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Everything posted by Ephesos

  1. ...um, yeah. I've been here for over six and a half years. It's been weird. I'm really happy to have contributed meaningfully to the community over the years, and... Ah, screw it. Time to get to the good part. Woot.
  2. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Apparently this is Sparta. No. This... is... MADNESS!!!!!
  3. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Which character did you dress up as? Riff Raff. I've definitely got the hair for it. Also, I really wish I had the talent time to tackle NaNoWriMo...
  4. Huzzah! I expect this means you'll be able to do future AIMhackage?
  5. I did nothing interesting for Halloween, unfortunately. However, I did go see Rocky Horror last weekend (for the first time in a theater), and I was in costume, so I guess that counts. And no, there are no pictures. You're welcome.
  6. Woo, the log of session 4 is finally done. Webs is being unpleasant right now, so the rest of the site isn't totally solid. Now... Click to reveal.. (Massive quote damage!) Josun: "And if we get into a fight again, how do you think our chance look?" Adon: "It's times like these that I really, really wish I had magic." Kurex: "I thought sufficent deformation of the vessel would disable the base enchantments. I was wrong." Aurora: "This... isn't like I thought it would be. I've heard about worse than this, but to actually see it in front of my eyes..." Mal: "Whatever did this isn't... isn't Motian. It's evil." ...so yeah. I did trim most of the OoC discussion from the log like I usually do. Obviously, the hubbub revolves around this particular bit of the log: Click to reveal.. (ACTUAL SPOILERS HERE, BEWARE) Kurex lobs a plasma bolt at the spike in the dwarf's hand. A look of pure shock crosses his face as it strikes dead-on the bolt. You see it briefly glow bright red, followed by several other spikes still lodged in the dwarf's bracers. In an enormous explosion, all of the spikes detonate, filling the hallway with a catastrophic fireball. When the smoke clears, you see Josun and Mal flat on the ground. Mal is clearly unconscious and bleeding severely, and Josun is moving slightly. Adon is not moving, and has been thrown back into the wall. Several doors have been blasted open by the force. The dwarf is still standing, or at least what's left of him. Burned beyond recognition, it seems that his plate mail is holding him up. He takes one look at his injuries and collapses, instantly dead. All total, Josun and Mal took 15 damage. This puts Josun at 2hp, and puts Mal at zero (his perk prevents blood loss). Adon takes 30 damage. A moment passes, and Adon's body simply dissolves into a pile of ash. Click to reveal.. (...consequences of the above... ALSO EPIC SPOILERS) Adon Zek has died. Mistb0rn has taken over an NPC character who was trapped down in the cells. He will control this character either until the end of the current dungeoncrawl, or until he dies. We will introduce that character shortly, and we'll decide what happens after the dungeon when we get there. Now I'm tired. With all of that said, the next session will likely take place on Wednesday, November 10th, 6pm CST. NOTE: Daylight Savings Time ends between now and the session. That's important. (Also, expect some posts explaining that book you all found.)
  7. Yes, pending some hazy plans I should be able to scrape a log together tonight. Then I will reveal all. Originally Posted By: Lerasti, historian "The frozen wastes at the edges of our world have always intrigued me, as their histories are shrouded in mystery. I wonder what lies buried under the ice."
  8. Interested, but almost definitely won't have time to play, of course.
  9. I'll admit, I'm surprised nobody beat me to that one. You all had seven hours, slackers! Originally Posted By: Lars, dwarven adventurer "Once I knew a mage who thought it would be impressive to release the magic from an enchanted sword. Poor guy was never all that smart, but he didn't deserve that."
  10. Originally Posted By: Dantius Wow, that's like the third spanner we've had in the past week. I know, I'm sick of it. Keeps throwing a wrench into my plans for this thread... Originally Posted By: Vothella, lacewing dreamthief "Damned if I know whether Rikkla and Trassak are still alive. I'm just preparing to get in the good graces of whoever follows."
  11. ...just for all that, no level. But seriously, no level. I don't want people leveling up in the middle of doing something big. You'll all have to live with your choices for now. Originally Posted By: Airick, Sentinel of Khashen "The Oracle says something big is about to happen. Double the patrols until I say otherwise."
  12. Alright, well I have a log of last session for those interested in seeing how the party almost died. And also, quotes! Click to reveal.. (You've been attacked by a gang of wild quotes!) Mal: "Well, if you want to get me... erm... hang on, I'm not very good at this quipping thing yet..." Aurora: "Next time, we desecrate any corpses we find, church or no church." Bandit Leader: "Feel the wrath of Rikkla the Cold!" Adon: "We're the powerful ones around here now." Kurex: "I solemnly swear to renounce pacifism and to always, always have a Fireball spell on me, at all times." Josun: "You know, we were actually working quite well there for a moment, why go and ruin it?" See you all on Wednesday!
