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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Not to be discarded, actually. The cost is about 15 dollars per year. On one hand, it would be possible to get that back with Adsense, on the other I don't know if placing ads on a reproduction of Jeff's intellectual property is legally sound.
  2. I will gladly provide hosting and occasional tech support, but would like to leave the administration to someone else as I have played far too little Geneforge to contribute any content.
  3. Also, use some detective work. All of the titles contain non-alphanumeric non-space characters. Apparently I need to expand my regex.
  4. Joyous day! I contacted Support about the slow server. At first they tried to give me their 101 "you lose for using shared hosting but you can get OMGDEDICATEDSERVER for so cheap" pitch, but when I quoted them the server's load stats of between 25-50, apparently they saw sense and fixed whatever caused it. The upshot is that my Drupal sites are now lightning fast, loading in under 1 second in many cases. I'm very happy, and I'm glad I switched to DH. I doubt this would have worked so quickly with my last host.
  5. No it's not, and in fact no longer the case. Thank for the alert.
  6. I'm getting pretty irked about this. I'll contact support this evening to see what's happening on the server. If it's my fault, I may have to slow down PPP archiving which could become a real burden when the forum is very active.
  7. All this takes me back to '94 when I began to learn Logo...
  8. It's been a busy weekend, but I've managed to fix things up. Slight change of plans: To avoid confusion, please use the newly created "Resource" type for anything that isn't actually News. Allowed extensions now include zip and several more. Edit: Also, since I hadn't mentioned it here yet: http://blades.ermarian.net/lyceum/csr Updates once a day.
  9. - "Talking" added to BoE graphics categories. - "Graphic template" added to News entry categories. Just tag it incrementally. Enter tags, press "Add", enter more tags into the now empty field.
  10. Policy question. They're not intended to be viewed in the browser, so I wouldn't necessarily class them with graphics. I could make an extra type for "miscellaneous resources". Or, since I established precedent with that chatlog, you could attach the xcf template to a news entry. I can add another category besides chatlogs - "Graphics templates" - that it could be placed into.
  11. You know, if the site suddenly does something it doesn't normally do, this is almost always because I am working on it at this very moment. The next time this happens, you can find out pretty much immediately by messaging me on AIM (RealArancaytar), while leaving this topic for actual bug reports.
  12. IRC takes two clicks, no local installation. Or one local installation and browser at all. Take your pick.
  13. Oh, ceterum censeo: Is there a reason besides tradition why we eschew the use of IRC in favor of AIM? Just a general question. It's no problem for me personally (although you'll see Arancaytar42 instead of RealArancaytar in all chats), but you would be surprised how much more convenient it is for AIM users to join an IRC network than for non-AIM users to register at AOL.
  14. Quote: various issues between the Lyceum and the Forge That sounds almost as if there was some kind of conflict that I didn't know about. (No, really, I don't intend to compete; more to cooperate.) I'll be there. I can currently be online at any hour, so 2200 local time is no difficulty.
  15. The backup reverted everything, including my failed attempt to process the bulk. That means the bulk is listed once more. I've fixed the other problem and in the process also set up the testing site I should have made long ago. On this testing site, I can go nuts with developing the bulk uploader, so it's entirely possible that it will work soon. It could take up to a week, though.
  16. Here's the situation: The table that handles scenario releases is one of the tables managed by the Content Creation Kit module. CCK is stunning in the simplicity with which it allows creation of custom content types and fields, but also amazingly complex in the way it manipulates the database. For some reason, on the last unannounced "clean-up", triggered when I installed a new module, CCK decided that the content type "Scenario release" was corrupt, and deleted all references to it without warning. I spent a bit of time restoring various tables from backup (2007-12-25), but the corruption only got worse with some new tables and some old. I put the site in stasis to get some sleep, and when I looked at the problem with a rested brain this morning, I realized that at this stage the database was BORKED. So it has now been completely moved back to the state of two days ago; the last action was Nioca's creation of Across the Treshold. Backups will be made twice a day from now on, if that comforts you.
  17. Come to think of it, I could let graphics have a reference to related graphics. Scenarios already let you link to graphics and scripts used.
  18. The error message in your post. The one I already PM'd you about? Nioca: I'll try to fix the scenario selection issue. The released-status thing is a problem with updating the field that I'll have to fiddle with. Finally, making the graphics support multiple sheets would be so unbelievably nasty in terms of spaghetti logic that I won't (tagging, etc.). Either a sheet is so closely related that you can upload it as a single image, or just make two separate graphics - the archive isn't showing signs of overpopulation. =)
  19. Please take it out, like Nioca did. -- I've traced the release-form bug to a simple boolean logic error. Code: if (on_a_release_form OR on_a_review_form AND NOT scenario_selected) In my advanced state of mental exhaustion while typing that code, I forgot the parentheses around the first two to ensure the precedence worked correctly.
  20. If you acknowledge the gratuity, why use them? Just asking.
  21. Muting error messages in the production version will make it rather difficult to track bugs, but seems inevitable in retrospect. Also, I haven't been able to find the release bug yet. I'll take another look at it when I'm more rested.
  22. Bug fixed. Now please remove the error message so that the page stops being broken and Google stops connecting my real name with Spiderweb. Edit: Unfortunately, the bulk graphic feature is terminated until further notice. It has repeatedly failed to function in any predictable way and wreaks complete havoc on the database every time. I will need a completely isolated development and testing site set up before I can continue work on this feature, and that will take a lot of time. Until then, graphics have to be uploaded individually.
  23. Technically? Under ten seconds. Actually? Directly dependent on how often the batch job runs. Never -> forever. There's a problem I haven't yet fixed, and until then the batch job can't run. --- On a positive note: Scenarios are now filtered by released state. By default, unreleased scenarios are hidden in the list; they can be shown optionally. Actually showing whether or not the thing is released is right now a different matter. Edit: And this different matter is also solved. The CSS rule that does it is a thing of beauty. Code: .view-field-node-data-field-released-field-released-value { display:none !important;}td.view-field-no + td,td.view-field-no + td + td,td.view-field-no + td + td + td,td.view-field-no + td + td + td + td,td.view-field-no + td + td + td + td + td { background-color:#fed;}
  24. I wouldn't normally, but I meant to do this for weeks and finally can get SSH+vi to work again without a two second lag for each letter (yay for broadband internet!). It took a bit longer than I expected, but then I started later than I said, and I fixed a minor WTF in Drupal core along the way. Edit: And because I kind of silently implied that - user registration is supposed to work now. If you still get trouble, yell on AIM; I'll be around.
  25. I hope I can be excused for spending the beginning of the vacation first catching up on my sleep deficit and then helping my family with the decoration, dinner, so forth. I promise that I'll have registration working in about 6 hours from now.
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