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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. Places to buy mage spells in the demo:


    Your best value option appears to be Sara in Shayder, her prices are pretty average.


    Also, Arion in the Inn of Blades sells them, but they are expensive.


    Erika also sells early mage spells, although her prices are exorbitant. She's in Upper Avernum. You can reach her if you found her rune in the slime pit.

  2. Q: When is the game coming out?

    A: Not soon enough.


    To my knowledge, Spiderweb doesn't usually give an actual release date; the game will be ready when it's ready and that's when it'll be released. In the past we sometimes were told which month (and experience shows it could come out on the 2nd of the month or equally the 29th) but that's as precise as it gets.

  3. Bah, don't apologise, the search function is pretty useless at the best of times. Not only that, but since a certain recent piece of sabotage, searches have become even less reliable.


    Also, you do get a certain amount of credit for being French. In fact the genius combination of croissant and coffee for breakfast gives you a LOT of credit in my book. Mmm, croissants.

  4. I don't think the E1 character editor has that option - there's only leave town, which is not much use in this particular case. Unfortunately there's no Word of Recall spell in E1, either.


    However, having looked at that screenshot I see a not unfamiliar situation, which I've encountered myself and out of which I managed to get. I'm confident the eyebeast will move around if you wait. Try resting; you have plenty of food.

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Spidweb:
    The main action point change is that you can now attack when you have any action points left.
    Yes! Everyone in the street must have heard me cheer when I read that.

    That removes the single thing that bugged me most about geneforge. Makes GF4 sound a lot closer to being the perfect game.
  6. The only problem I have with range is accidentally clicking next to a character rather than on it, wasting action points by running around, which is my own stupid fault.


    The hints about Geneforge 4 have been very encouraging. It sounds like it will be an excellent game.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Nioca:
    Generally, if you make a creation once you get the ability, by the time you get a third level in that creation, your current creature will be stronger.
    Interesting. Your rule has been my exception. When I play as a Shaper I pump shaping stats early and I can use all creation types as soon as the ability becomes available. I frequently get to the third level ability before my earlier creation has leveled more than a couple of times, and so the equation works the other way. So many different ways to play...
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