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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. Yeah, there are no games where you can set up a shop or run your own guild or most of that other stuff. And Avernum 4 is surely the spidweb game that's least like that, out of all of them.


    As Dikiyoba and Randomizer, Avernum 3 may be your best bet - the world changes over time, usually in the form of getting worse, but hey. There's also a pretty day/night effect, which I like.


    I also like Geneforge 2, which has lots of factions to choose between, and a greater variety of endings than any of the other games.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Zeviz:
    That's because passive resistance works only against people with conscience.
    The point is not whether resistance works, but what methods are morally justifiable. Option 4 seems to me to be clearly immoral. Option 1 involves hypocritically pretending to agree with the occupying regime, so that's out as well. Option 3 is just as unlikely to succeed as 2 but involves violence. Therefore Option 2 is the preferred moral choice.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by The Mystic:
    He doesn't stay sane. His insanity doesn't show as much, that's all.
    You have an unusual definition of insane. Trajkov behaves in a sane manner (according to the game canon) yet underneath he is a fruitcake (according to you). Most people consider insanity to be when people are not in control, so aren't responsible for their behaviour. Trajkov is well in control, even after using the Geneforge.
  4. With the advantage that Retribution doesn't hurt allies, giving it a slight edge. I remember once casting Shockwave in Rentar's Keep in E3, forgetting that Erika was also in the room. Oops, now I have two insanely powerful magi trying to kill me...


    Edit: The A4 Retribution also has an edge over the GF version Aura of Flames, because the latter uses a lot of energy and can't be cast repeatedly. With energy potions, you can go on casting Retribution for as long as the potions last.

  5. Bump.


    OK, the Geneforge 4 Editor is now available to download here .


    Please can someone check this fairly soon, to see if the download works. It would be good to know straight away, while I still have time to put it right before the holidays...


    Edit: new link

  6. eztaren, it doesn't make any difference whether you've started playing the game or not, just leave town and then return again, and editing should be possible [assuming we can get a working version of the script].


    Tullegolar, it may be something to do with linebreaks. The original txt file is probably not equivalent to one copied and pasted from the web.


    If you e-mail me the script, as an attachment, I can host it. Send me an e-mail following the instructions at the bottom of this page .


    Just bear in mind that it is night time, here in the UK, and I'm about to go to bed; so it may be a few hours before I upload it.

  7. I was talking to Tuldaric recently (as you do) and the thought went through my mind, "he reminds me of Emperor Tullegolar".


    There's something not right, there. I need to get out more...



    They slowly perfect it, giving you clarity as it grants you the ability to see the world for what it really is. As your physical strength and powers grow, so must your mind in order to keep up with these powers. It gives you ambition, and a winning mindset. What good are the powers they give you if you do not have the will to use them? After all, why should you ever be talked down to by beings lesser than yourself?


    What you are seeing is the clarity that comes from my reshaping. On Sucia Island, we discovered devices that could change us, make us purer, stronger. And with that change came mental purity. The more canisters you use, the purer you feel, the less patience you have for the inferior. Such mental clarity is to be welcomed.

  8. Yes it doesn't make much difference, especially since there is a level cap in this particular trilogy.


    Personally I think if you are going to summon something, then it may as well be something good like a pack leader; it's worth spending a bit of time capturing it and there's no shortage of opportunities in Footracer province.

  9. I think if your hit chance is 90% and you can still miss 5 times in a row, then there is something wrong. Either Geneforge sometimes gets "stuck" when generating a random number, or there is some part of the engine that does not properly feed through to the percentages shown.


    Is it possible that the to-hit % is misleading for a similar reason to the armor %?

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