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Posts posted by RCCCL

  1. Unfortunately, no Chainmail Bikinis that I saw this year, there was a particularly cute short elf, but she didn't want her picture taken(she was in costume for True Dungeon).

  2. Dyke is a slur against Lesbians. The fact that this person decided to go for attacks on lesbians rather than respond intelligently against the arguments originally(something he admits to) suggests that he couldn't think of a rebuttal, and his method of postponing his rebuttal speeks very low if his intellect IMHO.

  3. Originally Posted By: Andraste
    You don't have to use them every day. They stack up to 200.

    Bah with that, I've got characters in the other game I mentioned that have 9000 turns. I should go play them some.... Hmmm
  4. Well, got a few more things to get done, then I'm off to play games and be an all round general nerd! While it doesn't officially start till tomorrow, there will be lots of game playing tonight!

  5. I just never liked it cause it felt to me like they were making it an obligation to play. Giving so many turns a day, but if you don't use those turns, they're gone. I ask, who here likes it when their company does that with any of their paid leave?


    Besides, I had(and still do) played another game very similar to KOL, that doesn't do away with any unused turns at th end of the day. So my sinlge player online kooky RPG(SPOKRPG?) fix us met.

  6. Well, technically it doesn't start till Thursday, but I'll be doing GenCon things tomorrow.


    Slarty, if I see any chainmail bikinis, I'll take a picture for you!

  7. I haven't seen any Chainmail bikinis, but I did see a young woman walking around in a small chainmail shirt with nothing on underneath it a couple of years ago. Didn't see her last year, but with 30,000+ people attending, I'm not likely to run into everyone.

  8. Quote:
    —Alorael, who thinks contaminating water supplies would probably get caught too soon to kill everyone. That's why you should contaminate the internet instead!

    I thought we were discussing possible effective terrorist targets, not genocide. If however we switch to pure genocide ideas, most biological attacks would not be the way to go.
  9. I should of put this up here a couple weeks ago, but kept forgetting(silly me).


    I know there are some gamers(board/role playing/card game types, not necessarily video) on this board, would any of you be attending?


    It starts this Thursday!

  10. I like to wonder how many agents various government agencies have monitoring this site tongue


    Anyway, I think a good area of attack would be water supplies, whether a disease of some type of poison. It would have the advantage of affecting multiple classes of people.

  11. You all act like your post count has some type of correlation with status or prestige, that's just absurd!


    The fact that this post increases my count happen to be a completely random happenstance.





  12. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Originally Posted By: Cold-Drake Equations
    The best thing to do would be to strike a major private university with, say, smallpox right before a major vacation. You'd shut down the institution and spread your disease across the country and the world.

    —Alorael, who doesn't think the anthrax pandemic fears were about contagion so much as a mass anthrax spamming campaign. It never materialized. The terrorists never worked out how to email anthrax.

    In other news, my agents have just come up with this picture of Aloreal:
    Click to reveal..


    No wonder he changes aliases so often!

    On the off chance that Dantius is correct, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my condolences to his family. The tragic assassination of Dantius has struck a deep chord in all of us.
  13. Torchlight was made by some people who made Diablo, some of them also had a hand in making Fate, which to me, Torchlight resembles Fate more than Diablo(of course Fate is somewhat like Diablo too....).


    Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
    The game is too offense oriented and drop based for me. The quantity of instant death attacks in the lower levels make this game nightmarish for VH hardcore players.


    Yes, but if you can do it, there's nothing like the feeling of accomplishment you get when you can manage it.

  14. Quote:
    The right outside there, to the right seen of blasphème, an open truck that acquired yesterday at night clear outside by Murphy places, sources that happened to be Thursday at issue.


    I don't understand why it seemed to have a problem translating blasphème, blasphemy in spanish is blasfemia. Though I find it funny that that's what "damn" turned into.
  15. English > Dutch > French > Spanish > English


    The drawer health d' ; l' spirit gave the relative return. The lake parents incinerates to him, less probable must be healthy.
  16. English to Korean

    Korean to English


    9 beans will decrease that place which will carry to be having, from the noisy glade and as a result of the honeybee for the honey honeybee, the honeybee alone lives intends.


    Very Simple.

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