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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. They don't increase, and unless you are a real min-maxing munchkin powergamer, you are correct.
  2. Commence bad xkcd parody: - Are you coming to bed? - I can't. This is important. - What? - Something is redundant on the Internet. Seriously, CM, you are complaining about redundancy on the Internet? Have you gone totally bonkers?
  3. I didn't vote, but the question was ambiguous enough that some people may have interpreted it as which _webspace_ to keep and agreed with your idea to move the wikispaces to barred.ermarian.net. I'm just saying this is a lot of fuss over nothing. The wikispaces wiki has had 6 edits in the last 30 days, 5 by the owner and 1 by Ackrovan. It is sustaining itself, sort of... But, it is not growing exponentially, it is not in need of new organizational schema, etc. I just note that you're not volunteering to do this yourself, you're basically asking other people to put in the time. I'm just saying, as a third party, I don't see the return-on-investment... why bother moving it? Regardless, it probably does make sense to copy the one page with actual information on barred.ermarian.net (my user page & user talk page, IIRC) and get rid of the subdomain.
  4. The poll system SEEMS great, but it has some ugly features if you want to include multiple questions. One big problem is that it's impossible to make people respond to a set of questions at once, which totally ruins anything resembling data integrity when comparing different questions. On the flip side, if you are trying to respond to multiple questions at once, it's very annoying to have to repeat (click your answer, click submit vote, wait for it to load, scroll to find the next question) X times instead of just clicking an answer X times and clicking submit vote once. --- In retrospect, it was clearly a bad idea on our part to attempt to be organized, since nothing ever happened. Hindsight is 20/20, eh? That said, I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to accomplish here, CM. The wikia only has a few low quality articles, all written by one person, and Sucia Archives has none. Right now the wikispaces wiki is the only real Geneforge wiki. They seem to be doing a reasonable enough job with it, so I'm not sure what moving it to Aran's space would do except - create more work for Aran - create a lot of work for whoever moves the content - put Aran in a potentially awkward situation given that the wikispaces wiki "owner" is banned on SW Really the simplest thing to do seems to be to tell the one wikia contributor about the wikispaces wiki.
  5. You're right -- it was 99. I was misremembering my own research. I still think that's a pretty weird cameo for an actual employee. I would suspect the name referring to some relative of Linda's she was making fun of, rather than her personally. Jeff mentioned at some point that a lot of the less plot-integral writing was done by Mariann or Linda. I'm not sure if that was true as of 2001, but it's a possibility. At any rate I'm leaving it in the suspicious section.
  6. I did see that. It's certainly possible, but it just seems like a really weird reference to me. Linda had just started working for SW while G1 was being written, I believe, and that seems like a weird and unflattering cameo to welcome somebody with. I'll add it to the suspicious category, which I should have before.
  7. Added those - anyone else have opinions about Vermeers?
  8. Bloodmoon, is there anybody else there with a name from the same source? Jeff has tended to pull 2 or more names at once from books, TV shows, etc.
  9. You won't be happy when you see the fight involving the 500 Doomguards, then.
  10. Dok, this thread is headed in a very bad direction right now, so you might want to elaborate on your question if you want it to have a happy life.
  11. Well, up until said all-out war, Avernum's solution was to exile them to the Abyss.
  12. Random -- Spellcraft costs A LOT more than Battle Magic for Agents in G1. I forget the exact amount, but it's something like twice or three times as much. Edit: Angelic -- it's cosmetic.
  13. I beleive you need to have asked someone else about the toadstools first, possibly the cook in Egli.
  14. More to the point, exploitable imbalances and bugs are two VERY different things.
  15. It is a bit confusing. Some stats use the 10-cap, and some don't. If a stat doesn't use the 10-cap, it gives the same effect for each new point, whether it's an extra die of damage, chance to parry, improved resistance, whatever. If a stat does use the 10-cap, its effect increases at the following points: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 26, 29 Basically, you need 2 points for a bonus after 10, and 3 points for a bonus after 20. Hence the "10-cap" because often, combining with naturally increasing skill pt costs in G2 and up, it becomes much less useful to buy more of that skill after you get to 10. But, skills are treated differently in different games. In G1, ALL skills use the 10-cap. Their skill point costs don't go up, though, so it's actually quite a cool system. In G5, I believe that NO skills use the 10-cap. I am not 100% sure about this, but most at least do not. In the games in between, it varies, with G2 and G3 applying more 10-caps and G4 fewer. I know Fire Shaping and the other shaping skills apply the 10-cap in every game except G5. I believe the same thing is true of Parry and Quick Action. Hope this helps. Edit: Thuryl, there are DEFINITELY other 10-capped stats in G2-4.
  16. Mehken comes and talks to you regardless of what you did with her earlier.
  17. Hey, I never said the game was easy! The beginning is particularly difficult; your health is so low that with the permadeath, it really requires picking up a good understanding of how to survive in combat. It is definitely a game that _requires_ save-and-reload, at least in a few places.
  18. Golgolath, I think you stepped in a little deep here. You're addressing matters of preference as if your own opinion is going to be shared by everyone. To give one example, I absolutely can't stand the Avernum dialogue system. I could elaborate, but that's not the point; the point is that's my opinion, and this is a question of opinion. Both dialogue systems do what they need to do. Dismissing somebody else's preference as "nostalgia" while suggesting that the game you like better is actually "better" or "better made" is self-centered, to say the least. Why is it so hard to believe that somebody else might genuinely enjoy different things, or care about different things? A few other points. In a CRPG, ideally, fighting should be fun in and of itself. If fighting isn't fun, and the only reason you do it is to grind towards some kind of power-up, it begs the question of why you are playing a game whose main modality of play bores you. Finally, you say that in Avernum "the game world is massively larger and fully fleshed out." I don't know what you're talking about, but it's wrong. The fact is that the game text in Exile and Avernum is almost exactly the same, and game maps also correspond almost exactly. A few optional dungeons were changed (and in very rare cases, added) between Exile and Avernum, but the "game world" is not "massively larger" by any stretch of the imagination. It's almost exactly the same, just with different graphics.
  19. Besides which, the existence of the Vahnatai implies the existence of spaceships. I mean, they look just like the stereotypical thin glowing aliens that were all over pop culture in the mid 90's.
  20. This sounds like another good time to plug Jewel of Arabia, which had a realistic and balanced implementation of a PC elephant.
  21. Yeah, but he's a stereotypically violent black guy being chased after by law enforcement, so it's okay.
  22. You have to actually ACCEPT the "quest" to check out the assassin's room, after Astoria suggests you do so. In other words, you have to choose the dialogue option that says "Yeah, I'll go look" or whatever. The option appears immediately but for some reason a lot of people seem to skip past it.
  23. Originally Posted By: Chr1suf And the part with human as base form for the battle alpha and beta (as they are advanced alpha) was put there too. (not sure about the thahd was listed too as it really a long time ago but it was somewhere in the game.) Heustess definitely says that many creations came to be by experimental shaping on existing animals and men. I'm not sure it says that is categorically true of all creations, though. Clois does say she thinks serviles are shaped humans, but she's not sure. However, I don't think there's anything about battle alphas or betas being shaped from humans. It's certainly a reasonable conclusion to draw given their physical form, but I ran several searches of the G1 dump, including for "battle alpha" and "human" and found nothing linking the two.
  24. What he actually said, BlueRivets, is that he *can't* do anything about it. Given how quickly he has been working to get out patches on other PC graphics problems the past week, I think it's pretty clear that if there was anything he could do to help you, he'd be doing it.
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