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Posts posted by RCCCL

  1. Originally Posted By: one dollar per day short
    —Alorael, who cannot stand Carcassonne. It falls into the category of games that require you to memorize the game in order to be skillful, and he finds that property infuriating. He also can't enjoy NetHack.

    My friends and I typically play the big box version of Carcassonne, which includes all of the expansions, though we don't use all of the expansion rules, mainly just all of the extra tiles. With that many tiles, memorization is somewhat moot.
  2. Originally Posted By: Insanity on a Stick
    Thats when they make deathclaws and stuff..
    Oh wait, im thinking Fallout 3.

    Shame on you! You mean Fallout or Fallout 2, not Futuristic Oblivion.

    On topic, they way people are to day, it would only be a matter of time before someone made a ultravirus and wiped us all out.
  3. 1. What is your name?




    2. How old are you?


    Just turned 30


    3. Where do you live?




    4. What is your favorite color?


    Blue, Green, or a combination there of.


    5. How many phones do you own?




    7. Wait, what happened to question six?


    Flower Child stole my answer, so he must of stolen question six as well


    8. Someone has just loaned you a time machine that can take you to any location on the planet during any time period. Where/when do you go?

    Since there are so many places and times I would want to visit, I would probably go into the future and aquire my own time machine.


    9. If you were forced to change your PDN to something completely unrelated to its current form and your original username, what would it be?


    I honestly can't think of an answer for this one, being forced to choose I would end up with something random.


    10. If you could transform at will into any living animal, what animal would it be?


    A wolf or eagle


    11. It's ninja sliths versus pirate nephilim. Who should win?


    I agree with Slarty, it should be Pirate Slith and Ninja Nephilim(and I would totally go with the Nephilim), as it stands, I can't go against the Ninja. They're Ninja!

  4. Well, Wiki provided this,

    Another hypothesized explanation for the constant buzzer is for testing a high-frequency Doppler method for ionosphere research, in which radio waves are reflected from ionosphere inhomogeneities. This method involves comparing a continuous radio transmission which is reflected by the ionosphere with a stable basic generator. The continuously transmitted carrier frequency currently used for this research matches that of the UVB-76 (4.625 MHz).


    This seems a perfectly logical explanation to me.

  5. Originally Posted By: Master1
    Elvis lives in my basement, so unless he hacked my wireless, it was Zombie Goldenking.

    Hate to break this to you, but Elvis has been sneaking out at times. I saw him just last week. He denied it though, no matter how adamant I was.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff received a number of envelopes stuffed with 1 dollar bills back then, how many could've been from Canada, I can't wager a guess.

  7. The first Spidweb game I ever registered was Exile 3. Sometimes I wish I could erase my memory of a game so I could rediscover it and get that amazing enjoyment of it all over again.

  8. Originally Posted By: Tirien
    That way other threads dont get hijacked with the insanity of 76.3% of us.

    There's a reason that the traditional welcome to these forums is "Leave your sanity at the door," you can't stop the hijacking of any one thread. There may be a conspiracy involved in this fact.
  9. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    Originally Posted By: RCCCL
    If the plan includes us measly beings ingesting the caffeine, it seems highly unlikely that doing so will reveal said plan.

    That's exactly what caffeine would like us to think! But I'm smart enough to see through this deception, because I have partaken of the unthinkably advanced mental network of this cosmic molecular mind, and I share in its own genius!

    Either that or I've just had a bit too much coffee, and I'm starting to buzz out.

    Sigh. Maybe it's time again to throw a few red decaf pods into the Nespresso capsule drawer. They're so bland.

    Come now, do you truly believe your the first one to binge caffeine? People have had this theory before, but it never pans out, only leads to crash and burn, both literally and figuratively. This is just part of the 17 step plan of the Caffeine conspiracy.
  10. Basically, there's no way to run the Exile games on 64-bit Windows, without an emulator, correct?


    I've never used an emulator before, but am I correct in assuming I would need an actual older version of Windows to install into the Emulator?

  11. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    *Paranoid Ravings*

    I knew it! I think your going about it the wrong way though. Your ingestion of caffeine will insure you never figuring out the plan. After all, if the plan includes us measly beings ingesting the caffeine, it seems highly unlikely that doing so will reveal said plan.
  12. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    Originally Posted By: Andraste
    Also, achievements.

    Does that mean humanity is doomed?

    Yes, the advancement in the uses of achievements has created a dramatic increase in competitiveness, while at the same time, increasing the laziness of a large percentage of the population. This will lead to an increase in murder, due to increased agitation, but lack of ability to get up and walk away.
  13. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    I know what SC2 stands for. Isn't that worth something?

    No, no it is not. In fact, you should hang your head in shame for even trying.

    On secondary topic, I haven't got SC2 yet either, though I plan to. I'm not sure if it'll run on my laptop or not though, which is my only computer right now.
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