  13. Hey folks, guess what? I don't have the log ready yet. However, I can say this: barring any objections, the next session of the campaign is THIS WEDNESDAY, October 27th, 6pm CDT, in the usual place. Be there, or die! No wait, that's be there and die.
  14. Ephesos


    Originally Posted By: waterplant Philosophically speaking anything can only exist in relation to it's opposite. Then what, pray tell, is the opposite of a giraffe?
  15. Aww. Well, I hope you feel better. If not, I'm sure we can corral ourselves a sub. Remember all, session is... well, technically today from where I'm sitting. October 20th, 6pm CDT, in spidwebRP as usual. Originally Posted By: Yuthan, dwarven shipwright "My captains have been finding small islands absent from any of our charts, each little more than a sandbar. Each one has a small stone altar of unfamiliar design on it. I anticipate that we will be changing our shipping routes in the near future."
  16. Well, I've been procrastinating on uploads, but it's time to post a few. The majestic turtle. Least helpful sign ever. Fall foliage. Absurdly happy pumpkin. Yay tree!
  17. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan But there will be times, even if there is zero roleplaying, where the party gets into a situation that the rulebooks don't cover. Take something as simple as wading across a fast-flowing river. If a PC wants to avoid falling over, is it a STR check (the river is trying to 'bull rush' the PC) or a DEX check (the PC has to make a Balance check)? Does a Swim check work when all you're doing is wading? As a DM, you're going to have to pick something and stick with it. Again, this is an "open-ended gameplay" issue, not a "roleplaying" issue. ...random aside. Goblins switched its RSS feeds like two months ago, apparently, and my old feed failed at everything. I missed like ten comics. Much gratitude for the link, Dinti.
  18. ...I am really, really sorry everyone. I cannot reasonably produce an appropriately epic session in time for this Wednesday. The past week of my life has been a nonstop assault on my sleep cycle, and it doesn't look to get much better this week. Thus, in order to ensure that I can give you guys the most awesome session humanly possible, Session #3 is getting pushed back to Wednesday, October 20th, also at 6pm CDT. That was the next time everyone was free, so there you go. Once more, I apologize, and I hope that when the party gets down into Rikkla's stronghold, they will agree that this was necessary. Originally Posted By: Yuthan, dwarven shipwright "My ancestors, if the tales are true, relied upon an artifact of great power to power their ships and direct their travel. Of course, it was eventually lost to the waves... in approximately six different ways, if the tales are all true."
  19. Dang, that thing looks cool. Still not sure if I want to move away from ascii maps for combat, but then again I'm pleased with how the google doc thing is working for exploration. *shrug*
  20. Hey folks! We've finally got a log of session 2! Also, we have approximately ten metric tons of quotes! It was really, really difficult to pick them out. Click to reveal.. (Okay, more like eleven...) Thiaspor: "It's in the southwest corner of the town, but like I said, it is on fire. I seriously worry for your health if you cannot find it." Mal: "Well, I was really making it up as I went along. Everything seems to work better that way." Josun: "I don't fear death, but I don't blindly leap towards it either." Aurora: "Yes, Kurex, let's make enemies of a secret church dedicated to the god of vengeance, while in their hideout. This is a brilliant plan that can in no way go wrong." Aurora: "Well, so much for Operation Hole-In-Wall In Hole-In-The-Wall Wall." Kurex: "I'm downright exhausted, and I reiterate, still poisoned." Adon: "Okay, lovely. What have we accomplished?"
  21. Hey folks! The log of session #2 is still in the works, but I have consulted the calendar gods. We have a match! Session #3 of Rumors of My Death will take place Wednesday, October 13th, at 6pm CDT, in spidwebRP! Be there!
  22. Originally Posted By: SoT But it did identify one harmless exercise, where you signed your name a hundred times each day, underlining each signature, and following each one with the words 'self reliant', also underlined. It was supposed to make you more self reliant. I find this inexplicably hilarious.
  23. Yep, everyone survived. I'll be attending to a log as quickly as humanly possible (aka: When I Have Time), and I should have the next session date pinned down in the next 48-ish hours. Originally Posted By: Khielik, human shaman "Sunlight itself changes as you cross the land, and as the seasons shift. But there is something truly unique to the sunlight in our jungle, something which never ceases to give me hope for our people."
  24. ...push it back an hour folks, too many people are running late. New time: 6pm CDT. Same place.
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