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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Just thinking out loud here, but AGB had a similar problem, and a few people have reported it after release, although I can't for the life of me pin it down. Just check to make sure you have only one instance of G539 in the scenario folder, and make sure that in the BoA scenario folder there are no stray files. Also, check your custom terrain script. After doing all these, it cut down the number of times it happens in AGB...
  2. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: That's not new enough. It should be a game with a world so new and shiny it doubles as a light bulb and a background so fresh that you'll never need an air freshener again. Dikiyoba. Quoted for... well, it seemed funny at the time
  3. I can absolutely NOT make this weekend (21st), due to "work". I am totally in the dark about the 28th. All of this may be rhetoric of course - I'm not sure if I will be entering the contest with anything other than AGB...
  4. Quote: Originally written by Lenar, Inc.: Ditto. I'd like a scenario that would explore Bishop's character a bit more thoroughly; but I'll assume that TM is already looking up my mother's number just for mentioning the idea. He's actually already dialled all but the last digit, and is waiting for you to leave the house before completing his call... Why on earth did people vote Ebhert?! I had to... what was your excuses?
  5. I shall find out whether I can make the chat today - hopefully the rota will be up at work. Needless to say if I can, I will be there.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Ghouloca: Sadly, I didn't find any for VoDT, Z-KR, Nine Variations, HLPM, Artifact Hall, or Dallerdin's Scenario. Of course, a few of these I really didn't expect to find one. *VoDT - The Empire?
  7. Is it terribly bad that I forgot Ebhert's name?
  8. Quote: Originally written by Archimandrite Micawber: In Avernum 1, on Windows, Left Click moves 2 spaces, Right Click moves 1 space. Seeing as how right click is already used for moving, you can't use it for looking as well. The same goes for Nethergate. Seriously? See, a lot of people say this, and I have never used the right mouse button, EVER. Mainly because the left one only moves me forward one space.
  9. In the creatures DEAD_STATE, use the call Code: inc_flag(x,y,1). Then, in the scenario script's START_STATE, use IF calls to check that flag(x,y) equals the number of dead bad guys the party needs to have killed to trigger the cutscene, and then trigger it. Hope that's clear...
  10. You'll all see... You're only being mean about AGB because you didn't play it properly. It's the first BoX scenario to stimulate, well, this is a a family show... And I missed the BoE/A row. GAH!
  11. I am there now, and will be around right up until the "official" start of the chat, I imagine. However, I won't be able to stay much longer than that.
  12. Serviles under the "care and protection" of shapers still develop these thoughts. If Shapers make serviles that can want to be free, then they should let them be free. If they want something to mow the lown, invent something that can't argue, or feel, or think. I'm going to try this another way... Intellectual evolution. Man once thought serfdom was a good idea. We realised we were wrong. Serviles are learning to be independant, instead of mindless zombies. This can only be a good thing, right? And Darian didn't try to make you a rebel. She asks you to think, and reminds you it's not to late to change your mind... She doesn't point a gun at you and says, "Join the Evil Bad Guys, now!" And people only support the Shapers in GF3 because the rebels are going about things the wrong way. If the Shapers were going about planting spawners everywhere too, and killing innocents, I think a lot more people would side with the Rebels... As for the God thing, no. I didnt mean that aspiring to be a human made serviles more human. I meant aspiring did. Your wish to be a God shows you have a human side to you.
  13. Quote: Originally written by dr.b0mb: ...but why would anyone bother making an area that's impossible to get to? To infuriate players, and to get them to play more in the hope of finding out how to get in.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Retlaw May: I guess I'm a moderate here. I would exile all the intelegent serviles to a reasonably remote and decent island, but keep the regular serviles as is. My reasoning is that most serviles (until stired up by the rogues) like what they are doing. I don't like the intelegent serviles' policy of forcing many reluctant serviles to follow them. Oh and ET may be pleased to here that everytime I play a Shaper loyalist in G3, I always kill Learned Darian (why did Darian get a sex change after G1 anyways?) The serviles who aren't put of secret mountain sects may develop these attitudes on their own. In GF3, the Awakened servile in Drypeak only takes away serviles who show the intelligence to actually be independant. And these haven't been stirred up. They realise that they are being exploited. As for Darian... the thought of killing her makes me...I don't know. upset? Disappointed? The very fact that she doesn't do anything hostile at all through the series, and works only to try and better the life of serviles makes her a kind of Martin Luther King Jr. figure to me. Probably extreme, but who cares? Even in GF3 when she sides with the rebels (who I always end up following as well), she doens't force you to switch sides if you are loyal. She asks, and pleads to your better nature. On the subject of serviles driving themselves mad to get magic (yes, it was a while ago), well, this just further proves they are determined to be equals with humans. Don't humans sometimes do the wrong things for the right reasons?
  15. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: Red or blue would do more damage than purple in real life. I like this logic My favourite spell was Healing. I didn't like traipsing to town to recover health.
  16. Gah. Of course, of course. I'm sorry. I'm tired, which isn't an excuse, I know, and just a little irked at other stuff.
  17. Okay, lets split hairs. Me: Quote: I imagine that the spells last longer, and are possibly stronger, for example blessing might give +4 to hit at level one, and +6 at level two. You: Quote: For some statuses, higher levels equal greater strength. In most cases, such as blessing, protection, and so forth, it just increase life-span
  18. I think Kel inadvertantly gave away a lot of my beliefs in his post. I sort of see the serviles plight as that of slaves. So I tend to play Awakened. The first play through, it was unintentional, and I played as I would in real life. As for the "inferior" and "small-mindedness" of the serviles... well, I point you to Learned Darian.
  19. Quote: Originally written by Nioca: For some statuses, higher levels equal greater strength. In most cases, such as blessing, protection, and so forth, it just increase life-span Which is basically what I said. Sometimes you have to read your post long and hard, and think about whether or not it adds anything new, or relevant, or interesting. If it dosen't, you probably shouldn't click the "Add Reply" button.
  20. Version 8 is the minimum I think. Also, for some reason, BoA needs I.E version 5 or above. I found this out after reinstalling Win98SE.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Nioca: It makes the spells more potent, but other than that, it has no effect. Umm... THAT is the effect Vespucci asked about. I imagine that the spells last longer, and are possibly stronger, for example blessing might give +4 to hit at level one, and +6 at level two. All this is based on theory though. I haven't extensively tested this out. Slarty may have though...
  22. Ditto. The last one was around 7ish GMT right?
  23. What kinda time was it? I fail to remember... Needless to say I'll probably attend regardless... The only reason I didn't reply earlier was because I may have been working.
  24. Another idea, during the testing of AGB, a few people got unhandled exceptions because of graphics files... If BoA is being pointed to a wrong custom graphic, or if there are duplicates, as Salmon said, then the whole edifice comes crumbling down.
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