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Everything posted by Aran

  1. The votes have been cast, and the site is to be named Sucia Archives, reachable on barred.ermarian.net . Slarty and Diki will be the official maintainers of SA*; questions to webmaster at barred.ermarian.net will reach all three of us. A block on anonymous editing has served EE well in maintaining accountability, so the same will be on SA. Account registration is open anyway. *That's the SA on the Ermarian Network, not to be confused with the less well-known site Something Awful.
  2. Internet access has been sporadic the past days, and will remain so for a week. I'll try to get it set up some time in the next few days, though, if I can.
  3. Quote: Encyclopedia Ermaria Quote: Encyclopedia Ermarian Encyclopedia Ermariana.
  4. We haven't specified an end for this poll, but we can probably close the deal on the site name today. Sucia Archives appears to be the most popular by far, with all other options receiving negative votes. Since the relative majority in the domain name question is a closer call I move for a run-off regarding the domain name, offering the choice between barred, geneforge and sucia. Also, can we hold the final poll in public? This issue seems trivial enough that voter protection need not trump ballot-stuffing prevention...
  5. Not only is Piperbot my familiar, but he is also who relays my posts from the Ermarian Network to the Central of Irony, which is Barred to me.
  6. Correction (damnit I need to get Piperbot to edit posts soon): NSWiki is at http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/ .
  7. After I'm done installing MediaWiki, the first part would be building the site. You and Slartucker would set up the structure, write its front page, conceive of the categories for articles, etc. For the benefit of new users, some help pages on how to search and edit would probably be good too. After that's in place, administrating (other than contributing yourself) basically means checking the recent changes page regularly and making sure that nobody is being a twit or a spammer, and telling them off or blocking them if required. A lot of the help pages can be copied from EE. You can also take a look at the real Wikipedia and another fan-site called NSWiki (NationStates) for some pointers.
  8. (The following is a vote, not an arbitration. I'm not deciding this, you guys are. ) "barred" is not really descriptive; not even in the loose way that the non-encyclopedic projects on the Ermarian Network are codenamed (Pied Piper Project, The Grand Endeavor...). You could get away with this domain if you called the site the "Barred Archives" or the "Barred Encyclopedia", but neither really sounds like much. A non-descriptive name is more okay if the name has some "identification" value. PPP is somewhat symbolic and shortened to a snappy TLA. Endeavor is historic. Moving outside Ermarian, "The Louvre" and "The Lyceum" are awesome. "Sucia" is descriptive, and I can't think of a single name containing that word that doesn't flow off the tongue.
  9. In other news, 10 is now accepted as a valid CSR score, which means the previously missing 6 masterpieces are now included. Code: - '/^ *([A-Za-z0-9,:\' -]+) - ([0-9](\.[0-9]{1,2})?) (\(([0-9]\.[0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]\.[0-9]{1,2})\))?$/'+ '/^ *([A-Za-z0-9,:\' -]+) - ([0-9]{1,2}(\.[0-9]{1,2})?) (\(([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9])\/([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9])\))?$/' I am looking at recognizing empty rating threads so I can link to those too.
  10. At this point, an actual poll might yield more useful results than this. I have included both popular options. Please note that if the majority really does desire it, I would not be opposed to a less intuitive name like barred.ermarian.net, sucia.ermarian.net or, er, "essence.ermarian.net". I do personally prefer to have the x.ermarian.net namespace largely uncluttered and logical.
  11. As discussed in another topic , the Ermarian Network is expected to expand into Terrestian territory by launching an encyclopedic wiki that will hold information on Geneforge and its world - in essence, the Encyclopedia Terrestia. We're not yet sure about the domain name.
  12. Good, it wasn't meant negatively, even though it may have sounded somewhat ambiguous on reflection. And your advice is taken with double-plus approval, assuming Dikiyoba accepts.
  13. Regarding in-game politics, see NPOV . Regarding the setup: If you have a consensus, I'll put it up tonight. What was the choice of domain name? geneforge or terrestria? To make sure that this works without my supervision, I'll draft Slarty and one other contributor for Sysop duties. Please don't volunteer unless you really have the time, and please note that without clear public opinion or Slarty's most strongly-worded advice (and Slarty has some strong words when he advises ), I'll pick.
