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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. That would make sense, but now recall the sticky politics between the Tower of Magi, the King, and (especially) the Council. Given that it is given to the Castle shortly after Erika precipitated the Empire War, it's not surprising they didn't want to give it to the mages.
  2. That is definitely one of the tougher parts of the game. I found summoning spells (used repeatedly when my summons died) to be very helpful in that fight. The wight (or ghast, something like that) was especially great as it could stun him as well as deal damage and soak up damage. However, I wouldn't be embarassed to set the difficulty level lower for that fight, given that you never get the chance to come back and try later on.
  3. Unless I'm mistaken, Infiltrator equipment existed before the class did.
  4. Plague! The normal kind, not the monster variety.
  5. Just as long as Rentar-Ihrno isn't behind the ice age.
  6. I have said this before, but I am extremely suspicious that stealth has the same effect on mines that it does on hostile creatures. They use similar scripts, and this would explain why people have different experiences with that pair of mines.
  7. If you got the orders for Fort Haledon, you dealt with the evidence as well, I think. Either way the orders are all you need. IIRC you have to talk to a sequence of people in Ft Haledon to get the assault to happen.
  8. You may as well go get the Orb first, especially if you already cleared most of Kothtar. Caffren's quest is intended to be the easier Crystal Soul quest, I believe, so you might do that first; but first get the evidence from the Vahnatai Fort in the chasm-filled area north of Avit, and show it to the Council. The Teleporter quest is involved, so I usually rescue all three Crystal Souls before doing much of it. Assassinating Garzahd, of course, can and should be saved for last. IIRC, Sulfras has the Onyx Scepter (you gave it to him in Exile 1) and you can retrieve it after you free him.
  9. After a pleasant chat with the princesses. —Alorael, who can only say that it has been concession enough to give up the pseudomonikered pseudosignature.
  10. Originally Posted By: Statistically Significant PDN Slarty's been pretty close to daily as well for a while. Everyone steals my gimmicks. —Alorael, who suppose it can't be helped. If you're going to have four gimmicks you're going to have to learn to share. I resent that accusation! At the time I began changing my name, there were a number of members who shuffled theirs regularly. I remember trying to decide whether "Butt Paladin" or "Fulgorous Ziggurat" was more inspired. You also weren't the first member to change your name regularly, though you may have been the first to change it on an approximately daily basis. So I didn't steal the gimmick from you, and it isn't your original gimmick, anyway.
  11. *facepalm* Well, since it turns out this question didn't need to be answered in the first place, and we have moved on to more colorful commentary, I guess we're done here.
  12. You know what's kind of funny? When two people in the same room have a conversation over email or chat. You know what's even funnier? When one person has a conversation with himself over email or chat.
  13. No. Go work on the other wiki (the main one). Sucia Archives never got off the ground. But then, I'm rather surprised Ackrovan didn't fill you in on this, given how much he's contributed to multiple GF wikis.
  14. THOMASINA: When you stir your rice pudding, Septimus, the spoonful of jam spreads itself round making red trails like the picture of a meteor in my astronomical atlas. But if you backward, the jam will not come together again. Indeed, the pudding does not notice and continues to turn pink just as before. Do you think this is odd? SEPTIMUS: No. THOMASINA: Well, I do. You cannot stir things apart.
  15. I believe the Sholai explicitly state in one of the later games that they are waiting and watching and intentionally not taking sides.
  16. I dunno. Given Jeff's reasons for taking demon-summoning spells out of his games, I have a hard time believing he'd intentionally put a Hitler comparison in there.
  17. Originally Posted By: Azuma Velius Sure it's not an actual "RPG" but the essence is still there. What does this even mean?
  18. I'm pretty sure it's command-click. On macs, right click typically substitutes for control-click, which is why it doesn't work on items.
  19. Originally Posted By: Hasted Sloth "Sacraments"... Granted, there are only three characters total... the Lufia series does this, or at least I and II do. This isn't what I'm talking about. Lufia 1 has 4 characters, and they never leave, they only join (well, except for GIANT SPOILER). Lufia 2 does have 7 characters, but three of them join early and (almost) never leave, so it's basically just 3 characters plus 1 rotating slot. FF4 has 12 characters, all of whom come and go at numerous points in the game. The main character never leaves, but he does undergo a complete class change a third of the way through that turns him into a different character as far as gameplay goes. The party you control presents a dramatically different play experience from quest to quest. That's what I'm getting at. Phantasy Star 3 does this as well. You play over multiple generations, where the characters who appear differ depending on who gets hitched in preceeding generations.
  20. It still affects to-hit and dodge chances at 2%/pt. I don't remember whether or not the 10-cap applies to that anymore, probably not in G5 as it was removed almost everywhere.
  21. Jeff did make essence investment slightly cheaper in G5. It's still rarely worthwhile. The one exception is if you are using a very cheap creation at very high levels. The essence cost to buy a few levels of strength for a cryoa, in particular, can be worthwhile at very high levels only. This is less useful for clawbugs since the damage doesn't scale up as quickly.
  22. Yes, that first mention is a reasonable system too. What I really prefer is a system in which your abilities change in response to story events, but I don't see the need for your abilities to only grow. Losing character abilities doesn't make much sense, of course, but losing characters makes sense, as much as gaining them does. This allows the game to maintain a high level of variety and interesting battles without having to constantly scale upwards. There are plenty of JRPGs that use the "start with 1 character and lots more can join along the quest" theory. There aren't a lot that have people come and go, though. FF4 is the only one I can think of that employs this mechanic exclusively. (As a result it's also one of the few JRPGs I've ever seen that whose continuity is not completely undone by the question, "Why can't all of us fight at the same time? Then killing the evil demon king would be really easy!")
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