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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. In this case it means better and stronger. Really ur- means original or earliest, but in usage it has come to mean extreme or outstanding in a general sense. For example:


    1983 Sunday Tel. 13 Mar. 14/6 Russell Hoban is an ur-novelist, a maverick voice that is like no other.

  2. ... until the next rebellion.


    I too favour the Shapers for game purposes, but I was intrigued by the Trakovite ending, which pointed the way to an eventual resolution in Geneforge 5. Given that, and what Jeff said earlier, it's pretty clear that in Geneforge 5 the PC will be given the choice over whether shaping itself should be allowed to continue. I'd say probably not.

  3. Quote:
    Only a handful of spells actually had their effect change significantly from level to level. Most spells simply increased in damage amount and/or number of targets in a way totally indistinguishable from the increase that already occurs by gaining PC levels and increasing your magic-related skills. At best, you could argue that there are maybe 50-55 spells rather than 40.
    My point was really that a lot of the Exile trilogy spells are duplicative. Consider:

    Minor bless, strength, bless, bless party

    Minor heal, heal, major heal

    Scare, fear, repel, group fear

    Stumble, curse, holy scourge, curse all, holy ravaging, ravage enemy

    Now in Avernum this can all handled through a single spell by altering the number of targets and base spell strength.

    In Avernum in addition, related spells are more often brought together, for example cure poison, cure disease, cure acid are all in a single spell. There is an all-purpose cure mental effects spell in place of separate spells for cure dumbfounding, cure sleep, cure paralysis, cure terror, cure charm. Bind foe is another example of a composite spell (unfortunately, since this means you lose the ability to web foes if you allow this spell to improve).

    Admittedly Exile had a few extra useless spells, and the magnificent series of wall spells, but in the final analysis Exile and Avernum do have similar numbers of spell effects, it's just in Avernum you access them through fewer spells.
  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Sarasaphilia:
    Rebel ending-no canisters: You die.
    Shaper-no canisters: You become a General.
    What? In the rebel ending, you become a general and lead a troop in the rebellion. Meanwhile the war goes on and no one really wins. The rebel/shaper endings are basically the same, but with the PC on the other side.
  5. I think the main reason the number of spells reduced so dramatically was the introduction in A1 of spell levels at 1, 2, 3. With the need to make each level of a spell different there were in effect 120 spells rather than 40. Remember, many of the spells in Exile series were of the form slow, slow group, slow and curse, slow and curse group, etc. In A1-3 this is now handled by 1/3-1/2 as many spells.


    Of course Avernum 4 has changed that, with its Geneforge-style spells system (but smaller number of spell circles) where levels don't mean much. In A4, there could in fact be more spells as a lot of effects aren't available to the party at all, or are only available through potions.

  6. Who has tried to run a game using entirely disposable creations (pyroroamer, unstable thahd, etc)? Jeff has introduced so many short-lived variants this time, I assume he intends it to be a viable strategy to create a few unstable creatures just before each battle.


    I suppose this would work well with a PC type who is capable of surviving on their own for a while when their pets are gone. So Warrior or Shocktrooper?Any experiences?

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