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Everything posted by Goldengirl

  1. Emperor Tullegolar, In response to your challenge, I submit this form of government. At the top is a king, who shares equal power with the president and prime minister. The king is born into power, and will be king until his eldest son has reached eighteen. The president is voted in by the people of each province. The prime minister is voted in by the house of representatives. Below these three leaders is the house of representatives, which is has one representative for each major business, branch of the military, and province. Next to this is the supreme court, which is completly identical to the US supreme court. -Goldenking
  2. Need I remind you, Stareye, that Tullegolar was the one fueling more then half of the debate? I think this thread is through. Nioca, don't worry it's all part of ranking system. The only dangerous titles are Canned and BANNED.
  3. Quote: Quote: Originally written by Chairface Chippendale: If research into the Geneforge was opened up and rebellion was encouraged according to your "philosophy," whatever would be left of humanity in Geneforge would live in a barely habitable wasteland, split into tribes warring over secrets and information that would allow their sect to build a better Geneforge than their enemies and crush them so their will reigns supreme. Wouldn't you want to play that game? I would.[/QB] Would you want to live in that world? I wouldn't.
  4. On the topic of the Myst games: In Myst you find the rooms of the the villains. You find notes, thrones, wine, torture instruments. This gives a character some flavor, although it does not make the character. In Riven you find the journal of your villain, way for the villain to tell you their feelings with out actually telling you. In Myst IV you go onto each of the son's prisons and find you find their journals, feel their pain. In short more personal letters, journals, and investigating the villains environment. These all give a villain more flavor.
  5. To answer your original question Tullegolar, this is how I would do it: First, R-I, yeah she had to come back, but I wouldn't have made it as big. Her hiding in Motrax's cave with the sea monster plague and some smaller plague of Aranea or something. Second, the two sons. Have all the cities alligned one way or the other, say Starrus gets the west and Houghton gets the east? A tension building and armies forming, yet no official split yet. Also small conflicts on the border. Third, the Darkside Loyalists. Of course they would be secretly fueling this division. They would set up these small border conflicts, and themselves setting up attacks on farmlands framing the side that the farmers oppose. Also dare I say it, the Darkside Loyalists to an extent controlling R-I? Oh and lastly the Darkside Loyalists should push on even older rifts, the necromancers and demonologists against the major mage populace, a Sss-Thsss type revolution, a new nephil queen to unite all clans, giants invading Avernum, etc. This is the full potential of the Darkside Loyalists.
  6. I fail to see how an assassination attempt would make Bush more famous. Sure Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, but he's famous for what he did not being killed. There was a president in the early 1900s who was killed. He helped the economy along a little, but you don't hear historians saying he was famous. On the point of Bush being reelected, I saw it was merely because there was no significantly better choice. Also, your "Tollegolite" philosophy says that that no one should attack the high ruler. Yet also says that powerful people have the right to kill the high ruler. Lastly I believe the Ancient Shapers should have killed all destroyed everything on Sucia Island. Serviles, creations, books, villages, canisters and Geneforge, the whole lot of them should have been destroyed. Of course that would make a boring game wouldn't it. Oh and Tullegolar, I beg you to stop speaking as if this game series is fact.
  7. Stick with me emperor, we'll go far. Seriously though. I believe that anyone should be allowed to shape. However that doesn't mean that everyone should be forced to learn. Also when it comes to experimenting Shaping that should be strictly controlled by the current government. Anyone believed to be experimenting without careful supervision by the government should be murdered. No questions asked.
  8. Blast these double posts. Sorry folks my computer is a little buggy lately.
  9. Maybe cause Jeff lives in Pacific Time? Duh.
  10. This is really something more suited for the General Forum. Also this poll is vastly lacking, the Exile Series, Nethergate, Blades of Avernum, Blades of Exile, Subterra, and the Richard White Games. That said I also voted for Avernum II
  11. Geneforge III has by far the worst plot of all the Geneforge series. Geneforge I is the greatest plot in the Geneforge series. You probably just don't like it because the other games have more gameplay improvements. I personally love the moral questions. Geneforge II had a redeemed plot because of Shanti. She's one of my favorite characters in the entire series.
  12. I was always under the impression that the essence was tied up in the creation to keep them alive. If the essence wasn't with the creation it would die immediantly.
  13. If creations can mate, then our PCs creations shouldn't be able to. That's just cheating practically!
  14. If you want to nullify magic, get a null bug. The best we can hope for is increased magic resistance. Oh na d why did you bring Everquest into this, eh?
  15. I'm thinking that what's next will be cleaning up. First as peace keeper, destroying isolated pockets of resistance, just after the war. Second as helping setting up the new government.
  16. Sorry, but Jeff already did slimes in A3. A good foe for us to fight is something none of us could imagine.
  17. Actually, you're right. This is much, much, worse then English class. You'll find that many of the members are meticulous about spelling, grammer, etc. Maybe there should be some sort of official warning somewhere, involving hitmen and broken fingers.
