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Everything posted by Aran

  1. I'm not paid enough to delete posts on demand. The most I'll do is obscure the error by making it much more confusing. —Alorael, who is well on his way to becoming everybody.
  2. That's what beta-testers are for, obviously.
  3. Quote: Is this Plot Overcliche? Okay, so I'm using demons as my major enemy. Question answered. Quote: The way I have it set up, the Demons have a pretty political situation set up, and have found a ballance of power. Sort of done before. Demon, by someone I didn't remember but now see is Khoth. However, one piece of prior art doesn't make a cliché. You could yet pull it off in an original way. Quote: pull a Dorothy, and kill one of the Demon Kings unballancing the whole thing... This one's new, I think. (I'm not sure if something similar happened in Demon; the demon who greeted you was killed almost immediately, but I don't think he was a very significant character.) It sounds more original than most demon-related scenarios, all in all. Good luck!
  4. I'm quite sure that this has been discussed earlier, but I can't find the archived topic. So far I've believed "Slithzerikai" to be the plural of "Slith". However, groups larger than one Slith are sometimes referred to as "Sliths" (a debased form by humans, I assume, much like "Troglos"), and a single Slith as "one Slithzerikai". So is Slithzerikai its own plural (much like Vahnatai), and the "Slith/Sliths" form is just an abbreviation by humans? -- Edit: And while we're fact-checking the Wikipedia entry anyway, can someone please confirm that a "Slithzerikai Goddess" was actually present in the game, and that this goddess "requested" the adventurers to slay Thsss-Sss?
  5. Aran

