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Everything posted by VCH

  1. VCH


    mr. Slarty abused it to a high degree
  2. VCH

    3000 Posts

    I have 3,000 posts and It only took 10 years!
  3. VCH

    Jeff Talks Forums

    Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity "Random [doctoral] students and post-docs" who show up at conference talks ARE an extremely self-selected audience. Any of them who might actually interact at all with the speaker, even much more so. Yeah, can't imagine he gets many ecology postdocs asking questions, or anywhere near the building the talk is in.
  4. Be fully prepared for the 80 km Ultramarathon I'm signed up for on March 6th in the Copper Canyon Mexico.
  5. Originally Posted By: Withering Ice I think a lot of the problem is just the narrative. In practice, scientists have a question, then perform a couple of experiments, one of which kind of works and one of which fails entirely due to errors or incorrect equipment or sheer difficulty. Then the scientists are at an impasse and don't know how to do something, so they call a bunch of colleagues and fumble around with some more experiments that are largely irrelevant in the meantime. Some of those give interesting but unhelpful results; others plant the seeds of future work. Colleagues call back and propose an elegant experiment that the first scientists don't have the equipment to perform, but they approximate it with something similar but not quite right. At this point, the grants are running out, so they publish what they have. That's a really messy story to tell. It's not even an acceptable paragraph! Thus, science writers explain that scientists had a question, performed experiments, and got a result. Open and shut. —Alorael, who likes the retrospective neat and somewhat incorrect version. It's much more encouraging than real science. And the research is never abandoned due to budget cuts. You don't get funded unless you propose something that is possible, and is worth doing. Scientist that are just fumbling around certainly aren't getting funded, or at least they shouldn't be. But there are a lot of file-cabinet studies that never get published even though the "failed" experiments themselves are important pieces of information. I think this gives the impression that scientists just do one experiment and everything is revealed from it.
  6. I'm close to 3,000. And it makes me awesome.
  7. VCH

    Secret forums

    Does the Mod forum still live?
  8. I'm reading an excellent ecology book titled THE SONG OF THE DODO Island Biogeography in and Age of Extinctions by David Quammen I highly recommend it for anyone that has an interest in the major problems facing species on Earth.
  9. What's so bad about Mississippi State? The thesis appears to be qual;ity work.
  10. Thanks. I thought you were a professor in the USA.
  11. I paid in cash, no loans. Oh and don't you have access to the ProQuest database through your university library SoT?
  12. Do you have free access to the ProQuest Thesis Data-base? Do you attend Mississippi State University? If yes to one or both, I would appreciate it if you could grab a pdf copy of this thesis and send it to me at c.roberts.reynolds@gmail.com Thesis title: The dynamics of trematode infected and uninfected Planorbella trivolvis in commercial catfish ponds Author: George, Barbara Ann
  13. Does Jeff only want the power-gamer type for the Mac Beta?
  14. VCH

    After two years...

    While reading over the wiki entry on Tintin in the Congo I found this gem. "When the album was to be published in Denmark and Sweden in the 1970s, the publishers objected to a scene on page 56 of the colour book, in which Tintin blows up a rhinoceros with a stick of dynamite." lol OMG
  15. VCH

    After two years...

    Oh my bad I see Snowy now. But why isn't the dog getting a ride too. Tintin should be ashamed. Oh and check this pic out: Tintin returns the favour
  16. VCH

    After two years...

    I wonder where Snowy is?
  17. VCH

    After two years...

    How is that pic racist? He's in another country and the people happen to be carrying him. I would assume he paid them to "drive" him around.
  18. VCH

    Happy Turkey Day!

    Originally Posted By: Rowen Its been snowing on and off since Monday where I am at. I had to walk to work in the snow today because driving is just to hard due to the roads never being plowed. Oh come on, winter driving is awesome! It's the only time of year I wouldn't hire a driver (if I had the money to do so). Get some good winter tires and have some fun out there. Nokian makes great tires. edit: if you live in a big city with loads of traffic then yeah winter driving will suck, but in smaller towns the roads are empty enough that a slip here or there isn't lethal.
  19. I was going to apply but then I thought to myself why would I want to play a unfinished game? And besides I have my hands full renovating my home.
  20. My cat would appreciate an increase in the lemming population.
  21. isn't beta testing like, work, or something
  22. Seriously, you guys know people that use coins to make decisions, OMG
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