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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Originally Posted By: Abhishek Sometime y didnt u neglect it. By the way, this is a good example of a sentence that is totally incomprehensible. "y" for "why" and "u" for "you" are just annoying, but even understanding those, it's impossible to tell what you meant here.
  2. Well, you listed the Divinely Touched bonuses for the first 3 characters but not the 4th one, and you specifically labelled "racial bonus" on the 2nd PC while not listing any racial bonus on the 3rd or 4th. What exactly did you expect us to think?
  3. Dare I ask what traits the "mage" has instead of Divinely Touched or Natural Mage? I notice the "priest" and "mage" both look to be human, as well.
  4. Huzzah! The simple start: 1. Make a shaper. Put all your skill points into Magic Shaping, at least until you get to 10. After that put points into Intelligence. 2. Dash for the Testing Hall and obtain Create Artila. Make a bunch of Artila. They will be overpowered for the first island. You don't need to put points into Int, they will work fine without it. 3. But, don't do the entire first island, just dash for the required zones and move on to the second island. 4. There, dash for Create Vlish -- I forget where it is, but FAQs should help you out there. Absorb the artilas and make a bunch of Vlish. Again, no points into Int, you can add those later if you desire. I also recommend getting the Create Vlish canister on the island ASAP, and once you have enough essence, replace 2 or 3 Vlish with Terror Vlish. Terror Vlish don't terrorize in G3 but their missile attack is poison-based instead of magic-based, which is extremely useful against certain enemies, like Gazers. Depending on how the numbers work out and how early you get Create Vlish, increasing Intelligence before you have 10 in Magic Shaping may be helpful if it allows you to create more than one vlish a level earlier than you would otherwise. (Remember, your creations get 3/4 of your XP with no scaling, ever, whatsoever, in G3.)
  5. The TV Tropes page claims the concept "dates back to the Zelda series" but I don't think that's true. It's a clear reference to the "second quest" in the original Legend of Zelda, which is indeed accessed in the same way New Game+ is typically accessed. However, it's not a New Game+, it's essentially a New Game in a different scenario.
  6. How exactly do carriage returns make things any harder for the computer?
  7. "Replace in all open files" is definitely not the same thing as batch find, and in Jewels' case the quantity of files involved makes opening them all impractical to say the least.
  8. Originally Posted By: Trottoisie GREP TO THE RESCUE! batch grep, specifically. Look for a Windows text editor with batch find and grep functionality. I'm sure one exists.
  9. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel ...but it still doesn't make sense that it does two different things depending on who it hits... Originally Posted By: Tri-Consonantal Rout Why not? Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel I'm just saying it doesn't make sense. Not to belabor the discussion, but I really am curious why it doesn't make sense.
  10. Why not? Anyway, the point is it's that way for a reason, whether or not you like the reason. By all means create a new special ability that does what you're suggesting, but leave the old one; somebody might have used it as it was intended.
  11. Divinely Touched is very different in A1-3/BoA, and A4-5. I'm not so sure about the first category, but I think it just gave a slew of bad abilities. In A4-5, however, it gives: A flat 20% armor bonus +1 to Blademaster, Magery, and Sharpshooter at level 1 An additional +1 to Blademaster, Magery and Sharpshooter at every multiple of 4 levels Thus, at level 36, you can expect +10 to Blademaster, Magery, and Sharpshooter. That means an extra 10 dice of damage with every attack you make. In comparison, if you don't take it, you might have an extra 2 levels worth of experience, which translates to 10 skill points, and a small fraction of additional HP and SP. Divinely Touched is orders of magnitude better than not taking it.
  12. In the US, that would fall under fair use. However, in the US, you also can't copyright an ancient epic that you personally didn't write. You'd need to look into Indian copyright law, clearly.
  13. This happened to me in a previous game. Did you use any cheat codes like "exitzone" or "backtostart"? They can sometimes cause this. Nobody has ever found a solution other than restarting, I'm afraid. Jeff will reply to your email though, give him a day or two.
  14. Does India's copyright system allow an epic of not entirely known authorship, penned at least 1600 years ago, to be copyrighted by someone today?
  15. The intention is a curse, so that makes sense. If they allowed you to heal any targetable PC for far fewer action points than spells consume, they would actually be quite a good item.
  16. I think it's clear that many people find your lists to be invaluable, probably including untold numbers of lurkers.
  17. Actually, I think that's a hit. Marie-Cecile Vidican teaches at Princeton Day School, which is not far from Rutgers, where Jeff went to grad school, and where he was when he wrote Exile 2. MOREOVER, look at this link: link The book mentions Marie-Cecile Vidican, and the author (Tom Means) also mentions his wife, Aimee -- not the most common name. Okay, this is a real stretch and could easily be a coincidence. On the other hand it would explain how Jeff would come into contact with a high (?) school teacher. Edit: Also, Jeff said that Aimee was a colleague at Rutgers, so this fits perfectly.
  18. Actually, I think Synergy is onto something, or at least sort of. We know that Jeff's playing habits have changed and that in the past decade he's spent time playing WoW and Planescape: Torment and the like, whose atomsphere-mechanics do reflect changes in society, and little (if any) time playing classic RPGs. It makes sense that his own games would reflect that shift.
  19. I don't know about anybody else, but I am sick of giving you advice when your response is to 1) tell me I'm wrong about things that are in fact correct and 100% proven 2) ignore other advice, despite claiming you appreciate it Basically, I don't see how I'm being helpful, meanwhile you argue, argue, argue, in posts that are hard to parse, and you talk about how great a player you are and how your incredible skill means you don't have to listen to good advice. Well, most of the advice you will get from is already recorded in Strategy Central. Just read those topics if you want it. Sorry to be harsh, but this is the truth.
  20. I think there were some cursed arrows made at some point designed to heal instead of hurt, without making that explicit. So I wouldn't call that a bug either, just poorly advertised.
  21. This is a normal, widespread problem as Dikiyoba said. It has nothing to do with this forum software. The problem is that many e-mail clients, whether or not they are browser based, have trouble with links whose addresses don't fit on a single line -- something that applies to the majority of email verification links. Copy and paste the link into your address bar and it should always work.
  22. If your character's spells are missing frequently, you probably haven't invested much in spell skills anyway. If you are an Agent/Infiltrator/Sorceress, you should remedy that immediately. If you are a Guardian/Warrior/Shock Trooper, you should probably be casting few spells anyway.
  23. What, they don't call it backstabbing anymore? Lame.
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