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Posts posted by RCCCL

  1. What about taking the coin theft from the Adventurer, and maybe giving him a murder for hire ability?


    Any other role, could, as an alternate ability, contract the Adventurer, something like: Contract Adventurer-20 coins-Target Micklebur. The Adventurer would of course have to accept the contract, Accept Contract from Machrone, for instance. Then while attacking the target of the contract he has the Power ability, then gets the coins if successful.


    The down right thievery gave me this idea.



    Nationality: Avernum

    Skill: Stealth

    Attack: Physical

    Immune: None


    Ability: May target one person per day, you steal either one random item or all of the targets coins.


    Victory condition: Have at least 150 coins by end of game.

  2. Just some comments on the DLs.


    The DLs need to be able to find eachother quickly to have a chance. It's extremely hard for the DLs to form an alliance with anyone else, they start off with at least a third of the players as enemies, and there's really not any benefit for others to work with them.


    The Keyword idea could work well, it just seems a little too slow, especially since people can be on at entirely different times. This last game, wz. As and I happened to bump into eachother near the end of day 1, and even though I got the keyword to Ash, it took nearly a day for him to get a hold of me(highlighting the availability issue, no way to work around that though), and by that time, the three of us were dead it seemed.

  3. I did tell Omlette he was a target of the DLs. I didn't know if he knew my Identity or not, but I was planing on killing him that night anyway.


    *I, just out of curiosity, how long after I was killed would of my que of actions taken place?

  4. Originally Posted By: Fin de siècle
    I'm not sure where all the pronunciation uncertainty comes from. Geneforge is a compound word. It is formed by the combination of two other words with entirely unambiguous pronunciation. Most compound words (not all, but most) have their pronunciations unaltered. Where do Jen and company come from?

    Tisk, Alorael, tisk

    Only one person can have a definitive say on how Geneforge should be pronounced, and since he hasn't said anything, I believe it's up to the individual to decide how it should sound. Personaly, gene(ie: dna) forge sounds kindy of tacky and silly to me, I like to think it's pronounced, Jenna or jenne forge, much like Ackrovan.

    Edit: I also like to say Fyora with a lone E, so it would be FEE OR A
  5. What if you could shape short lived viruses to infect enemies, or use shaping to cause status effects to enemies.


    For example: Being able to focus on a foe, and with some concentration, cause them to become extremely fatigued, or break a limb.


    Or, shape a virus in the middle of combat, infecting one enemy, lasting for a certain number of rounds, any other enemy that came within a certain distance of an infected creature would also contract the virus. Viruses could cause any number of things, from status ailments, stat penalties, to straight damage. Since you created the virus, you and your creations would be immune, and after a short period of time, the virus would self destruct to prevent it from spreading out of control.


    The art of shaping has so many potential uses, I think just about anything one could imagine could be done.

  6. Originally Posted By: Coil Adaptor Array 5
    —Alorael, who wishes you luck finding the right set of developmental genes to add trunks arbitrarily to non-elephant organisms. Please not that a trunk is not an enzyme, does not have a particularly unique set of structural proteins, and does not consist entirely or even mostly of protein.

    Eh, I don't know about that. I don't know the complete make up of a trunk, but with the all of the muscle and maybe cartilage(?), that would be a fair amount of proteins.

    Edit: Nope no cartilage, but apparently a lot of muscle. Look at Trunk section here. Apparently 100,000 muscles!
  7. Originally Posted By: Sarachim
    Well, having Mickelbur means that an alliance based around the Anama can't work with any mages, reducing all of their options.

    That is the whole point of the Anama, they hate mages.
  8. I foresee the shop idea causing complaints about fairness. The reasons being; since the game has a start time that happens near randomly, I'm sure you'll get complaints of a nature about not getting to get a "good" item because "My schedule conflicted with the start of the game". Also, taking the random element out of something tends to make some people feel they've been put in a unfair position. Mainly due to the fact that, with the random element, they tend to accept the fact that they can't control how luck works, but with something more ordered, they feel more cheated, since they can't always control when they would have access to the internet.


    Hmm, I rambled a bit, did that make sense?


    (Also, please note, I'm not trying to preemptive complain, just pointing something out that may not have occurred to you)

  9. Originally Posted By: Ash Lael
    Pretty much. I told him our secret targets so he could help us find them. When Marlenny entered the game as one of them, apparently he figured that she'd be better at helping him find out everyone's roles and did the switcheroo. I'd alreadyy painted a big bullseye on my forehead to RCCCL (though he would have been better advised to play along with a fake alliance until he knew all the DLs rather than sell me out immediately), so I was pretty much gone, and Bain had contacted us late, so I don't know if he even got the intelligence that Marlenny was the Bound Servant. So between the two of them, they were able to pretty much shatter the DL alliance and form a new one centered around the Gladwell. Who then sold her out to a DL. tongue

    Yeah, that was a serious mistake on my part. I kind of panicked. I pretty much had to make sure 8 people that game died if I was going to guarantee my victory. DLs, Anama, and Gladwell were all guaranteed in the game, that's 6 right there. Then the first person I start working with, tells me he suspects that someone else is the Shanker, and that he is an enemy of the Role, so I think to myself, ok I'll have to work carefully to make sure Nioca never finds out that I'm really the Shanker, the person he suspects, Sporefrog, end up joining with Nioca and I. I then learn that she would like to see the Shanker dead too. What a game! My only regret is that I had something come up that prevented me from getting on in time to at least do an action.
  10. What about a ghost or spirit type character?


    Vengeful Spirit

    Nationality: Avernum

    Skill: Standard

    Attack: Physical

    Immune: Physical & Poison


    Ability: Target a person to take possession of them for 24 hours, or until voluntarily leaving using an action. Taking Possession involves attacking the person. If successful, instead of killing the person, they are possessed, and the Spirit gets another action for the day. While possessing a person, the spirit can use that characters abilities or attack another person with the possessee's attack. The Possessee will not know they are possessed until it becomes obvious to them when they are used by the spirit.


    Victory: To get revenge against(kill) two randomly selected targets.



    Basically the Spirit cannot kill anyone by himself, so he has to possess others to do his work. Possibly make it so the Spirit can only attack with a possessed person, using the abilties may make it to powerful, because it would confirm, for the Spirit, the persons role that they possessed.

  11. Yes I did give Marlenny the Wand of death specifically to kill you. I only knew you two were Anama through other people's intel. I honeslty had no idea you were the Priest though. People had suggested that Raelag was the Priest and that you were Oliver, and I had nothing to contradict this, however, I knew there was still a Anama alive, again through others intel, but mainly because of Machrone's Poll which he shared with me. What convinced me you were the last remaining Anama was your claim that Ackrovan told you he was the Priest and was trying to recruit you, at the time I still thought you were Oliver, but believed you had been recruited. I was positive you were feeding me disinformation about Ackrovan, 1 because I was sure he was not the Priest, 2 I knew he wasn't the Fae trying to trick you(even though I suggested it to you) because by that time I knew Marlenny had that role.


    May I ask what led you and Andraste to believe I was the Hunter?

  12. Probably not, at the time I was working very closely with Dionicio, and was fomenting a relationship with the Cultist Fae Shanker trio, I don't know how close you were to your victory condition, but considering you attacked me, I'm guessing you had to finish part of it still.

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