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Posts posted by RCCCL

  1. I don't think it's literature itself that helps form one's personality, more like you're personality dictating, to a degree, what you read. Though I imagine that, on occasion, someone may read something that changes their life, and possibly their personality, but I don't think it's a direct result of having read it. In other words, whatever it was that the person read could of had a similar, if not the same, effect no matter the source, whether it's a book, speech, movie, or a chance encounter.


    That being said, what don't/didn't I read. Both my parents are prolific readers, and it wore of on their children.

  2. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    The thing is, if it's cold, you can always put on another coat. If it's hot, however, there's really nothing you can do. I prefer the cold.

    High Five to this!

    Nobody at my thanksgiving watched any of the football games, no interest. Though I am currently watching the Colts right now! Man our team seems to get lucky streaks!
  3. Originally Posted By: Poached Salmon
    This whole "story" is starting to smell more and more like herring.

    I have to agree with Salmon here, you even have the 'ol "Delete your emails" thrown in. Which to me, reeks of "trying to make it seem real" BS.

    Even if this is real, and global warming is truly a sham, should we go on polluting our environment? If it is a trick, then it's having a beneficial effect IMO, getting people to realize that we're killing our planet.
  4. Vlish always reminds me somewhat of squid, to forestall your ranting responses, I know it doesn't taste exactly like it, but it reminds me of it none the less. Maybe because of the texture.


    Any way, to get back on the the thread topic. One of my Pet Peeves, likely my biggest, is the way that most everyone now days(at least Americans) seem ready to jump to the conclusion that anyone who in some way impedes them in any way is a jerk or other epithet. Whether or not it may be justified. Did that make sense? I'll give an example. You're at a grocery, doing your weakly shopping, you come up ta a crossing of aisles when another person happens to come out right in front of you, forcing you to stop so that you don't run into them. Now this a small incident, but I've heard people mutter curses at others for small things like this, out of earshot of the other person or no. Never mind who's fault, if anyone's, it is. It seems to me that people are to quick to direct blame nowadays(another symptom, lawsuits).

  5. Cave Cows, Ornks, can't we all just get along!


    I wouldn't be able to choose. So I chose Ornks to keep them a little more even. You know, when the Cave Cow Ornk Alliance takes over the world, you'll all be sorry for choosing one over the other!

  6. I personally prefer a system of motion activated guns around the perimeter.


    Though the neighbors weren't to happy when their dog happened to trip my defenses. Nor when their son did either.....


    But, in any case, I feel somewhat safer from zombies.

  7. I would love to play, but Tuesdays and Thursdays don't work for me, best would be Sunday evening, maybe Wednesday. I happen to do other gaming things Tuesdays and Thursdays, including a D&D game every other Thursday.

  8. Originally Posted By: Niemand
    It's only a cheap, store-bought one, but hopefully this rectifies a mistake which has apparently gone unnoticed by me for years.

    You should be ashamed, you had to know that this

    Originally Posted By: Untamed Banana Slug
    The cake is a lie!

    Was going to happen.

    Also, what mistake?
  9. Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon
    Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    That's one major advantage the Exile games have over the Avernum series: Cash aplenty!
    Yeah, and you had to pick it up one pile of coins at a time back then!

    Darn, it was so hard to hit A continuously till everything was picked up tongue

    I like the way the spell radius looks for Icy Rain in the 5th screenshot.
  10. Originally Posted By: wz. As

    Machrone asks "Is Wz As the Anama Hunter?"
    Machrone receives answer: No
    Tarson, I can only guess that no one believed you, and I'm flattered you used a question on me.

    No, we believed him, and Marlenny had started to work on a way to deal with you when she was killed.

    Just like we kept Sleeping Dragon in the dark about us knowing who she was, we were keeping quite about knowing you weren't the Hunter, unfortunately Vahkos ended that alliance.
  11. Excalibur had me fooled right up till the end, and Sleeping Dragon, I had no idea, kudos to you!


    Wz. As, I wanted to work with you, but I had been told by Thuryl that you were working with the DLs, and when I started asking you about it, your responses(and lack there of) worried and alarmed me.

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