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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. Did you already have any living tools in your inventory? Because if so then you may have lost it.


    From Schrodinger's FAQ:


    In one of the cryoa nests on this level, you'll find a living tool that has X for its number.

    Notes from Alex:


    1. Most people carry living tools, in which case it's like 0 living tools - it

    simply disappears.

  2. I have been reading this thread for four days and only just realised what room you are all talking about. (Duh, me no learn so fast.) Anyways turns out I never entered that room in any of my games, so time for each of my characters to go and clear it out...


    The Lifecrafter finds this pathetically easy, his wingbolts and drakons escorts kill the shade in the first round before it even has a chance to summon its undead friends.


    The Servile gets in a good hit and is annoyed to see he has been slowed. However, as his first move was to mass energize his drayk pets, the shade still dies in the second round, before any of its friends gets a chance to act.


    The singleton Infiltrator casts two kill spells, shrugs off the attacks of the summoned undead, casts kill twice more; end of combat.


    The good thing about Tek's spectral dirk is that you can get the benefit of its defensive capabilities without sacrificing your attack effectiveness: by storing it in a quick use slot you can exploit a bug to get the benefit of the +10 damage avoidance without equipping it.

  3. This sounds like Avernum 2.


    For shielding L3 in the Tower of Magi, you need to give a black drake fang to Vincent. There are three quests for a black drake fang but only two fangs, so you need to choose wisely.


    For safe travel L3 in Motrax's Cave, you need to search for secret passages in the Magi clearance section (near Linda) and it's behind a magic barrier so Dispel Barrier needed.


    As for return life L3 in the Giant's Cave, first check you are in the giant's cave and not the village. The spell is in a box in a secret room immediately west of the giant's shrine in the NW corner of town. Try the far sight spell in the shrine if you can't find it.

  4. Back on topic, I am really glad that boats are back. I always said that the inability to travel by boat was just what made the Avernum 4 world seem too small compared to prior games. (Well I think I might've said it once.)


    And I'm pretty enthused about the lift screenshot, too. I always quite enjoyed the moving walls from E3...

  5. Some spore baton locations. Admittedly this is not game-changingly crucial info, but might save a bit of frustrating walking around.


    Blue Spore Baton - Eastern Checkpoint from Shaper Rutenberg with Leadership


    Blue Spore Baton - Secured Cross Roads, in NW shed as Randomizer said, except the baton I found was blue not green


    Blue Spore Baton - Rivergate Keep, box in North edge storeroom to which Alwan gives a key as reward for betraying safehouse


    Blue Spore Baton - Swamp Crossroads, NW in the bandit camp


    Green Spore Baton - Turabi Gates, SW behind some blue mines


    Green Spore Baton - Southern Grosch, NW box near nullity artilas


    Green Spore Baton - Rivergate Keep, SW corner, locked box in barracks (NY)

  6. Surprisingly, the download instructions in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS are there for a reason. Edit: I just re-downloaded the files and they definitely do not break the game.


    On the classless character, I think that would be dangerous. Try to be good at everything in Geneforge and you will die, a lot. Specialisation is very powerful (although you can have more than one specialisation, but not everything).

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