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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Wait. I thought it was 1900 GMT. I can try to be online.
  2. I can make it either way (1900 or 2100). Eph and Thralni, it seems that you're currently making the boundary for the window - Eph said this coming Saturday is tricky (I assume that's why you want it late on Saturday), while Thralni is asleep by 2100.
  3. I also prefer le week-end. And I'd prefer March 8/9 or March 22/23 rather than March 15/16 (exam revision on this weekend). If it's not a weekend, then I can try to be available after 2000 UTC and before 0400 UTC. Not guaranteed though.
  4. I should add that even Vahnatai Creationism in its accepted form does not posit any link whatsoever with Geneforge or Shapers. It merely claims that the Vahnatai did, at one time in the remote past, dabble in biomancy(?) and created the Nephilim, Slithzerikai, Humans, Chitrach and several other species, which culminated in their displacement from the surface in a rebellion by those same species. The parallels to Geneforge are (while unlikely to be accidental) completely meaningless in character.
  5. Yet I sense Drakey smiling upon it. No, it's not game canon. It's not even mentioned as sub-canon on EE (because Relhan & Drakefyre is mentioned but not actually described), although it is linked to as an external resource.
  6. Just a heads-up due to everyone re-releasing their scenario without spaces in the filename: The bug was supposedly fixed, so that scenarios with spaces now work just fine. If it's still not working for some reason, there is another unknown bug, and if you actually encounter it I'd like to hear more. Thanks.
  7. I'll do it. It just won't be for a while, thanks to college stuff. If you schedule the chat at a time that is practical for me (weekend or 2000 - 0600 GMT) I'd love to participate. I would like some ideas on how the rating system should work.
  8. I think I fixed it. If you notice it happening again on a scenario you know you tagged, tell me. Also, I've fixed the spaces-in-filename issue. Note for the future: The dirtiest hack is more effective than the best attempt to document or educate the user on what input does or does not work.
  9. I haven't seen "bad" in any grading system at school; the worst was always "poor" or "insufficient". I have seen it in a rubric for marking the condition of a library book, though - the scale went "New", "Excellent", "Fair", "Poor", "Bad". Apparently saying that a student is bad would be rude, but the library book doesn't mind.
  10. (Sorry, still no edit button.) Also, observation: The masterpieces of TM and Kel are noticably more controversially rated than those masterpieces designed by others. Also controversial (but medium on average) are the works of Jeff Vogel.
  11. I like this chart a lot. It also makes me wish there was more data - more dimensions as well as more votes...
  12. I'll fix it as soon as you get rid of that message with my name in it. Honestly, how often do I need to say this? I can't display these errors without the name showing up. Switching off the error messages will make it a lot harder to fix bugs, but apparently that's the only way I can protect my privacy.
  13. With any luck, the release of Drupal 6 will soon receive a good deal of online publicity. However, if you are wondering when it will be deployed on the Blades Forge (currently on the Drupal 5.x CVS branch), the answer is unfortunately not very soon. Firstly, I'm waiting for the CCK and Views modules to be ported - those are two hugely popular addons that the Forge is using to provide all those content types (Graphics, Scenarios, Scripts, etc.) along with the overview tables to search the site. Secondly, there is a good deal of smaller contributed modules that will take some time to get ported. Thirdly, I've written tons of custom code myself, which won't be easy to update for the new API. And that doesn't even count the five core "hacks" (/~username URLs, say) I've had to place in the code in order to get it to do what I wanted when writing a module was not possible. In short, expect the entire Ermarian Network to be on D6 before the Forge is, and expect it not before July. But I will work on it soon.
  14. Quote: That's easy to explain, but tough to fix. - I use Views to show graphics and scripts in tables. These are shown with a brief description . - When adding the "body" field of a CCK node (which all of these are) to a View, this body field will include all the other fields of the node (thumbnail, script source, etc.), which would look stupid in the table. There is no way to access only the text of the node. - To solve this, I make the View show only the teaser of the node, and make CCK hide the other fields in the teaser. - The result is that the front page (also showing only teasers) will display very little information. - To solve /that/, I replace the front page with yet another View that shows the entire node. The end result is that the front page displays full nodes, and ignores teaser cut-offs. I have a few vague ideas how to work around this, but haven't yet tried any of them. By fixing a bug in the Views module , I have been able to get rid of all this mess. The front page now displays teasers as it should.
  15. Sorry, not reproducible. I logged out to make sure, and see all avatars at their new rescaled size - yours is working too. Have you tried clearing your cache?
  16. Nope, not really. The relative times are deeply in core, and can't be replaced. Also, Nikki's avatar was 450x450. Beat that.
  17. It was very You, to be sure. (And part of the reason for the mass rescaling, admittedly...)
  18. Quote: Originally written by Nick Ringer: It isn't dynamic; my game says you suck regardless of actual skill ... But you still suck. You deserve a prize. Or a lynchmob. Or both.
  19. Policy 1: Avatars are now limited to 80x80, scaled on upload. I know that gigantic avatars can be fun, but I think this is a pretty sensible limit. Policy 2: Avatars are only displayed next to comments or blog/forum posts. This will avoid collision with the complex scenario page template, and clutter on the "utility" nodes of graphics and scripts.
  20. Also, I have just realized that in adding avatars to the forum, I have wreaked monstrous havoc on the front page by placing avatars there too - including Nikki's, in all its full-page glory. I'll have to cut down those sizes somehow, and probably remove them from the front page to improve load times.
  21. You are using a space in your file name. I spent all evening yesterday trying to work around it, then I tried to run a bulk rename on the site that removed them, but when neither worked, I gave it up. Take out the space and you get an avatar.
  22. "Parsing error in eval'd code" errors always mean that I made a typo while entering code in a dynamic template, that I noticed it a few moments later, but you had the misfortune of loading the page in the two minutes before it was fixed. --- Also, Although the forum is almost assured to remain empty forever, at least it now looks a bit like a forum and less like a blog trying to dress itself up as a forum. Many thanks to Michelle for the advanced_forum module.
  23. Quote: Originally written by Jeran Korak: The intent means nothing, its the principle. The only principle Jeff and any sane owner of intellectual property adhere to is "don't rip me off, and I won't rip you off". Don't let the mafia scare you into thinking that all copyright is evil.
  24. Done. This page lets you assign groups to certain users, and nobody will be able to edit anything until you assign the contributor group to their account.
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