 100 Evil Sliths by Bain-Ihrno Newcomer Witch Hunt by Nioca In the Shadow of Dragons by Nemesis Blades of Rogue by Niemand Wilderness by Jemand Kill them Dead by Enraged Slith
  11. I guess until the actual coordinator returns, I'll handle contest entries for the time being.
  12. Quote: Rentar-Ihrno doesn't use the control panels herself. She just sets these things up. Then she has underlings who do all the testing, fine tuning, and maintenance before they go into automatic plague mode. So the fault really lies with the workers, who are just lazy. They're supposed to authenticate, but it's much easier to just turn off security measures to save time. And then someone forgot to turn them back on when everyone left. I never said she did. I suppose I can understand this, EXCEPT that the workers had time to turn on SOME of the protocols, but not others, when they left. Quote: I don't think the crystals in the ToSF are Crystal Souls. I think they're just mindless vahnatai crystal magic. All the hands-on equipment was designed to get the factory running, not for intervention once it was abandoned. Again, perhaps all controls are supposed to be disabled and then workers got lazy. This is probably a plausible explanation, come to think of it, they probably aren't Crystal Souls. Quote: 3. I'd say that, like 1 and 2, the panel is for underlings. But it's in Rentar-Ihrno's keep, and it's apparently in her main hall. Maybe magically redirecting lava is much more taxing than creating magical machinery to do so? And to be fair, why would she lock it up when she's standing right there? Surely she can halt any threat herself. Well, she certainly couldn't stop you. Maybe it is for underlings, but, as I said, they probably have to have authorization too. Well, I could understand the last part EXCEPT that there is absolutely no way of stopping the process once it's started, otherwise she would have done so anyway. With it being designed this way, ANYONE could blow the fort up without Rentar looking. To come to think of it, why doesn't Rentar just put safety locks on the lava so that all four can't be on at the same time? Or maybe Rentar isn't a villain, she's a dumbo who does whatever the Villain's HandBook says.
  13. 1. Why didn't Rentar-Ihrno just require authorization for all the buttons? (Tower of Shifting Floors). Apparently if she just did this, it would be impossible to defeat her because you couldn't access certain parts of the fortress. 2. What's the point of even having a control panel in the first place? If a Crystal Soul is controlling them, the Crystal Soul can have them do whatever he wants, if the Vahnatai wanted to get rid of the Golems, the mind crystal could just order them all to commit suicide or something. Why waste time setting up a system to turn Crystal Souls 'on' and 'off'? The only parts that are plausible to have are the buttons to move the conveyors. 3. What does Rentar need a control panel for? What, the greatest wizardess of all time can't move lava with spells. And she isn't going to bother locking her control panel up? Sure, because there's NO chance that a small group of Vahnatai will decide to mutiny, deceive Rentar, and blow the fort up, especially given what EXCELLENT motives they have... Alright, I know I'm just nitpicking at little things, and I do enjoy Exile III, but I do have to wonder about the logic sometimes,.
  14. Check my siggy..... updates coming soon, new scenario on the way!
  15. I've got a new scenario for BoE on the way, I hope to have it done by the contest. I've only got two days of school left after Memorial Day, after that I should have plenty of time for working on my scenario. (I graduate from high school the first of June....with an honors diploma!!! ) Is the deadline still 8/1/08?
  16. Cool. I may have to use one of these on my site (with proper credit of course. )
  17. If it isn't too much trouble, could we add these songs to the database so that if ever Motrax lair goes down (it hasn't been updated in a long time), we don't lose them. Oh, and Avernum 5 is missing. Thanks.
  18. I don't see a forum for BoE. EDIT: Now I do
  19. I like the idea of doing them here too, but I don't know that Jeff will allow it, with his own rating system. My other idea was Shadow Vale, but that will probably go down in 5-6 years, maybe less. Another benefit of doing them here would be we could have 5+ moderators to adjust scores.
  20. Let's face it...the Lyceum is ruined. Posts are deleted, it looks ugly, and no one can maintain it. There isn't much interest or activity there anyway. We need a new rating site for BoE/BoA scenarios. Any ideas on how to do this?
  21. Progress on my BoE scenario has been moving very slowly. But now, looking at how much BoE activity there is right now, I have to wonder: Is making a new BoE scenario really worth my time? Is anyone going to care? I know there's a lot of enthusiasm for making the new BoE's, but other than that, BoE activity has been next to none.
  22. Many people, including myself, have made requests for a carbonized character editor for the carbonized BoE editor, scattered around the forum. It still does not exist. I would like to say that it is necessary for a character editor to exist in BoE. There are a number of scenarios (some of mine included) that I (as well as any other carbonized BoE user) can't play, at least not legitimately. The Election, Emulations, Areni, and NTH are just a few examples. Plus, without a character editor, it's harder to leave a scenario if you're stuck because of a game bug. I would make it myself, but I lack the skills and knowledge. So please, to the people working on OBoE and such, carbonize the character editor! Bain-Ihrno Gauldoth Half-Dead Celtic Minstrel If you'd like to see a carbonized editor, sign this petition. Hopefully the people working on BoE will actually make one.
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