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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. I assume you are talking about your save games; therefore system restore won't help at all (it doesn't backup the entire file system, just the operating system components). Unless you actively took steps to back them up, they are gone forever. But - this is a perfect excuse to play all the games again. Rejoice!

  2. He's in the southwest quadrant, in a stone building next opposite the merchants (who all live in wooden buildings).


    If you enter Zhass-Uss from the west, it's the second building on your right. He's a grumpy servile who looks like a guard.

  3. They're in Rocky Point. From Dillame, go west one zone (to Dillame Fields), north one zone (North Illya Woods to) and then east one zone (to arrive in Rocky Point).


    Edit: If you go back to Rocky Point and you've definitely cleared the area, just try every conversational option with Lilly, including asking for the quest again (sometimes that's the only way to access the dialogue).

  4. Nice movie.


    You did get a second strike there - you can clearly see the two numbers scroll past when you hit the golem (65, 71). However you only had one attack - in order to get a second attack you will need more action points (APs). So make sure you aren't encumbered, wear stun-resistant gear, and cast the speed spell or use a speed pod.

  5. For the record, Geneforge 4 is great.


    Now that's out of the way, I seem to have encountered a small, probably inconsequential, bug. I'm in the Dillame Fields, I have exited the zone to the west, and I've also crossed the bridge and been down to the Purity Workshop B. But I have NOT yet been to the north boundary of Dillame Fields. However when I exit the zone E or W, the map shows the next zone to the north (North Illya Woods) as being available to me.


    Has anyone else encountered this? I've never seen it happen before in GF1, 2 or 3; you always have to exit the zone in a particular direction before the next zone in that direction becomes available. I therefore assume it is unintentional in this case. Anyway it would be interesting to see if anyone else can reproduce this.


    Edit: Just noticed a second curiosity or 'feature'. Normally you can only exit a zone when your creations are standing near you. However this doesn't seen to apply if you change zones using a door/stairway rather than the mauve zone boundary. I am currently in the Purity Workshop B, I left my creations by the control panel while I explored and dealt with the traps (creations tend to walk where they oughtn't). Then I found the door to the Warded Sea Caves, clicked on it and was immediately taken to the next zone and reunited with my creations. They were teleported to the other side of the zone without having to negotiate the traps! This reminds of the Exile end-combat feature, where you could often take a small number of party members past an obstacle in combat mode and then hit end combat, and the other party members were magically warped there.

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