  14. The error appears to have been one-off as I can manually restore the scenarios. As this is my mistake, I'm going to go through the affected scenarios tonight to give them the proper ratings as set in their binary files. A Good Beginning El Presidente Embers of Rebellion Kill Them Dead Kingdom Hall Roses of Reckoning The Nephil Search: Escape Where the Rivers Meet Sorry everyone, especially Nikki and Thralni seeing as most of these are yours. =P
  15. More's the trouble; about half of all submitted scenarios have lost their taxonomical classification (content rating, game platform). I have no idea how that happened. Looks like I'm going to be debugging for a while.
  16. ... yet. Would the existence of such a thing be an undesirable result?
  17. Sorry Thuryl. As consolation, they're more of an embarrassment to me than you - after all, #3870 is mine. That's right; I left and returned with a multi account to defend myself in my absence. I wasn't any better than the lowest noob. I hope I've grown a bit since then. (And yeah, this was the other topic. Encyclopedia Ermariana forever!)
  18. There are all of two topics that I really wish to retain on Blades of Avernum. This is one of them... (And no worries, my Nanowrimo is not the other. I can imagine that that one takes a lot of space.)
  19. My concern is that if the project is not separated clearly enough, its scope will eventually become biased toward one or the other of its goals. Should the OOC be mixed in with the IC? Below it? Above it? Hidden in a spoiler tag, even? Or vice versa?
  20. Quote: Diki: I guess I'm still thinking of a EE-type project--a unified information source for everything we know about Terrestia and Shaping--rather than any gameplay stuff. Quote: Nikki: Seconded. I'd seen it as more a place to go read about Sucia Island, for example, than a place to find out which kind of sword was best to beat Monarch, or whatever. Quote: Slarty: I do think it would be nice to be able to say "The Guardian Claymore provides a +2 Strength bonus" rather than "The Guardian Claymore enhances the physical prowess of those who wield it." Wait, wait. I'm beginning to see that what we have here isn't one idea, but two. Would there be a point in creating both a Gameplay and a Story project? These could be very well integrated - for example, such that the IC and OOC pages of the same article - "Guardian Claymore" link to each other in the sidebar or as a tab. Or if that is not a good idea, the portals could be separate and only loosely related - being on geneforge.ermarian.net and terrestia.ermarian.net, respectively. Any ideas?
  21. It is a pity. But I suppose the name "Homeland" carries too great a curse.
  22. That's easy to explain, but tough to fix. - I use Views to show graphics and scripts in tables. These are shown with a brief description . - When adding the "body" field of a CCK node (which all of these are) to a View, this body field will include all the other fields of the node (thumbnail, script source, etc.), which would look stupid in the table. There is no way to access only the text of the node. - To solve this, I make the View show only the teaser of the node, and make CCK hide the other fields in the teaser. - The result is that the front page (also showing only teasers) will display very little information. - To solve /that/, I replace the front page with yet another View that shows the entire node. The end result is that the front page displays full nodes, and ignores teaser cut-offs. I have a few vague ideas how to work around this, but haven't yet tried any of them.
  23. Aran


    Indeed. WinME is not an operating system any more than friendly fire is friendly. It is barely a system, at that. Yes, platforms are easy to get used to. But there are some that you can live with once you get used to them (I've been with Windows XP for most of my life even though I'm a Linux fanboy nowadays, and my home computer boots XP by default), there are some that are just unhealthy habits. You're not doing yourself a favor by sticking to ME.
  24. Apparently I only changed the default and did not see that the "authenticated user" role used another setting that overrode the default. Silly. It should function now.
  25. I checked and couldn't find out what was wrong. Could you quote the error message (removing file paths if they exist )? The only problem I could possibly see is if your file is larger than the 4 MB limit. I've raised that to 6 just in case. Also, new features. - Next to the CSR score and rank that is already displayed on scenario pages, there is now a link directly to the corresponding topic on the Lyceum. Besides convenience, scraping the data without advertising the origin just would not be polite. - Below the scenario, a list of the topics that reference it (by full name, in the topic title, correctly spelled) in forums 7, 15 and 18 is displayed. This list is pulled off PPP and cached for a day because of the long time it takes to process PPP searches. I was planning to add a post search (with even longer caching times), but that will have to wait until PPP's post search stops sucking by searching signatures. Scenario titles are listed in signatures enough to render the search useless.
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