  18. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: Geneforge 1: So, What Do You Think About the Serviles and the Shapers? GF2: No, Really, How About the Serviles vs. the Shapers? GF3: Serviles vs. Shapers: The Grudge Match I would have thought of this: Geneforge: The Secret Geneforge II: Power Grab Geneforge III: First Strike
  19. Quote: Originally written by Aaron: [Move far enough forward in time or to a new area in Avernum for all old plots to die a complete death. Create magic system that has elements to it that can be countered or nullified by another element. Same with the divine based magic. Each type of magic should have an opposite and equal force that balances it. If someone can cast magical damage at me, I should be able to shield myself/others from it, reflect it, absorb it, etc... Each magical spell/ability should be learnable by the playing characters. No magic should be out of the range of understanding of a magic user of same type or class. (for ex. crystal worms using mind control that you (as a mind control expert) have no way to learn or defend agasint, this shouldn't be in an rpg game). There should be different types of damage for melee, peircing, slashing, crushing, etc... Monsters should have weaknesses that allow a balanced team to depend on one character or another, and armor should have different degrees of protection for different types of damage. (for ex. Leather does not defend well against crushing damage, but plate does). Weapons and items should be clearly thought out for character advancement path. If I choose to make a character an expert at Bows, but there is a very poor selection of bows, doesn't that ruin that entire character path? Having so many useless items in a game doesn't make sense, the player will never use it or pick it up, so why waste time with it? Its better to hide useless items then to make a player pick throuh mounds of item trash to find what they want. Allowing people to make super generalized characters that can end up being completely useless should be avoided with an advancement system that is smart enough to understand what type of character your creating. Feats and skill advancement should be rewarded with more advanced feats and skills being tied to your previous choices. Example - I am a thief/archer, I have advanced flethching skill, I should now be able to choose the ability to poison my arrows (since I am an expert at making them). Abilities should be more than just a percentage of a chance to poison a person with arrows, they are abilities and should always be on and whether they work or not should be determined by the monsters weaknesses and strenghts. Thieves should have some kind of stealth variable, just becuase one of my party can be seen shouldn't automatically make my crime seen. If my thief is an expert at stealth and hiding, the thief should be able to hide and steal something out of sight regardless of other pary memebers visibility. Also, they should be able to sneak up on people in combat. Pack animals! Why can almost every Avernite own beasts of burden but your own characters can't, or allowing characters to have storage areas (or purchase them). Item crafting! If other Avernites can make wands out of sticks, or potions out of herbs, then why can't one of your characters specialize in that too? I say this within reason, creating kites from string, wood, and cloth is not relevant to the spirit of the RPG or plot, so item creation with a purpose is all I am saying.QB] No. Jeff moved pretty far into the future with A4. If you mean no old enemies, than sure, but abondoning all his old characters? I like talking to people who knew my old characters. I especially like talking to Tor. A magic system like that is a bit to traditonal. I like Jeff's system better because there are only two categories. Learning spells can take years and years. Especially splells like Mind Control or Create Portal. I think it's already unrealistic that we can just buy spells from a mage and have mastered them in seconds. The damage idea would have Jeff completly redesigning his weapons and armor system. Not saying I wouldn't like it, but it would add to download time. If you choose to make an expert at bows then your a fool. Long distance attacks, not counting magic, are not meant to be used as a main attack. Swords and pole weapons are the kind used to attack. Bows and javelins are used for when you can't reach them. First there isn't likely going to be arrows in this game either. Second if there was you wouldn't be able to make them. Third the system you described for poison is already used. Hey, guess what! There is a way, close the doors so no one can see you! Pack animals, never going to happen. Item storage areas, already here. You can dump your junk wherever you want. Item crafting. That's a possibility. Sadly Jeff took potion making out of A4 though, it might come back.
  20. Sorry, but could you clean that up a bit, I can't understand you.
  21. Someone already brought up music, in the General forum, but it has been mentioned. The response was it would take to much money. So listen to your own music.
  22. This party has gotten me through all the games: Nephil Swords/Archer/Cave Lore Slith Pole/Javelin/Lock Pick Human Mage/Arcane Lore Human Priest/First Aid
  23. It could work, but you shouldn't get important info from them. Maybe just a side quest? Like the GIFTS chief wants you to kill the rebel GIFTS who have individual names other than "Spider". That would fit.
  24. Go talk to her again, and then everything will be clear.
  25. I think that the game should stop the whole "the world is going to end until your heros come" thing. I wouldn't mind a smaller broken up game. First, reestablish contact with vahnatai, and establish a treaty. Second after the world unifies into a single benvolent empire, calm rebellions. Destroy the Darkside Loyalists and the newly formed Avernite Knights and Vahnatai Patriots before they start a civil war in the newly formed nation.
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