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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. One could have a lot of fun with this. I for one would like to see the following cheatcodes:


    • unlockalldoors: this is self-explanatory
    • turretsdie: all turrets in the zone spontaneously combust
    • shortcircuit: ditto for pylons
    • weedkiller: ditto for shrubs
    • clawbugsgalore: randomly fill the zone with clawbugs; good source of xp
    • obsessivecompulsivesort: automatically sorts all the items that are lying about around untidily into neat piles of like items in tidy rows near the zone entrances, ready to be carted off and sold by the PC
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by The Mystic:
    Actually, I think Trajkov is as insane as your character, maybe more; it just doesn't show as much in the game.
    Hmm, let's see, it doesn't show in the game. So basically, you have no grounds whatever to say that and you've made it up :p

    Sorry, but I think the whole thing about Trajkov is that he is a stronger character than the PC; he can cope with the power of the Geneforge while you -- a mere apprentice -- cannot.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Randomizer:
    Batons reload automatically in combat. I think you could go into fight mode when there is nothing around and target something with it to get it to reload, and then hit escape to cancel.
    I don't believe that works. When there is nothing around there is no one to target, so...

    GF1 and GF2/3 differ in how batons reload. In GF1 you always lose an attack turn when you reload. In GF2/3 you still get to attack when you reload.
  4. Well I used a heck of a lot of canisters on that game...


    For clarity, the ending I describe says that you "didn't complete all the tasks Zakary set you". Actually I did, but I didn't go back and tell him so. As Randomizer said, you must report it to the proper person, so bureaucratic.


    Anyhow, I'd never seen this ending before and was somewhat narked to see it now, considering all the services I had rendered to the shapers.

  5. I just found that even if you kill Barzahl, Tuldaric, and the three Taker Drayks, and destroy the Geneforge, you still get the "unfinished ending" (the one where you get executed).


    Apparently destroying the geneforge doesn't count as finishing the game unless you go back and tell Zakary you did it. How bureaucratic; nothing is done unless the paperwork is completed.

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