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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Eluctable:
    Imagine. Imagine a world without haste...
    Joining the Anama in E3/A3 and playing without using potions (I use energy potions & dumbfounding cures, but ignore all the others) it's easy enough to get by without haste. You just have to accept that fights take a bit longer, that's all.

    Edit: I should add a qualifier that of course the GF/A4-5 engine is a different matter.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by The Ratt:
    I'm kinda wondering what happened to all his living tools. Unless the lock itself is the problem.
    The message "this lock is too complicated" means that you cannot pick it. Not using mechanics, not using living tools, not using the unlock spell. You have to find the person, key or lever that unlocks it for you.

    In this case, the person who unlocks it is dead. Which leaves two options: (i) use the cheatcode I posted; or (ii) start the game again.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by It hates Iffy:
    I pressed "shift-D" and typed in "sdf 170 14 1" (minus the quotes).
    Now, that's what I call plagiarism :p

    Edit: just to be crystal clear, that was a joke. This was one of Iffy's posts I actually didn't find annoying.
  4. I thought the Shaper Crypt was the hardest, and also my favourite.


    Being the first game in the series I didn't realise until later that it was supposed to be optional & the most difficult area in the game, so I kept on trying to do it when I first reached it. Playing as a Guardian my first time, it was truly torment.


    It is also has a far more interesting boss monster than all the sequels, although admittedly Danette is a bit wimpy compared to, say, the Titan.

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Safey:
    Good point about the shapers and drakons but, umm, do you see the drakons going on a organized genocidal crusade on humans because they have the potential to be dangerous?

    Geneforge 3 & 4 show quite clearly the Drakons are prepared to go to any length to kill the Shapers. For example killing all the students in the greenwood academy, because they might be dangerous in the future. And of course, unleashing the Unbound.
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Janitorial Closet:
    Hmm. Why do so many of you hate G3? What is wrong with it?
    This has been discussed quite a lot; have a look in the archives. Basically the problem is lack of originality ( Jeff actually admitted he got about 10 zones in, realized "hang on, I'm writing the same damn game again" - and then carried on anyway). This, coupled with the truly irritating boat travel and the comparative lack of options when compared with Geneforge 2.

    Actually there were a few good things about Geneforge 3, and I still enjoy playing it on some levels. However the sheer repetitiveness of the plot makes it suffer in comparison with other spidweb games.

    Edit: added hyperlink.
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