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Posts posted by RCCCL

  1. Originally Posted By: You know that person who...?

    Fun fact: the Cthulhu Mythos is only roughly used by Lovecraft and probably not really intended, except maybe as name-dropping for frequent and attentive readers. The Mythos we know and love and fear today was actually codified by others.

    True, so I guess I shouldn't have used that as an example, though most of his stories mention the Necronomicon, which I would wager has been usurped and used more often than Cthulhu.
  2. Isn't I Robot a novel of short stories, all related and somewhat sequential? Kind of like the Martian Chronicals by Ray Bradbury or the Cthulhu Mythos by Lovecraft, at least that's the way I seem to remeber it.

  3. English to German

    German to French

    French to Portuguese

    Portuguese to English

    English to Chinese Traditional

    Chinese Traditional to Chinese Simple

    Chinese Simple to English


    He is d' dispendiosa travels by has bit by bit; e has Don' as the place; Word; ; In giant friendly letter t-Panik inscription in its cover.
  4. The Children in the Den give the things they stole to he merchant named Flick. After which you can then purchase your stuff back from him. So, if you kill the shopkeepers, I imagine your stolen stuff is gone.


    Or, in the Restoration Mod, there is a quest to open an orphanage in the Den, after a few days, the children no longer stand in front of the door ways.


    There is a 15 year clock on the game, after which.... well, you'd have to really drag you're feet. Even with all of the stuff added in the Restoration mod, you should be able to finish the game within that time frame easily, even if you didn't use the car at all.

  5. Interestingly enough, I've recently started playing through Fallout 2 again, before this thread even came up. As for the early game, it's possible to get a Magnum .45 or even the Magnum pistol in the den. Both(especially the Magnum Pistol) are fair guns. The merchant you can get them off of restocks every few days, a trick to get some ammo from merchants, click and hold on a gun in their inventory, the little menu will drop down and you can unload the weapon, adding the ammo to his inventory. Making it available for trade.

  6. There was already talk of using technology/programing such as this for music and movies.


    If someone is finally applying for a patent, that really opens the door for implementation. Imagine that song you just downloaded from Itunes degrading after 3 months, the only way you can listen to it is to re purchase it.


    Of course in that case, it only drives up the number of people who will steal it, which is probably the only reason such things haven't been done yet.

  7. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Ephesos
    EDIT: ...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! This is the worst time possible to be house-sitting for someone who doesn't have cable. No curling for me. frown

    well, there's always curling up into a ball and weeping


    I got to watch a little of the opening ceremony, I missed the last of it though, as I had to go to work.

    I've tuned into very little of the rest of the Olympics though, been a little to busy.
  8. Nioca, we had so much fun throwing disinformation your way! tongue The fact that you were the Brigand is hilarious.


    For those who don't know, Sarachim and I started feeding this line about Dove(Sarachim) being the Brigand. Sarachim started by telling Nioca that he'd robbed me. Nioca came and asked me if I had been robbed. To which I replied, "Yes, how did you know this?." Nioca told me that he had been told by the Brigand(trying to be sneaky yourself, huh Nioca wink ). He then proceded to give me Dove's name.


    BTW, Sarachim, your way of listing known roles is a give away to you as a player.

  9. I had not intended to lose by giving Oliver his win condition, I misinterpreted the rules, thinking that, since I had earned 200 coins through trade, that I was fine on my win condition, not realizing I need to be holding at least 150 coins at the end. rolleyes

  10. Sherlock Holmes was quite good. Good action bits, good story, and good acting.


    If anyone here is a fan of Sir Author Conan Doyle's books, the Holmes in this movie is more of an action oriented person than the pure intellectual from the stories/older movies and shows, but they retained some of the general charater of the character, and Downey did a good job IMO.


    I would recomend seeing it.

  11. Movies I liked:(Not necessarily in order)

    Inglorious Bastards



    Star Trek

    The Blind Side



    Ok Movies

    Transformers 2

    Gi Joe

    Harry Potter(Though I very much disliked the battle at the Weasleys)




    Ice Age

    Night at the Museum(even though I dislike Stiller)


    Can't really think of any movies that I hated except one;


    The Stepfather


    Horrible movie, thank goodness I hadn't paid to see it(free screening), still wasn't worth it.


    It's not hard to entertain me(product of loner childhood I imagine).


    I'll most likely be seeing Avatar and Sherlock Holmes sometime this week.

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