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Posts posted by Micawber

  1. I think I know the area you mean; in the SE corner, underground, one zone south of the Basalt Fortress. I've never got in there, and Schrodinger's walkthrough doesn't mention it.


    I strongly suspect it is impossible to get in to (Jeff likes to leave a few teaser areas that are impossible to reach, like that room in Dharmon in A1).

  2. It has been mentioned (in the Geneforge forum if I remember correctly, I think this affects not just BoA but other games too) and Jeff has patched the installer. Of course this doesn't help those of us who have a CD already...


    As you said however it is still possible to install the game manually by exploring the CD.


    Edit: Another wrinkle, if you want to be able to read the Exile help files on Vista you have to manually download the old version of windows help from the MS website.

  3. Athron has important info that you need later to complete a major game-winning quest. If you killed her, then you need to start the game over. That should keep you busy for a while.


    Killing Motrax is also not recommended. You will want him alive later on, to survive one of the other major quests. You can't take his treasure without making him hostile (well, not without cheating).


    Edit: If you're truly bored try the Avernum 2 or Avernum 3 demos.

  4. The link is safe it's purely a plain text file and can't hurt your computer.


    Just to emphasise what Randomizer said: before installing either editor, back up your scripts folder and keep it in a safe place, because you may not like some of what the editor(s) do.

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