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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. Edit, moved to reply since Muffin has posted again:


    Oh I get it, you mean the lines that aren't links at all. They never were links, I don't think you should describe them as broken. A "broken link" is one that doesn't take you where it's supposed to. These ones aren't broken links because they're not links at all.

  2. I didn't like not having haste. Money is really not a problem in Exile/Avernum, but the need to waste AP taking potions in combat really hurts. Edit: In fact in practice I would rather fight unhasted, and then everything takes twice as long.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Spidweb:
    Forcing the player to start as the Anama would be a horrible error. It's a cool option (and yes, you can become Anama)
    I figured that was how it would go down, but I am pleased to hear you confirm it. I felt joining the Anama added an extra layer of replayability to Exile 3, very good to see it repeated in Avernum 5. Don't make it too easy to play without mage spells though, the player should definitely feel the pinch or else it's a waste of a cool idea.

    I agree with the other stuff, too.
  4. The game includes quite a tips in the 'instant help'. Read them the first time, then switch off the instant help forever.


    This should cover the basics like equipping weapons and armor and how to fight. In Avernum learning to fight is the most important thing to understand. The only danger you are in is getting killed by a lot of wandering monsters, there is little else you can do wrong, at least not early on.

  5. Indexing service can be disabled on a folder-by-folder basis from Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Indexing Options (make sure you only include folders you are really want to search, and not folders that change frequently like temporary internet files or your download space).


    As I said Exile seems to run fine on my Vista machine. Not sure what else to suggest; switching off sounds generally speeds things up. In E3/BOE you can additionally switch off the animated terrain, which makes a difference if movement seems sluggish.

  6. I haven't experienced this myself. Exile isn't officially supported under Vista, but I have had no problems with it. You could try running the games in WinXP compatability mode, that may help.


    Otherwise try turning off windows indexing service and adding the games to your anti-virus software's safelist (so the game files aren't scanned in realtime) as those are both likely causes of delay.


    Personally I don't think the looks of Vista are its biggest selling point. I find it claustrophobic and while I'm switching back and forth between XP and Vista, I much prefer XP. However Vista does have a lot of time-saving interface improvements and tighter security, so I guess in the end it will succeed.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Polydegmon:
    Actually, the vowel in the second syllable is pretty different, despite both being written with the same letter.
    Not the way I pronounce them:

    Barz - Al / Garz - Ad

    I must say it never occurred to me to say Barz - Arl before now. I doubt I ever will.

    Edit: Come to think of it though, my reasoning breaks down a bit when you realise that it's probably the similarity in spelling is the cause of my pronouncing the two names the same way (i.e. I knew the name Garzahd long before Barzahl)...
  8. I'm not sure about that; I think X is aiming to be able to summon an anvil at an appropriate height, not just move one from elsewhere. Otherwise the spell would be of very limited utility; if the spell relied solely on redistribution of existing anvils, there would be the danger that halfway between the initial height and the monster's head, another wizard would whisk it away again. Very unsatisfactory, in order to avoid this you would need to set up some kind of timeshare agreement on the anvils, but then the spell would only be available part of the time. Nope, summoning is much better. Unfortunately the existing spells only summon living creatures, not anvils.

  9. If you're playing a warrior, it's quite simple. To kill Matala, just clobber him. He will die eventually. If you always die first, go away and come back when you're stronger. The warrior game is quite straightforward that way.


    Edit: Personally as a Warrior I wouldn't use so many skill points on creations, I would have bought more endurance and parry.

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