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Everything posted by BainIhrno

  1. 'Use' ovens, don't look at them.
  2. Okay, I submitted tFS (contest scenario) as well as my earlier scenarios (FER and ND). So now do I just wait and see if they get posted?
  3. Okay, there's one more thing I don't really understand: what's with submitting to Spiderweb? At least for BoE, everyone is always complaining that their tables are defunct, and there's better places for BoE scenarios. I can somewhat understand this for BoA, but even then, you can just host the BoA contest scenarios somewhere else.
  4. Okay, fair enough. I suppose that preliminary voting will be done entirely in secret, and then the judges discuss final rounds? Or will there be discussion for preliminary?
  5. But what's the point of having the discussion if the judges just cast a private ballot? I suppose that's what I don't understand.
  6. Quote: Originally written by the Great Potato: Ash, does that mean you'll have no entries in the contest? I'm not Ash, but I can say he won't. We're working on a BoE scenario together, and given the progress rate, I can't see it being released until at least February 2007. Maybe even later. Also, I don't like the idea of breaking it into two contests at all. Even if there are enough entries, that feels really sloppy. Third, I don't fully understand the judging for best scenario. First you say discussion and ranking. Then you say by voting.
  7. I don't like the rubric idea at all, and I mostly agree with *I on this one. I like the idea of discussion-based judging for Best Scenario. Not for preliminary judging, though, since doing that would probably be more trouble than it's worth.
  8. Let us congratulate Terror's Martyr on winning! More details here.
  9. Quote: Originally written by *i: An interesting idea came up that we would also have a BoE and BoA category in addition to the previous ones. Yeah, I like that idea too (well, of course. ). I was thinking about stating this myself, in fact.
  10. Elgible Scenarios (all of these have been released) Small: A Perfect Forest/BoA The Final Spire/BoE Redwall: Prologue/BoE A Good Beginning/BoA (?) The Foolish Giant/BoE Nephilim Mystery/BoA Proving Grounds/BoA Large: Magus of Cattalon/BoA Dilecia/BoA (?) Utility 3D Editor Alint HLPM (Kelandon)/BoA Fifth Tower of Magi/BoE Portal/BoE Ultimate Equipment/BoE
  11. Quote: Originally written by *i: 2) The entered scenario must have been submitted to Spiderweb Software.* I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean by this.
  12. I complained about this a few months ago. Brett gave us the code to it, but it looks too complicated. If I can get the patience to do it, I'll fix it, and a mod can post it.
  13. That's not hard at all, but I think you missed my point. I'm saying that if you set an encounter in one outdoor section to do that, and then that encounter follows you into another, the special node won't be called, calling the node in the other outdoor section instead. It states this in the documentation, for the record. As for how to do it? Just use a dialogue box with 'attack' and 'flee' options, and if the party clicks 'flee', call a 'wandering will fight', and set the value so the party doesn't fight.
  14. There's lots of things you can do with these nodes. Be warned, though, that if you have more than one outdoor section, and the wandering encounter follows you into another (from where it started), it will call the wrong node (the one you probably don't want it to call. Just so you know.
  15. Now uploaded to v. 1.02. Only double posting because there really is no other way to bump the thread. I fixed the bug at the end as per Gizmo's suggestion, and it is no longer for the animation scene to repeat. This will probably be the last tFS update.
  16. Those posts Giz wanted deleted already have been (not by me, I was away at the time.)
  17. Bringing this back up to remind everyone it starts tomorrow.
  18. More information here . Good luck to everyone who's participating in advance!
  19. Uploaded to version 1.01. No major changes made, just a few text errors.
  20. In all fairness, though, I don't think the BoA custom scenarios are THAT much better than Jeff's (which I find highly mediocre.) Maybe that's because I've been playing BoE for years, and saw far superior works. Plus I haven't been a huge fan of the Avernum engine.
  21. Get it at my site! I'll admit it, anxiety took me too far. I released it before I got full reports. However, I've looked through the scenario, and did many rounds of final alpha-testing. I guarantee you that there are no bugs in the scenario. Anyway, huge thanks to my beta-testers for their work betatesting. I realize that I expected more out of my beta testers than I did for FER and ND, such as asking questions about the scenario. Also special thanks to Barcoorah (Ash) for being my consultant throughout the production of the scenario. Hope you all enjoy the final product! It's pretty hard, I can tell you that. It's also better than my previous scenarios. In addition, I made some other changes to my site: * I took down the Exotic Exile Exam, due to lack of popularity. * I added top 50 and bottom 20 lists for BoE scenarios. Absolutely pointless, but fun nontheless. * I re-released the Classic Exile Terrain (turquoise cave floor graphics), made by Stareye and Skyle. In the Windows version, I made an alternate 'mixed' file so that your map will show cave floor too! (*i, if you object to the hosting of these, you may ask me to take them down.) * Added a list of goofs and bugs in Exile 3. Also pointless. * Added links to Kelandon and Drakefyre's BoE pages, and added descriptions of the pages I have links to. * Added graphics to make the site more visually appealing. (DON'T tell me the 'about this site' page's graphics are broken, I know. I'll fix it later.) Enjoy the scenario and the updated site!
  22. FYI... I will begin preparing the scenario for release after Barcoorah (Ash) and the next two testers send in their reports. It is just that it is taking so long, and with version three mostly fixed, I'm pretty sure that most beta reports will cover the same things. The only reason that I won't release it after this round will be if my testers explicitly say it's not ready - it's been in beta for a very long time now. I will let you know what the deal is once the three abovementioned reports are sent in. I apologize for double posting - I'm only doing it because no one would have posted here otherwise, editing doesn't bring topics to the top, and I feel this is important information for my testers. I also think a new topic might be a bit awkward. If I'm still out of bounds, let me know. Thank you for understanding.
  23. Similarly, there's another part in Exile I that mentions a ritual, and you can't learn that either, I don't think. (Place removed to prevent spoilers)
  24. I'm still doing BoE, because BoE knocks BoA's socks off. Sooo...is anyone going to do anything about the forum header? (If you wonder why I'm being such a pest, it's because it looks sloppy to see some scenarios sorted and others not, as well as having broken links.)
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