    UBB code links

    Alternatively, if you have disabled Javascript or taking your hands off the keyboard to click the link button takes too long, you can type [ url=http://www.link.com]link text[/url]. Without the space, this becomes link text .
  6. Most travel was by boat presumably because GF1 and GF3 were set on islands. This, of course, is because it is far easier to have an isolated map with clearly defined borders when it is surrounded by water (or mountains, in case of GF2). There was a BoE article complaining how most scenarios are set in valleys or on islands. I forget what alternatives it offered, though...
  7. Inflated ego + bad spelling = noob, I fear. One or the other will have to go. It was the spelling for me.
  8. Eph, obviously everything is cooler if it's "Apocalypse such-and-such". It's like "of Doom". The Knowledge of DOOM!! See?
  9. So far, Dark Wyrms (upward of 4-5 of them) are the only thing besides TM-created monstrosities that are still a challenge for my highest-level party. Once it gets to 7, I need to restore a few times to get all my characters to come out alive.
  10. I'd have to say the most boring monster is the doomguard. Why? If you've slain one, you've slain it a hundred times! HAHAHA!
  11. I think this ought to be in Tech Support. On that note, if you do need to reinstall and unlock the game again, you can email Jeff to ask him for a new code. You probably need to tell him what credit card you used or something, but I hear he has no problem with giving out new codes as often as you need them.
  12. Haven't read the story yet, but I would like to add that combat is a very poor substitute for a real story. The less you use of it, the better. Of course, philosophical musings are not much better. Scenic description ranks a bit higher, and dialogue is probably the most important of them all.
  13. Yes, I'll get to that as soon as I'm home from work (1 hour or so).
  14. I fixed the thing so that it now validates as an RSS feed (there were some problems before). Google sometimes takes a while before the feed is updated - any web aggregator does. Also, I don't know any service that sends you email updates for any RSS feed you enter - FeedBlitz does, but only once a day, which is extremely slow for Spiderweb. But Thunderbird, Firefox and Opera can all parse a feed.
  15. You cannot. UBB doesn't have this feature. However, I made an rss feed once that allows you to see the latest replies on a certain forum or topic. You can put it into any feed aggregator (http://reader.google.com and http://www.bloglines.com are two good ones; Opera and Firefox have built-in tools for this) and receive notifications whenever new things are posted.
  16. A pitiful substitute for his key role in E3. With slime pools ceasing to be terrain vulnerable only to Fireball, Jordan Bojar lost all his game significance. Edit: Except for letting you find out the location of the slime pit. But the Fireball thing is gone.
  17. Name, link and author please? This I have to see...
  18. What is the use of getting somewhere you were never meant to go? Of course, an explorer's spirit can get you far in real life, but did you think you could somehow slip through the cracks of Jeff's plot design and enter a part of his game he never made?
  19. The first thing Spiderweb teaches new members is how to have 3-4 conversations at the same time, in the same thread. On that note, I'm very eager to see how your website plans will turn out, Meeshka.
  20. Tyran, you did host it on the public webspace for a time, but that's not what I meant. Also, regarding content restrictions I'm afraid to say I see no significant difference... Compare: Quote: SPhosting.com (yours) Member's Web pages cannot contain or provide links to: · Nudity, pornography, and sexual material of a lewd, · Lecherous or obscene nature and intent or that violate · Local, state and national laws. Websites must contain NO POP-UPS, POP/GO-BEHINDS or EXIT POP-UPS. Members can however have advertising banners on their websites. All websites must be written in ENGLISH, any website found to have non-English content will be removed. ... Any material that violates or infringes in any way upon the rights of others, including, without limitation, copyright or trademark rights; this includes "WAREZ" (copyrighted software that is distributed illegally), "mp3" files of copyrighted music, copyrighted photographs, text, video or artwork. If you don't own the copyright or have documented permission to use it, don't put it on your site at Sphosting.com. Any material that is threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, indecent, or otherwise objectionable; this includes posting other peoples' private information. Content that promotes, encourages, or provides instructional information about illegal activities---specifically hacking, cracking, or phreaking. Any software, information, or other material that contains a virus, "Trojan Horse", corrupted data, or any other harmful or damaging component; Hate propaganda or hate mongering, swearing, or fraudulent material or activity; Quote: Websitesource.com: All services provided by Website Source Hosting may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any United States Federal, State or City law, or in violation of the laws of any country, is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, trademark, intellectual property, material we judge to be threatening or obscene, material that advocates or calls for the commission of crimes or civil harms to any person, group of people, corporation, country, or any entity, or material protected by trade secret and other statute without proper authorization. The subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Website Source Hosting from any claims resulting from the use of the service which damages the subscriber or any other party. Pornography is prohibited on all Website Source Hosting servers. This includes sites that may infer sexual content, or links to adult content elsewhere. Website Source Hosting will be the sole arbiter in determining violations of this provision. Also prohibited are sites that promote any illegal activity or present content that may be damaging to Website Source Hosting servers or any other server on the Internet. Links to such materials are also prohibited. Examples of unacceptable content or links: * Pirated software * Hacker programs or archives * Warez sites Any illegal activity, including adult content, links to adult content web sites, spamming or hacking will result in your site being shut down and all your files deleted without warning. Website Source Hosting will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. (the funny thing is that I am in Germany and host my website in Texas, whereas Tyran is in Pennsylvania and hosts his in Australia. Truly, we live in a global age...)
  21. Quote: Originally written by Meeshka: Don't think that n00b way of me Still, thanks for the advice. I guess, if Ermarian fiction finds some sort of support in army of Avernum fans, I'll think over a creation of a web resource. Sorry. It wasn't meant to sound disparaging. It's just that I've learnt by now not to take technical skill for granted. Thuryl: Would this be the Tharma you meant? If so, then I can almost guarantee that if the fiction was ever posted on Spiderweb, it's not in the archives - nothing by #352 in there. Edit: Before I forget: I've been offering to host several members who were looking for an ad-free webspace for their Spiderweb sites (only Thralni has taken me up on that so far though). If you do set up that web resource and need a host (would be a subdomain of ermarian.net), just ask.
  22. That is what he meant, I guess, since that it what it is intended to be. As for your other suggestion - there has never been a need for a centralized place for Ermarian fiction, since there isn't a whole lot of it. Scenario and graphics archives have sprung up like mushrooms around Spiderweb, but stories aren't very prevalent here. For easy web publishing without requiring too much technical skill, I suggest http://www.blogger.com .
  23. To be honest, if I got a .dmg file from anyone, I'd be baffled as to what it was, let alone what to do with it. Some kind of encrypted file? Does dmg stand for "damage"? "Database migration"? "Doubtlessly mysterious GIF"? Do I try to open it in a Paint program, or is it an executable? Of course, I'd use Google or Wikipedia, but still, I would be totally bewildered for a few seconds...
  24. Oddly enough, if you'd searched the BoA forum you would have found a rather mediocre attempt I finished back in November last year. It is at least related to the game world (the main characters are Vahnatai and Nephilim), but it takes place in a remote, pre-human past. As far as fan extensions to the world go, the scenario designers of Blades of Exile had some kind of consensus (that turned out to be a lot less consistent once one started asking deeper questions though...). At some point, there was an ongoing BoE-based roleplay called "The Arena" which became the origin for a lot of Ermarian lore (including the name Ermarian). Also, Drakefyre has a theory of all sentient life having been created by the Vahnatai. Finally, there's an attempt going on to combine these extensions (along with regular game canon) in a kind of Encyclopedia . Oh, and welcome.
  25. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: One of the reasons the vahnatai are so cool are that they are alien, the other. Maintaining the Vahnatai's coolness is something of a lost cause, I would say. There are some other people who would agree. In response to the original post: Quote: There should be an option for vahnatai player characters. There should be an option for non-Vahnatai villains. Edit: That said, I would find it very cool if the Vahnatai culture had a little more light shed on it in future games. That, or just phase them out. You can't keep something permanently mysterious; you'll have to either get around to actually explain them or risk them becoming a mere plot device. A kind of villain-ex-machina.
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